VN - Ren'Py - City Devil: Restart [v0.3.0 Hotfix] [Sabirow]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Although this game is only at 0.2 atm but still I enjoy every moment while playing it. The mechanic of interact with items in cafeteria is new and surprised me tho (it's cool).
    Nothing more to say ! What a piece of art ....
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is pretty far beyond the quality of most of these games. Time is taken for a lot more animation and it has a different approach than anything else I've seen. It's very fluid and seems far more active then even most similar games of the same quality. I'm not quite sure where it's going, which is good, and I'm already looking forward to the ride. The characters are amazing and there is not much that I can compare it too. I salute the developer for so effectively carving out his own niche in many ways rather than walking down already well established paths.

    This is a top tier hidden gem that deserves a lot more attention.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Its rare that i get annoyed by not likeing a game, but this one looks nice and i really loved the small animation cut scenes that makes it diffrent from most other games, i liked the girls as well....

    There are a few things the ruined the game for me and they are big enough to pretty much make game unplayable.

    What ruins the game most to me is the MC, its just way to cringy to read the mindset of a 12 year old whos never seen a pair of tits, wanting to fuck everything the moves, it makes it impossible to put your self in MCs shoes like most players proberly like to do but in this one its just not possible.

    As for the story it starts out ok, but goes to shit pretty fast atleast for my taste, i hate forced sex scenes and MC made 0 sense to me, hes sitting in hes appartment and starts to get horney and goes "i cant take it anymore i need to release my self" and instend of just jerking off he goes to find a prostitute? personaly i am just not into whores/hookers in any way and having that shit forced on you is just a no go and a huge turn-off, atleast you can stop after a BJ but it dosent really change much, i dident want to touch them with a 10ft pole in any kind of ways, and again it also shows the focus being on big tits since you get to pick between two hookers and guess what both has huge tits, i find it idiotic that devs dosent learn to make a better diversity.

    Also MC comes clean to a random teacher feels very brainless, hes alrady been told whats going on by Asami, so theres no reason for him to trust anyone he dosent even know, she could be anyone and should come clean first, theres no way MC should spill hes guts to any unknown person whos acting like someone from the goverment, MC should know better and dont trust anyone, but he freely gives out the letter from Asami and spil hes guts.

    As for the girls i am not the biggest fan, its aimed mostly at big tit fetish with all the main girls except maybe one, i mean Leah isent even a main girl the only one with smaller tits which is annnoying when you hate bimbos with big tits, this dev needs to learn to make alot better diversity in builds so theres something for everyone instend of having a single focus, since for those not into big tits might become bored when there is nothing to come for.

    Animations are really good both the small cut scenes and the sex scenes, but i also worry that it will take forever to get this game going due to so many small scenes that proberly takes alot of time to do.

    Music is good and suits the game.

    As for content there just isent much yet, so its not possible to make a real review untill you know how game will progress, it feels both like it might get forced LIs/Sex scenes since its already done it once but then it also has a relationship system in place where you might be able to not get points with a girl, but it remains to be seen.

    It does have good potential and i will revisit this once it has alot more content and then make a real review, but diversity in builds or more main girls that are bimbos with big tits would have to improve and no forced shit either to become great, so for now ill leave it with 3 stars since it can still become much worse and alot better.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The game clearly has a lot of potential, so I'm looking forward to see where it goes. There's nice models, a good UI with nice use of animations, and the story is interesting if not the most original.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A game with a lot of potential. I know it will have enormous growth as long as the dev does things right. Interesting story, very polished animations (although a little poorly optimized in some cases), attractive characters and the 0.1 lasts long enough to hook you with the game. At the moment I give it a 9/10.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Story: 3/10
    So far there isnt really much of a story yet, after all its only the first episode. Towards the end of the episode we get our first look into the main story and it seemed somewhat interesting it has a similar plot to a few manwhas ive read. But other than that not much story happening. But the writing itself is atrocious, the characters themselves felt soulless, and robotic, the grammar was pretty rough as well. Im assuming the dev's first language isnt english but still it was pretty rough read

    Renders/Animation: 7/10
    The renders themselves were good, though there was a little bit of grain in them, they were above average. When it comes to animations If you read the other reviews they will say they are fantastic, and super high quality. Which they are high quality i wont deny that. But holy shit there are way too many. The dev throws an animation in every few seconds. The first scene in the game is an animation, and than after a few lines of dialogue, theres more animation. The animations for the Horror Scene, The Fight Scene or the Sex is one thing. Those i believe increase the quality of the story and bring it to life. But i dont need 20 animations of the character walking down a hallway, or a car driving down the road, or someone walking. I found the excess animation to be annoying. While high quality, there is a time and a place for animations.

    Character Models: 6/10
    Honestly there eyes scare me. youve just got these almost pitch black eyes on a few characters one example being may, now its not any issue for all of them thankfully. but even then only a handful of girls i would consider my type. but besides the eyes on some characters the girls look pretty good.

    Overall: 5/10
    Its not a bad game by any means but it doesnt really stand out to me besides the higher quality and excess amount of animations. Unless the writing gets tremendously better i dont see myself picking this game back up again.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Written for v0.1.1

    A game with exceptional animations, but a not so engaging story that ultimately weighs it down more than the former can bring it up.

    Story - 2/5

    English is clearly not the dev's first language, and it shows, but that's hardly the only problem here. The dialogue is mostly stiff, unengaging, and forced. The plot has no hook whatsoever til damn near the end of the current version, and even then it falls flat since it's hardly expanded upon. Parts of the story are actually animated, which makes this game a standout among the many games on here.

    Fappability - 5/5

    There's only one sex event in the game right now, but god damn is it good. 2 girls to pick from, with multiple quality animations for each.

    "Gameplay" - 4/5
    There are a couple of decisions to make in the story that I felt were meaningful and well executed, at least in the context of this short little demo. Only time will tell if such decisions will have any real impact on a playthrough.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.1.1

    This is a classic case of a dev having a lot of talent when it comes to creating good renders and animations, but virtually none when it comes to writing. It's kind of a shame I feel so mixed on this, because there really is some cool stuff going on with the game.

    Now the premise itself is actually interesting, no problems there. That sort of mystery horror element is maybe the one good piece of the writing so far. Everything outside of that? Super bland to straight up nonsensical.

    A lot of the dialogue just feels like robots talking to each other. It's lacking that emotion and personality I usually look for. It's all written sort of... concisely might be a good word for it? The game doesn't stay on one scene for very long. The MC himself feels very monotone, which is just kinda boring to me. Occasionally he has random bouts of horny leak out of his brain which leads to the usual pervy comments. Pretty forgettable.

    Some events just don't make that much sense either, and is where that nonsensicalness comes into play. I think the point where the game really lost me is when the MC starts the whole overdone "hey should I be having these thoughts about my "step" sister?" and then suddenly becomes so horny that he has to rush out the door and goes to the nearest brothel to hire a prostitute. Very strange.

    Now on the flip side, I don't think I've ever seen an AVN use animations like this does. The game is filled with them, and I love it actually. Those first person scenes feel so unique and interesting to view. It does well in getting you drawn into whatever is happening, and they are just well animated in the first place. Similarly, the games renders look very nice.

    That's about it though. As it stands, the only thing I'll remember about this game is that it had a lot of good animations. Nothing about any of the characters or story. It failed to hook me in that regard, and I can't really see myself ever getting into this as it stands. Still, take the usual grain of salt given how early it is.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The first time i actually saw animation that's this good, starting from the POV animation, fighting animation, there's a lot animation and all of it looking so smooth and fluid, hand down to this developer, the way he walk,run and everything looking so smooth, i hope others will learn one or two from this developer, story is also good, i love mystery thriller
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I came here expecting an interesting VN and I was not expecting Eternum level quality in all honesty. This was a great deal of fun to play through.

    The character models are great and the story so far looks awesome, I don't know how deep the author wants to go with the setting especially the revelation that pops up towards the end but I am here for the ride.

    I also love that the MC is an absolute Chad that is has a dark side, looking forward to how Sabirow intends to develop this character. As it stands Asami is best girl since she is the reason I ended up trying this AVN,
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    What a time, to be alive.
    The renders are unlike anything else I've seen in a game, and I hope this will be the standard one day. So far, I love everything about the game. There is a decent amount of content for being in the early stages, will definitely be following this one.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I just finished playing the 0.1 version and I am just blown away. The game is already in a great state, despite being still in development. The story is well-written and the characters are well-developed. The game also has great graphics as for HS2. I could tell it's a one of the best starts for AVNs. I am eagerly awaiting the next version and I recommend this game to anyone who loves AVNs.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Pros: renders and animations are clean.

    1. Game is short right now but the main con is Writing. Author doesn't seem to be native English speaker so there's a lot of grammatical errors and poor word choice. Dialogs also lack depth.
    2. Random events like visiting brothel two days into a new city when you suspect your father might have been killed just breaks immersion cuz it's not realistic.
    3. inner monologue is kinda cringy cuz it makes the MC sound very immature (cliché horny).

    Final verdict: I would wait till next few updates to see if it improves.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Super high quailty. Next-gen perform exprience.
    This game is my game of the year.
    The render is awesome.
    The character design is simply briliant!
    Story telling is also so much potenial.
    Almost everything is perfect.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Some dialogues needs work, but overall I actually read through every single interactions. I'm one of those that just "control" and "space" through most dialogues, but this game made it not so tedious and enjoyable. The use of the animations is insanely good, makes the story feel alive.

    MC can either be a beta simp, a decent average dude, or a gigachad. Story really is up to your choices. Also love the hidden power and how the story is unfolding.

    Supported on patreon. Please continue the amazing work!
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I really wanted this VN to work for me but it didn't.
    Quite beautiful Renders.
    The Horrorscene gave me chills.
    and thats where the Pros end for me because i couldn't endure the MC any longer. Guy thinks with his Penis like a 14 year old seeing breasts for the first time, i stopped playing when he desperatly searched for a brothel.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Let just say this is Eternum but with ways more animation. And the story is just unique in its own way so no complain from me 10/10. But I got a problem with the MC being way too forward about what he want. Just feel weird Caz most of the game I played are just Virgin start so and not getting to know about his prologue in Ver 0.1 is weird.
    Just my option.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    It's nice looking game, with beautiful animations, for now it's only v0.1, but I already feel great experience. The story is also mystery and have a good future for my opinion, so my rate is 5/5.
    One cons for me, music and echi voice/sounds are one audio track, so for louder voice you must louder music, will be great to separate them, or make the music quieter than the sounds.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Really impressed with what I've seen so far.

    The story is good, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it progresses. The characters shown are all visually appealing and varied in their appearance. The UI is fantastic. The animations are great not just for the lewd scenes, but in general, there was far more than I expected from a first release, and they add a lot more "life" to the game.

    The only gripe I have is the minor misspellings and grammar mistakes, but other than that, a solid first release.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    So far this is a great start. The visuals and story on this are fantastic. I really hope this one doesn't fall into the same hole that most others do, as far as being abandoned or take 30 years to develop. This may be the first one I support financially.