Ren'Py - Completed - Ciri Trainer [Ch. 5 v1.0 Beta] [The Worst]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    That's a big disappointed for me

    I like the art (since it's good enough) and the training element, that's why I'm here after all

    But here's the thing, chapter 3 just ruined everything for me, and I'd rather just quit it.
    Why? It's because the story just kinda following the similar disappointment progress as what I've found in some games, which is how they introduce completely new character out of nowhere and do the job that supposed to be (or at least what people though) the MC part.
    So, what's happening? If you're invested in the MC and the story, you'd want him to be the one to do the deeds. But hey, there's surprised! Someone just come out of nowhere and do all of that for you :) (even if you're the one who control it)

    So, yeah, similar aspect. You can't really invest yourself in the story if you want to enjoy it
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Nostalgic, from a different era, but you can see why things have changed. Better written and more 'care' than most goonslop, but cannot be placed among higher tiers due to poor placing and development and unfulfilling scenes.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This one is a real slog. Lots of side quest activities that are not interesting, funny, or sexy. What art there is can be decent but not worth playing through the whole game for. Calling it a trainer is a stretch. It's really just mind control that takes place gradually. Ciri is never really aware that you consider her sexually and has little reluctance to sexual acts. The other characters fuck you for no reason at all. It is clearly modeled on the Akabur games but was produced with inferior talent. My time would have been better spent replaying those games.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Not gonna lie, this game holds a special place in my heart for being one of the first that I ever played in my life as a porn game enjoyer BUT I must say: it's really poor, so let's start with this:
    PROS: Nice setting for the story of the Witcher games with a good protagonist
    A good enough trainer until chapter 3
    Nice looking artwork at most points

    CONS: JUST A FEW SEX SCENES (and most of them not even animated!!)
    Ciri has like most of her sex scenes with monsters and the jail part in chapter 3 (it sucks)
    Too grindy for too little

    Overall: 6/10 game, could be better if it had more money to work on but probably didn't even had enough to make it to the end, sad to see too that the dev retired, he had potential, just sad that it ended like this
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    spent hours grinding for maybe 3 to 4 scenes of ciri, and 3 are rape or abuse, fuck this, if this is the finished game dont even boterh cause as it stands right now is just awful, the grind to reward is not worth it in the slightless and art is mediocre at best ins some cases is just constant teasing and teasing with no actual climax
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    2 stars, 1 for each decent chapter (1 and 2 to be clear).
    Long story short, if you ever played princess trainer/witch trainer you would expect, as implied from the opening, a similar setup. Mc has to train Ciri making her more obedient and lewd to unlock sex scenes. wrong. during the first two chaps you can do very little, but you hope to unlock more and the artstyle is good. Then, chap 3, ciri gets kidnapped and tame by rapey stuff from a rando. You think that Axii will allow you to do stuff with her the more you progress, yet wrong again. Chap 4 onward the art is shit, what you do as trainer is more akin to a non-sex game and soon you lose interest im the story. to give you an idea, not even once you get ciri 1 point to max lewd/obedience, you can't undress her, can't grope her, can't do squat.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good trainer game in really great universe.

    There's lot of typical rpg stuff like colecting materials, training skills, upgrading, exploring, fighting, questing and everything goes along with good story.

    Game however shares same mistake as many other trainer games - not enough sexual interactions with trained girl and other characters.

    But... It's great game to play nonetheless.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game. If you were witcher fan and you were attracted to Ciri, you should definetly play the game. It's very good porn parody with great ideas. Graphic and music are brilliant. The plot is interesting with a lot of references and easter eggs. :)
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    We were on the verge of greatness, we were this close.

    A trainer game. Classic. Since the first trainer game was invented, this word "trainer" explains 99% of what there is in the game.
    No matter the character, no matter the plot, you know what is going to happen.
    You know how are things going to develop.
    You know the game mechanics.
    You know what to expect and what not to expect.
    This is the blessing and the curse of the trainer games. Anyone willing to create one has to understand there is already a concrete set of rules one cannot break, and after the character for the game is chosen, everything else has to be assembled according to the genre.
    But this is theory, how does this game manage to do this? What things has it accomplished and what hasn't? Let us find out.

    The setting:
    In order to create even a mediocre trainer game, the author is required to have a deepest knowledge of the main character's lore, the worldbuilding, the setting of the original. Because who is the target audience of such games? Those are the fans of the original creation. Those, who, inspired by the character, want more. And they find this game.
    So, after the short explanation above on why exactly is this so important, I will briefly discuss what the author has managed to accomplish.
    And it is a lot. Not only the author has managed to transfer the clothing from the games into own game, but also some characters from the books only, their look according to the books, their story etc.
    There are flaws and mistakes in this of course, nothing this fundamental could be made perfectly. For example, Ciri wears the jeweled belt she acquires only after becoming the empress of Nilfgaardian empire. Also, the sword "Zireael" is depicted not how it looks according to canon, only a close resemblance. But such flaws are minor. Overall, a job well done.

    The plot:
    I cannot really trace every aspect of the plot, but I think it is mostly based on the later acts of The Witcher: Wild Hunt game, with some of the events pulled from the booke to compensate for the absence of such events in the present which could be useful to the game I am reviewing.
    Some of the events make no sense canonically, but they are filling the gaps left by putting those events which do, so this can be tolerated. The story is split in 5 acts, each featuring one event.

    The characters:
    Now let us discuss the characters. There are 2 main characters - the protagonist, further in the text - MC, and the target of the "training".

    I have mixed feelings about the MC, as his choice as being a doppler was rather wise, however I cannot see the character development and motivation behind the actions he performs. Could be better, could be worse.

    As the target of all attention of the players, her character is required to be meticulously crafter, which is also forced by the rules of such genre. And I am surprised how well has the developer managed to create it. Almost every event looks believable, the character arc is present and the development of such character is logical.

    Secondary characters:
    Here is where the quality couldn't keep up anymore. The secondary characters are mediocre at best, their intentions look strange and their actions out of place. A large part of what these characters do is never explained, and so is almost everything of why they do something.
    I understand the game has to have someone else to base the story on, but this doesn't mean that such characters deserve no attention. This is where I am dissatisfied. They do not feel like characters, but more like anchor points to move the story further, and this shouldn't be so.

    The art:
    I can divied the art in 3 categories.
    First being the backgrounds and the sprites. They are very good. Facial expressions are sometimes rather off, but mostly it looks rather satisfactory. The sprites are very well made, however I wouldn't have minded if they had done more variety of such sprites. Sometimes it was noticable how the artist had to pick from a limited amount of poses and face expressions, none of which really fit the setting.

    Second part being animations. There are very few of them, but every single one is a masterpiece. I know how hard it is to make a believable animation with moving parts of 2DCG art, where one has to avoid clippings and carefully organise the layers so it feels natural. Here it was done perfect.

    The third is the monolith 1-image sex scenes
    . Those only appear in chapters 4 and 5, contain only 1 layer and their quality is absolutely atrocious. I cannot believe how such incredibly disgusting art can coexist with those insanely good pieces I have discussed earlier. I have but a single question? Why did one do this? Just, why? What was the reason behind even considering doing so when 2/3rds of the game were already over?

    The gameplay and game mechanics:
    I do understand that building a "trainer" game requires to dedicate a large portion of gameplay to stat grinding and performing repetitive activities in order to gain money, resources, etc. This is what the genre requires and the game would be too short without such things.
    However, what is not expected, but a pleasant surprise is a battle system. Easy in memorising, the encounters provide a fresh experience unlike anything else present. They do not require a lot of time and commitment to master, but they allow the game to fit in the setting more.
    However, Gwint (Cwunt in the game) does not. I do not understand the point of even including it in the game. I do not understand why is it shoved in the player's face as agressively as it is by the developers in the chapter where it first appears. The Cwunt game is of course not as complex as the original, but still very very complex and large, and I fail to understand what was so special in this game that would be worth putting so much time into. Why not to just make some more renders instead?
    Finally, the technical stuff. It is RenPy game, so some of the things are there by default. But... they don't work. For some reason rollback is disabled entirely. Next, many of the events prevent from saving in them, which is rather stupid, as there is nothing to be worried of, really. Why disable it?
    Furthermore, the "hard saves". I applaude such system existing, but not in the finished game. Why haven't it been removed entirely upon release as it's only purpose was to keep saves between updates. It's not like after release the game had 10+ more updates to require this feature.
    Finally, the music choice is not ideal. RenPy allows to set a background music which plays on a loop. But the music chosen is not suitable for such feature. It features one significant element which is recognisable every time it plays out. To simplify, imagine every 10 seconds in the game a bell rings once. This is nothing but unnecessary annoyance and distraction, even after considering how much music is there to chose from, literally hours and hours of it. But no, for some reason the game sticks to this one.

    The summary:
    In most of the aspects this game is incredibly good. There are some minor flaws that are not critical for not able to enjoy the game. But, there are also some pieces of immesurably bad art, some questionable game mechanics and some leftover beta content left in release.
    Overall, a good game - 4/5. But I would wish it was excellent. So little can be changed to significantly improve the game. But it is completed, so we have to stick with what it is.
    This game was on a verge of greatness, all that was required was to make one last step.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    This game was weird for me since I am not really sure how much I liked it or not. I think the art is really good and the story was okay. I also love trainer games. This one would definitely be at the bottom of the ones I have played though.

    The problems I really had with this is that "it was different". The way you advance the story can take a lot of effort. I don't think the way to describe it though is grindy. I know there are a lot of ways to describe grindy but generally I see it as having to kill a lot of mobs or doing the same task over and over. You occasionally have to do the same task but its not a lot. Usually the task are very different which is why I do not think its grindy. You just have to do a lot to advance the story for very little reward.

    That is my next issue the reward for what is required to advance. You don't actually get anything worth while until chapter 3. I love a good corruption story but this one takes a very long time. And, arguably you didn't even get to do most of the corruption yourself (because chapter 3 does that for you). The stats feel useless (because of chapter 3). After that its on you but it no longer feels like your having an impact until chunks of game time.

    So in a way its a great game lots of good art and story with corruption. It just felt like a lot of it was very different from your usual game play and I would say not in a good way.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I have mixed feelings for this game… The subject is great, and trainers are my absolute favorite nsfw-games. I loved (part of) the graphics and the story, which is very entertaining.

    That being said, the game isn’t a hit and progression feels wyrd for different reasons:
    • Art is inconsistent (different artists, I guess?)
    • Chapters are “one step forward, two steps back”: Ciri is very pure at first, and you try to corrupt her. Then,
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    • Characteristics don’t mean anything, they’re just here as a time sink
    • It’s grindy. There’s a cheat menu, and I couldn’t imagine playing the game without it, especially since most of the gameplay isn’t sex-related
    But, still, some of the art is lovely and I enjoyed the story. I think it’s worth your time if you’re a Witcher fan.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    its a good trainer. i don't know why this trainer got heat for being grindy but other trainers get a pass. there are a few repeatable h-scenes but i wish there was more. dialogue is good. art is sweet. if u like Four Elements Trainer or other top rated trainers on this site, you will like this.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Quality trainer game with great scenes - I would like to see more from the developer and artist. Excellent little gem of a game. 200 character minimums are a bit harder to fill than you first think...
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty average. The ratio of lewd stuff to non-lewd stuff is very low, which is a lot of wasted potential in my book. And although the artstyle is pretty good, they use a different one for most of the sex scenes with secondary characters. I don't know if it's something they'll update later on, but it's an artstyle that I don't like. Still, if you play in easy mode, and/or using cheats, it's a mild experience that you can enjoy.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    All right, let me be clear. This game's quality matches why the creator is called The Worst. I'm not gonna pretend I'm an expert on the Witcher, (I thought they were a type of car salesman at first.) but this game at least explained some lore to me. The Worst is a creator I'm hesitant to speak greatly about be the two games made so far have the same fucking issue: signs of fatigue and lack of direction. Let's look at the first two chapters, training Ciri. It's a true grind, it was stupidly slow and boring, I however could see what they were trying to set up, OH BUT WAIT, SHE GETS KIDNAPPED AND GETS TRAINED BY SOMEONE ELSE FOR CHAPTER 3?! Then she returns and holy fucking shit, she has been almost corrupted by someone who isn't the trainer. That's when I knew that Chapter 3 was definitely the jumping the shark moment for this game. You only bang Ciri once and only if you pick the right choice. Holy moly. (I know you bang the other women but what was the point of Geralt's cameo?) Honestly, if they had just worked on Ciri with her being the main star and had an actual direction going then maybe this could have been a 3 or 4.

    Final verdict: Don't bother. It's a 2 star game .
    1 star for being actually completed
    2 stars for having a decent amount of sex scenes.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Started pretty well, with good story, good game mechanics,then shifted to a very lame fan fiction.
    All has been said previously about the major blue ball story. MC gets one scene with each girls. all as vanilla as they get. Such a shame given the pretty good art and mechanics. just a very poor game in the end. unlock gallery for art cause it's not worth your time and the frustration will ruin the fap
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Unfortunately, albeit the two first chapters which where good, the story do a 180° turn in chapter 3 then, the story seems rushed and barely holding together...

    The gameplay stay the same in all chapter beside of 3rd (which could have been a standalone imo...). You'll pretty much follow the motion without entertaining yourself past chapter 3.

    The endings are quite poor making them not worthwhile (even the "good" ending is disapointing...)

    Art-wise, it's really poor except for the lesbian fuck-fest all long. The main prot has one scene/girl quite late in game and most of Ciri content is chapter 3 related.
    There is two artist drawing, the chibi are cute and weel made, Ciri is quite ok albeit the long weird face. The second art style made me flacid. I found it really ugly.

    All in all, the game seems rushed past chapter 2 and probably don't worth your time, it can't compare with trainers as "princess trainer"/"witch trainer" (from akabur), Soldier's Life (from Pyorgara) or "four elements trainer" (from Mity)
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    This game had everythigngto be a 5 star but the dev just shited on it , rushed it and run off with that sweet patreon milk money...
    Arc 1 and 2 was owesome and i was all hyped up for the next chapter than nothing... nice boner killer 1/5
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    A mess of a game. Starts in one direction, interesting to add, and then switches completely. A same, but i can't really recommend it. Art is alright, but thats about it. If you wanna check the scenes just cheat to unlock the gallery so you skip the grind
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Rushed game with shitty limited sex scene.
    This game is a huge dissapoinment.It got shit after chapter 3 with rushed story

    If you play it for story,I can only say,its good at first but shitty after awhile.Art also okay and sex scene are limited.You waste more time to corrupt Ciri everyday and the reward aren't good.