Choosing between Photo Real or Comics?


Oct 22, 2017
Hi, i´m creating a story and need your opinion about two different kinds of images that i really like.
Do you prefer the real or the comic like ones?


01.jpg 02.jpg 03.jpg 04.jpg 05.jpg 06.jpg 07.jpg


08.jpg 09.jpg 10.jpg 11.jpg 12.jpg 13.jpg 14.jpg

Thank you for your help.
Any sugestions will be welcome. :):)


Active Member
Nov 26, 2018
definitely the realistic over the comic style. hand drawn art might go a different way but if you have realistically rendered images I don't see a reason to 'art them up'
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Jan 30, 2019
I also like the comic ones. Why don't do both? Give options for both at the beginning of the game (and to change it whenever you want with a button). Or make it an achievement to get the comic-look after you complet it the first time (or as another reward - don't know what kind of game it will be and what possible rewards you can give).

I compared them side by side. Some pictures are better in the comic-style while others I would prefer the realistic pictures. The blood looks better in the comic-look. But for the scenes at the beach I would prefer the more realistic ones because the comic syle seems to be a bit pale, like old photos that lied to long in the sun (but that's a general problem of this comic-style. But I also think most perople would see that only if you compare them side-by-side like I did).

And I think the emotions in the comic are simpler and more visible while the realistic ones are more differentiated. Best example is the last picture in the changing room.
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Oct 22, 2017
Thank you Riktor and Benji13
I really prefer the real over the comics too. Maybe i can use the comics with less color for the "memories of the past"
Cheers :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2018
If you're making a game then realistic. If you're making a comic then comic. The comic gives it a surreal - dreamlike quality making it seem not real thus taking you out of it.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
If you choose the comic style, then for it to works you'll have to take a comic approach for your game (if it's a game).

I mean by this that you'll have to transition between scenes and images like it would happen in a comic (like the 60's batman TV show, by example), and use things like split screens. Else it will looks good, because your samples are good looking, but feel totally odd.
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Aug 12, 2017
The comic version here, is kinda weird to look at, so definitely the realistic look.
I would normally say either works. I dont really have a priority there.
But here if thats the comic style, I would opt out of the game. I dont like the palette or the style tbh.
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Mr. Lemonade

Jun 5, 2020
Some of the screens from the comic style look really interesting, but it's very hit or miss. The realistic style looks like every other game, but at least there is consistency in quality. Most people here seem to prefer the real style so I'd go with that.
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Oct 22, 2017
Thank you all for your opinion :) I agree with you and i´m going to use the realistic style for the Comic.
To be honest, some of the renders were created for a game. But if i´m going to create a game or graphic novel i need animation in some scenes. I don´t have much time for that, neither experience to create something with quality to present. That´s why i´m doing a comic story, now, with what i have.

Cheers :)


Deleted member 986080

Kim Bora: "Somniaaaaaaaa!!!!"
Game Developer
Nov 2, 2018
In my opinion, and it's just my opinion, photoreal.
I mean, look at the photoreal freckles :D

(Nice renders btw, both comics and photoreal)
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Jun 9, 2017
The thing is, the photoreal version is what everyone and their (perverted) kid sister is doing for games. While the artistic version isn't necessarily a better choice, it does make it stand out from the crowd. So it can go either way. For a comic, I would actually say artistic. Comics already have text boxes which 'pull you out' of the scene. So a 'photoreal' version becomes worse, since you notice where it falls down much more.
I'm not saying either choice is better point blank, but the choices can be difficult.
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
I think the comic art style works best for people who are actual artists and want to show off their own original characters and drawing style. If you have something unique like that you're trying to showcase then that's when it really shines through. If it's a choice between taking the same asset made by someone else and either rendering it as a photoreal image or a more comic book style I think it almost always works better to use the photoreal option.

The other option where it makes sense to do a more comic book style is if you want the story to really feel like what you get in a comic book. Then that art style really makese sense. I like both personally but I generally prefer photoreal in most circumstances.
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Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
Hi, i´m creating a story and need your opinion about two different kinds of images that i really like.
Do you prefer the real or the comic like ones?


View attachment 687392 View attachment 687393 View attachment 687394 View attachment 687395 View attachment 687396 View attachment 687397 View attachment 687398


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Thank you for your help.
Any sugestions will be welcome. :):)
It really boils down to how you want to present it... You're going to end up with people liking both, so in the end it's what you enjoy the most, and not what a minority of the readers/players have to say (because most folks never even read or post anything about this stuff)... The ones you are calling Comic style is more of an Artistic approach, and because you are doing it with converted 3D Imagery, it appears somewhat unique in comparison to most other erotic VN/Games using standard 3D images...

Now, if it had been real images converted then I would have said it was a poor choice, as I'm not a fan at all, of converted real images in this industry... I don't even want to see real images at all in this industry, because if I waned real porn images there are literally millions upon millions of real porn images and vids already out there I could go watch or look at... And that is not why I enjoy this niche industry over the main stream porn industry...

As to the standard 3D images, they are pretty much this niche industries standard fare... It's what people are used to seeing, and the ones you present above are fairly high resolution looking, as compared to most (although that seems to be changing)...

The main issue I see typically with this industry, is the overuse of certain 3D Models... Sometimes there is not enough uniqueness to the models used from one developer to the next, even if things are slightly modified, they still look familiar if not the same (just with different hair in many cases)... Same goes for backdrops that keep getting used over and over and over again... And I understand that there are only so many DAZ resources made available through their website, but that's when you separate the Skilled 3D Modelers from the newer and/or less skilled Amateur 3D Modelers... Even though it is more time consuming, I find it much more refreshing when unique models and backgrounds are used, either created from scratch or so highly modified that you can never tell that the resource being shown was made from a pre-generated resource from the web...

It shows a higher degree of development skill and artistic expression when a developer makes his/her own initial choices without always involving others input in order to succeed... Input while being a necessity for growth, should still just be used as a tool for bettering ones craft, rather then externally driving the creative process... I hope that makes sense...

If I had to choose between the two, I'ld say the comic one was more creative and definitely more unique to most other imagery I've seen in this industry... Just don't do the same filtering with real images, as those tend to look kind of dorky and lazy most of the time...

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Oct 22, 2017
Hi, first, i want to thank you all.
More important than the images is a good story behind the . I can remember great comics and games with simple renderings or drawings but with a great story. That makes the difference.

I really aggree with you Zip, i,m trying to reduce the overuse of characters, environments or backdrops. For exemple, i´m using a real image from Google Maps in this scene:

And in this other scene i took a picture of the sky with my phone:


I like to use real images, with photos taken by me, and DAZ renders.


ps: Plug, that image is amazing.
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Well-Known Member
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Nov 16, 2017
Hi, first, i want to thank you all.
More important than the images is a good story behind the . I can remember great comics and games with simple renderings or drawings but with a great story. That makes the difference.

I really aggree with you Zip, i,m trying to reduce the overuse of characters, environments or backdrops. For exemple, i´m using a real image from Google Maps in this scene:
View attachment 689765

And in this other scene i took a picture of the sky with my phone:

View attachment 689766

I like to use real images, with photos taken by me, and DAZ renders.

View attachment 689779

ps: Plug, that image is amazing.
If it is presented well, and looks like the two merge well into one another (i.e. real source with 3D source), I say go for it... Even more so when it's original work and not something you grab from someone else...

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