VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Chubby Holidays [v0.5] [Chaixas-Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Chubby Holidays [ Final]

    After finishing Plump City and the sequel, the games explain that trouble always seems to find Jason. Wondering how the story all began, I went back two games to figure out what made the family so dysfunctional. The answer is simple - they always were, as were most of the people around them.

    Chubby Holidays is a train of intimate moments strung together by a twisted family intimacy. Your dad is abroad working hard to make money for the family. His wife - your stepmom - has needs and you being the man of the house - she makes a move on you while you are sleeping. This awakens some sort of hedonistic urge in you where your only goal is to chase the women around you for intimate acts. You’ll corrupt some of them, while others simply offer them to you without good explanation.

    While the main plot of the game is steady enough, conversational dialogue is a mess. You will understand what characters meant to say, but in most cases it’s not written well or just downright uncharacteristic. There is virtually no story progress other than the women you get to lay with and the fact sex is offered so freely makes it a silly story rather than a compelling adventure. I have no idea why this game is called ‘Chubby Holiday’ when a title like ‘Chubby Chaser’ would be more fitting.

    You’ll piss off a few men along your adventure and it makes for a good setup for ‘Plump City’, where Jason gets sent off to his mom in order to start a new life. Because after playing this game, you will understand why your dad couldn’t have you sticking around much longer. The story is too silly to be taken serious and purely here to connect the different intimate scenes into a longer rollercoaster.

    Render quality is average to good. The developer took most of the time for rendering intimate scenes and it shows, as there are a bunch in Chubby Holidays. Although the renders aren’t placed within a room, but rather placed over the image - the poses and angles work. Although there is variation in women, I would have liked the game to explore a bit further. The special attention to detail in the outfits worn by the women is appreciated, as you will not find two outfits that are similar in this game.

    This is a visual novel with a few choices, which either allow you to get dirty with a woman or to skip the action. That’s not really a choice, is it? Unless you are not interested in a certain scene, you’re always better off picking the intimate route.

    Chubby Holiday is the start of a franchise and you can definitely feel how developer Chaixas has grown in the meantime. This game misses much of the charm introduced in later games, along with quality control and improved story writing. There are only two reasons to play this - either you want to know the origin of the story or you are into big women. Other than those, there’s no real reason to go back to this game right now until it gets updated.

  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This appears to be Chaixas Games' second installment and funnily enough, it appears to be one of the better ones. The english translation is only marginally better than their first installment but because of the Visual Novel format this doesn't impact the gameplay as much as you're not left stuck clicking on every single pixel on the screen to progress if you don't know what you're supposed to do.

    The choices appear to only affect the immediate outcome of each scene and the game is oppressively linear, but again, the Visual Novel format makes it work and it has as much freedom and player agency as can be expected.

    I am very happy to see a porn game with a better variety of faces and bodyshapes. This game could probably be improved by giving the player the choice to opt out of pursuing specific characters and sex scenes for those players who don't like a character for whatever reason, but I personally would have not taken those choices since I liked all the characters and scenes that I saw.

    4/5 - Could be improved by adding more opt out choices, would definitely be improved by a better English localization
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Awful game.

    The English is very bad a lot of errors and it gets very annoying.

    The story is trash you fuck chubby/fat girls end of story.

    The gameplay is just click some choices that don´t matter.

    The characters are all boring looking and have no personality, the main characters is a ugly cuck, he watched the other girls get fucked or giving blowjobs so many toiimes and even like that I hated that.

    The sex scenes are not animated and boring.

    The only girls in this game are chubby which is just unrealistic without explanation, there could be some other girls with not chubby body types but thre character says something like I only like chubby girls the problem would have been fixed for me then, but the waxy it is in this game is just trash.

    Don´t play this game only because it filles in a missing gerne.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Lit Dark Age

    Story (3/5): It's feel a little bit forced some scenes with the female characters but at least looks like the story feels continuous, it doesn't feel the difference between different versions

    Gameplay (3/5): It's the game where you take desitions, i appreciate that it has differents results depending wich desition you've choosed

    Animations (3/5): Most of the female characters have the same (or at least a similar) body type but I appreciate the scenarios where the story takes place.

    Sex stuff (4/5): The scenes are really hot, i think could be a plus if there are some loops or some sound effects, but I think they're really good.
  5. 1.00 star(s)



    story 2/10
    animations 1/10
    render and art7/10
    writing 7/10
    decisions 3/10
    music 0/10
    replay 0/10
    male protagonist3/10
    total23/100 (23%)


    the female bodies so sexy if you are into chubby like me

    the text not boring to a degree that makes me leave the game

    the models in the game high quality and amazing shaping

    many females clothing

    many sex scenes

    Dis like

    no story just porn and porn

    no gameplay

    decisions doesn't have any impact on the story

    the sex poses so boring

    the models separated from the back ground

    no animations

    no voice or even moaning with sex

    writing has many mistakes

    all models are chubby !
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    It's a chubby chaser slide show - from one sex scene to another - click n jerk fest. There is almost no story (you live in a house full of women - do you want to fuck them - yes/ no, click to next sex scene), renders are decent but all models look almost identically (same body type). I guess this is meant to be an introduction to the much more in-depth "Plump City". It does a good job filling in a massive genre gap (chubby women). I hope it will be used in a better frame next time.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    The game plays much more like a visual novel with some choices mostly affecting the immediate outcome. Though from what I've seen not the overall story. That doesn't detract much as the story is fairly simple. Be warned tho, the ending is kind of abrupt as this game is meant to tease the much more in-depth games "Plump City".

    Yes, this game plays like a chubby chaser, jerk fest, slide show, but that's what I'm basing this score on. It is just that, and it doesn't hype itself to be anything else but that. You are here to play a sex game after all, and this isn't labeled as a dating-sim, or anything else in-depth.

    I give it a 4-star even though it deserves a 3, because to many bad reviewers here, want everything to be made to their exacting standards and needs, and so give it 1-2 stars? It delivers what it promises, and does a good job filling in a massive genre gap (chubby women)..If you don't want chubby women to fuck, DONT PLAY THE GAME THEN REVIEW IT 1-STAR..... Also, even with it's lacking story, and sometimes jarring progression, I still enjoyed the general jist of the story.

    An objective list of its pros, neutrals, and cons.

    -Chubby, huge breasted hotties.
    -Lots of sex.
    -Fairly short & Sweet dialogue
    -No grind
    -The bodies may all look similar, but the diversity is still decent, and inclusion of African ladies is a plus in my books.
    -Did I mention how many huge breasts there are?!?:love:

    -The renders are nice, but "wetness" and "cum" effects leave something to desire.
    -There are no true animations, but some renders are placed so as you click it makes it move like a low fps animation. It's oookay, but it can look a little janky at times.
    -MC has quite the large ratchet and one of the girls may refuse sex because "it's too big!" (Actually realistic, but this may cause some disappointment...):HideThePain:

    -Story-light (The dialogue and character building are lack luster, if you want deep story and don't like that it's short and sweet, then this won't be for you.)
    -Machine translated, so broken English is common but easy to understand still, thanks to short & sweet dialogue.
    -Render glitches (A very small handful of renders have broken textures in the background or just look off.)
    -Ending is a little jarring, and I felt like it happened abruptly, but this is CHIAXIS' first game in the series, and for that, I feel we should forgive them on their first venture in.:WaitWhat:
    -18 year old virgin is the MC's avatar....
    -"Ho My God!!!...":KEK:
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Note: the summarized version of this review is at the end.
    I'm making this review right after I finished it, which took around 30-50 minutes. I played V.0.5 which is the complete work from what it seems (the [Completed] tag also enforces the truth in it).

    Now to the actual experience I had with it.
    From the get-go so did it not do much difference regarding other Ren'Py games which I don't really mind. What I did notice tho was, of course, the title image. Seeing the 4 thick women on a Windows XP Default background. Liked the models of the characters as you don't often see more chubby girls in games on this site (or in adult games overall) so that gave me a slight intrigue to it and it's story. Going forward, I do what I always do, change my preferences and start the game.
    The story begins immediately trying to explain the characters and the story, which was very much on the generic side regarding these types of games.
    The first day was basically that which, then it showed the first option. Was not extremely impressed or anything, with only 2 option not doing much difference.

    Spoilers: Will be only 2 choices in 9 out of 10 times you get to choose.
    Moving forward, as soon as the second day begins, that's when the game takes a nosedive with the very first thing being a sex scene (Note: Happened when I had picked the first option before, have not checked if it happens with the other option).

    After that, it's basically sex and molest city deluxe as it throws the modesty out the window while throwing the story in a fire and begins to sing com Baja around the lust-filled campfire.
    After that I was literally asking myself; "WTF just happened?"
    The story, or rather the game, didn't become better from there. From one obese woman to another, the MC will check them out and basically spam "Ho my god !!!" every turn he takes. The only somewhat redeemable character progress was with the Step-Sister but even then, so was it literally not much change from the rest.
    And don't let me even start with the horrible writing and translation. A tip is to ask for help with that, don't use an old Alpha version of Google translate to that for the love of God.
    The only good thing I didn't have a problem with was the models. Nuff said.

    • Good Models
    • Sexy Scenes
    • Ren'Py (Personal opinion)
    • Horrible English, surprised I even understood half of it sometimes
    • Basically no story except the beginning- and end part
    • Not many variations of body types
    • No animated scenes and/or voices
    • Short game
    • No "real" diverse paths (most choices, if not all, only show you certain scenes or extra scenes)
    • Slideshow - BBW Edition
    • No character progress or build-up (MC: Want to fuck? Woman: *Spreads her legs*)
    • Everything goes WAY to fast (Could basically line up all the women in a row with their asses up and be fucked, and that would be the game)

    So my overall recommendation is pretty much... don't, trust me, waste of time.
    (Unless you can get off by simply looking at still images of overweight women)
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    How this game is considered 'completed' and not 'abandoned' is beyond me.
    Only can be considered 'amazing' to people have a turd for a brain and can't be expected to think to earn a reward.
    Though I will say the renders are decent. Helena, Vivian, Anabelle, Kate, and the doctor are great. Others not so much, don't do anything for me.
    There's no real game to it at all. It's just a damn slideshow to click through. There is no build up or choices that make a difference.
    Worst of all is the fucking horrific "English". HOO MY GOD! HAAAA!
    Using "his" where there should be "her" is a boner killer.
    Again the only effort I see in this game are the renders. Everything else is lame shit.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing again Chaixas games, love this genre and every Chaixas games and character, P E R F E C T S.

    Good renders, good walthrough, no need to waste a lot of time to fuck the characters, love it really.
  11. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 997153

    Review of final version

    "Ho my god!" The MC says that around 300 times, so let's go with it.

    Ho my god, the english is terrible, among the worst I've seen in any game.

    Ho my god, there is essentially no story. Dad leaves, MC starts fucking everything in sight.

    Ho my god, the dialogue is completely mechanical and not titillating in any way.

    MC walks into a room
    MC: "You're so beautiful"
    NPC: "I'm horny, let's fuck"
    MC: "Ok"

    Ho my god, that dialogue is so hot I nearly came in my pants just writing it. :LOL:

    Ho my god, I like the models and like some BBW on occasion, so I'll throw it a star.

    Ho my god, Not Recommended
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    let's make it quick .

    my rating (12/50)...terrible game

    the story(0/10)
    what ! where is the story

    again ! animation

    the render(4/10)
    why all the girls in this game are just chubby it's not convincing at all

    all the choices and decisions are just not influencing any thing

    sex scenes(6/10)
    not animated but very hot

    game like this are just porn games no story no plot no anything ....that's not what we are here for
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Not exactly sure why I decided to play this one. BBW isn't even a fetish of mine. Bored and hungry to play something strange and silly I came across this interesting title. This review is in the perspective of someone not into the core fetish that's presented to the player. And to be as straight as a hotdog; it's not good.
    Usually I have sizeable leniency toward games that have their sole purpose as being mindless fun but Chubby Holiday would really be better off as a slideshow. The story is like a sundae during a hot day; it goes everywhere and has no substance. It doesn't help that the English is horrible and is largely the reason why the story doesn't have any weight to it. It's not cohesive whatsoever. You'll be doing one thing and then in a blink of an eye you're fucking your aunt.

    And that's it.

    There's not much to review since it's got one thing going for it and that's very thick, plump women being the stars. If you're into that, great! You're in for some eye candy and it does it well. They're all here to smother the MC without you worrying about the width of your decisions or any heavy focus on drama. If not? Then there's nothing here at all for you.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this game... lets face facts. I am not in shape. The women I know are not in shape (at least not like the beauties in most games.) So its refreshing to seem some plump women from time to time. :)
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    i thought it was not very good because it was just click click click. not many decisions and no seduction needed. the images were pretty good but no seduction and the progress of the story was too fast
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    The Renders are great. It also has some pretty decent animations.All the women are Sexy Full figured Models. Great to play a game that doesn't just have the same models every other game has. English needs work. It's still a WIP, but I will definitely be following this game. If the english was fixed this would be a 5/5 for me.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Beefy McWhatnow

    it's totally my type of game , good graphics ,
    but only thing is it moves too fast and it i like story telling , maybe it should be more interactive like choosing our day routine different places and relation ship should be worked to access scenes , most of the characters are fucked in first release, but it is a good game
  18. 2.00 star(s)

    Mrs Delington

    Could be excellent, but too fast as progression. In space of one day, you can see so much titties and fuck like a rabbit. Its doesnt work for me to be too fast like that, but if the game progression is more slower, it can be a really hot game.

    Edit April 22th 2018

    After the v. 0.3 release that I just finished to play (have played at the 0.1 and 0.2 too), I have to adjust my number of stars, passing of 4 to 2.
    Why ? Because it is always the same shit. Too fast story... in fact, no story. You just go through women one behind another. Nothing around, no content to make this fun, or story to have an evolution. No, you just fuck. Boring, boring, boring. I thinked that after the first release he would stop to do that, and put some story around. But no. So bad, really bad.
    The only reason why I give 2 star, it is because of the beautiful characters that could be used in so much interesting story but apparently, no in this game.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Just played trough it and here are my thought:

    The models are nice, i like woman in all size and shapes.
    On the downside, every girl in the game is BBW or BBBW. Have some variation.

    The game is not slow if any it moves to fast. An hour after your dad leaves for work you bang your step-mom. There is no build up nothing.
    Same with your aunt.
    It's ok to have multiple sex scenes but have them make some sense.

    The sister, she was done ok(ish) there was a build up towards it (even if its the bigest cliche in VN history) there is still a build up to it.

    To summarize it:

    The english: Bad, realy bad
    The story: There is none it moves from one sex scene into the other. Oly story element is that dad has to go away for a period for work and you are the man of the house. But nothing much is done with this.
    The models: They are actualy nice, but they are all BBW or BBBW
    The renders: Most of it is good however in many renders you see the breasts comming trough the clothing. Woman with that kind of boobs need good tweaking on the clothes.

    The developer can still save this game. Its different and it certainly has potential.

    I will keep my eye on this.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Diversity is essential IMO. I gave it a go and it was pretty good. I'll keep an eye on the updates for this one. Developers need to try other stuff too, some people have different fetishes, it's not just slim/skinny teen girls. And most important, don't judge others by their preferences. I'm not a fan of BBWs generaly speaking, but the ones in this particular game have something about them. I enjoy different types of adult games, even incest and bestiality/ older women (that I haven't yet been able to find). I will always support ideas of different approaches in a game. Keep it up!