RPGM - Claire's Quest [v0.27.1] [Dystopian Project]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible game with a lot of scenes, lot of writing, the grind is really not that heavy. I think the beginning can be a bit slow but after chapter 2 it's pretty fine.

    Still impressed on how the team handled that huge project. The old art is not as good as the last ones but damn it became something, almost every kink is covered in this game.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    It's been what, 8 years now? I remember playing this years ago and there are still quests from back then that are still unfinished now.
    I'm sorry but no matter how well made it is, if its still at 0.2 for years it will never be a finished game.
    It does not deserve to be rated as high as others on this rating that were created in a fraction of the time this game has been in development and managed to get way more content, mechanics, art than this, it's honestly quite unfair to those games that are released as full games that don't scam their customers.
    Besides this, it was really promising initially and the game at start is unique and quite fun, but after half a hour of game play you'll run into these unfinished quests that will likely never be completed.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: A breath of fresh air in a sea of mediocrity, despite the version number being relatively low, there are hours upon hours worth of questing and gameplay, plenty of lewds as well

    + Pleasant art-style, not much more to say besides that I enjoyed it
    + Variety of scenes ranging from consensual, non-consensual, humanoid, bestiality, and monsters, something for everyone
    + Very in-depth choices that alter much of your gameplay experience, most choices actually do matter unlike some other games.
    + The 'pure' route allows you to play someone who is both capable and smart, a breath of fresh air when most protags are fucking idiots, but a high Intrigue (one of the four core stats) can detect bullshit from a mile away which is nice
    + Despite the version number being only 0.26, I've spent close to 5 hours on my pure run and I'm still finding more quests, more stuff to explore, and more scenes to save for later, genuinely having a good time just questing
    + Writing is surprisingly really good, don't expect much from Hgames usually, but so far I'm a happy camper

    - Game has been in development for a while, but given the amount of content present atm, I'm not too bummed about that
    - Could use more interesting romance options

    Not much to say that is negative about this game, I'm having a very good time and I don't think that will change any time soon. I recall giving this dev's previous game a mediocre rating, so I wasn't expecting much with this one, but I stand corrected.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This review is directed towards v0.26.3, which is the latest version posted in the site.

    So, what to say about this game...

    It is honestly a very unique game, all things considered. We take on the role of Claire, which is a common girl living in a common rural area with her mother while her father is out serving the King and it still hasn't come back home

    That in itself is already a very unique start that not many games really do. Most games out there are about a heroine, or hero.. or a knight, or someone in a rather high position of power. But it doesn't end there, the character in this game actually gets to experience literal hell as her world literally crumbles when her mother gets captured by the Swine and the invasion begins

    Through your choices, the character gets to decide her future. Whether she decides to take refugee in the camp, the easy way out so to speak.. or should she decide to pursue the hard route which leads her to meeting Stella and progressing in a different manner (though it locks you out of some content).

    Your choices matter, and that is absolutely great in a game, as it gives you a sense that the things you're doing are meaningful and have a purpose.

    The storywriting in this game is very good. I have played Overgrown: Genesis from this creator and the writing quality is on par with that one

    Believable writing, grounded, doesn't try too hard to be sexual. I really really like it and it helps create a better sense of immersion and worldbuilding, it is impactful when it needs to, it is light-hearted at the appropiate times. It does what it's meant to do very well

    Gameplay mechanics are also pretty polished and well thought out.. through the decisions you make in the game, you build your character out the way you would prefer her to be.. more sexual, more defiant, more submissive, more insightful, etc.

    Most of what I have to say about this game is positive, except for one rather big issue that I have with it.. which is, the story itself.

    Not because of writing, no no.. none of that, but because it seems like the story is losing it's meaning. What do I mean by this? Let me explain

    The world of Claire's Quest is a big one, there are many different places you can go to, many different people to meet.. many different scenes to hunt for, the game really is trying is best at trying to make the world feel alive... which is very commendable and I appreciate it, don't get me wrong..

    But it is exactly because of this, that I find myself having trouble with the story. Many places to go, many people to meet, means many different side-quests that you can gather, many different things that you can do outside of the main story

    And while this normally wouldn't be bad, it is overdone I believe and the main story is being lost amongst the many many different things you can do in the game that are unrelated to the main story.

    I reiterate, I really appreciate that the creator is trying to make this world feel alive by giving us tasks to do in said work, a few side quests, new sexual CG's.. but there's just way too many of them and it needs to be toned down quite a lot in my opinion

    The game is nowhere near finished and there still are many many things that the creator likely wants to create, wants to finish the game, but at this point it just feels like there isn't really any meaningful progress to the story whatsoever.

    There's many questions that remain to be answered, many lore points to cover.. and at this rate it feels like those are not going to be answered nowhere near the future.

    I really with I could get into the game a bit more, everything about it is great.. except for that one big problem.

    Hopefully the creator realizes that they might perhaps be a little too ambitious with their game and focus on toning it down a little bit and continuing on the main story.

    Side quests are fun until they entirely drown the main story and makes it lose importance.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Cookie Monster83

    One of my favorite games on F95.
    Very well rounded game, depraved, well written, pretty main character and offers something for most - if not all kinks.
    Looking forward to each update so far.
    I also find the bestiality content quite interesting, especially since most other games don't offer much in this regard.
    The game could offer more incest, maybe that Claire's father reappears and knocks her up or something like this, that would be fantastic.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the art!!! , really nice game.

    Quality content and covers most fetishes with choices as well so you're not forced into any scenes which is a huge pluls

    Great game , hope there's a sequel or prequel to it as well!!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Best sex RPG!

    Lack of direct combat is perfect. You're rapebait, and it shows. Some can be avoided, some can't (the way it should be). Kinks are quite on the extreme side, but so well damn executed.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty good for the first 30-60 minutes, there is corruption, story, some sexual content, not much of gameplay though, that's a decent start.

    Sadly, after progressing further into the game it's pretty dissapointing: annoying features waste players time, content density is pretty bad, story is... there, bugs, still not much of gameplay and corruption is not reflected in the character behaviour outside of quests that support it.

    I've played it on and off over the years and for more than 7 years in development it doesn't have that much to show for it.

    The writing is good though.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Objectively, 5/5 game in terms of the actual game. However nothing is that simple these days.
    Art is wonderful and even changes depending on Claire's depravity.
    Story and character is well thought out.
    Claire being nearly helpless and having to use her wit and body to go around is a nice touch.
    There isn't that much grinding. The game is amazing in terms of fetish variety and spice it has.

    Why does it get only 2 stars? It's now following a scheme of Summertime saga. You have 3000+ patrons but you're telling me you're unable to deliver an update in NINE MONTHS?
    Behind the scenes, lead dev also taking private commissions to add specific content and story arcs.
    Dystopian Project was able to deliver updates consistently. How they seem to be in ever mismanaged hell. With character redesigns, changing artists, delaying promised content and lacking focus.

    You may notice while playing that a lot of the quests are unfinished. More so the main quest. Instead of focusing on finishing several core questlines and subquests, with each update the game gets more pointless scenes that add up to nothing and never properly finish questlines.
    This isn't quests being open ended and up for adding of more content when quests have been like that for years.

    I refuse to support these developers anymore as they have failed to deliver. This game had potential but as always, very few manage to deliver when they get too big.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Claire's Quest isn't your run-of-the-mill RPG—it's a true gem in the sea of hentai games. This game offers more than just adult content; it's a full-fledged adventure that everyone will find something to enjoy, from RPG enthusiasts to degenerates like myself.

    The artwork is remarkable, with newer artists breathing life into characters like Claire with stunning visuals. Paired with solid writing, the game offers engaging storylines and character development, especially within the various faction questlines, from the breeders to the rangers and shield maidens. The emphasis on rape/abuse scenes might overwhelm some players, but for lovers of the genre, it's a treasure trove.

    I adore Claire's Quest's take on gameplay. Focusing on dialogue and decision-making rather than traditional turn-based RPGM combat. While this may not appeal to everyone, it adds depth to the experience, making every interaction purposeful. However, it might need some additional tweaking, especially the non-sexual stat gains. Sometimes it becomes needlessly hard to raise Claire's defiance and intrigue, limiting the available playstyles.

    Despite being a work in progress, Claire's Quest is a labor of love worth supporting. While there are some rough edges and unfinished patches, these flaws are overshadowed by the game's potential. Here's hoping for a fulfilling main story with multiple endings, similar to Overgrown Genesis. And with such a vast amount of adult content, players looking for an immersive experience won't be disappointed.

    In conclusion, Claire's Quest offers a refreshing take on RPGM games, blending adult content with engaging gameplay and superb storytelling. Supporting the Architect on Patreon is a no-brainer, as games like this are a rare find.

    P.s: Perhaps focusing more on human action and less on fucked up anthropoid sex wouldn't be bad. But it's just me.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    The Game is pretty buggy and some of the Questline aren't even complete. What's point in trying to play down a questline and then getting hit with "This Quest is not complete". Also that Futa scene out of nowhere was uncalled for, had to delete this game after that.
  12. 2.00 star(s)

    Penetrator God

    It seemed to have a good story, but it offers almost nothing on the gameplay side. It's also very weak visually. You can't make the game full screen and everything looks very small and the resolution of the game is blurry like 480p. We should also have also been able to make the main character male as an alternative for those who don't want to direct a female character. If it claims to be a real RPG game, it shouldn't impose a single character gender. I expected this to be an adult game, but because the game over-dramatizes the main character's situation, I started not getting close to anyone to protect her. The erotic scenes are just still pictures and the majority of the game is just text and black screen. The storytelling should have at least been supported by 2D animations. When the cinematic scenes enter, the background goes black and only simple text describing the events is shown, reducing the immersion of the story. The developer has interesting stories to tell but lacks the skills to draw them into the game. On the other hand, the game is bugged as hell. If it weren't for the cheat menu, you'd get bugs in most places that would completely corrupt your save file.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Brucey y

    I cannot help but applaud the developers for their dedication and creativity. They've not only created a game but an entire universe that beckons exploration and leaves a lasting impression on anyone who dares to venture within.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Claire's quest is one of my favourite nsfw games. It has great replayability, decent storyline, and a fairly good nsfw to sfw content ratio. I can't wait for them to finish this game. Shame the gallery doesnt record the nsfw scenes from other saves, as i like to see my galleries completed, but oh well, i guess you can just unlock them in the gallery itself.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    The game's length is great and there are many fetishes/preferences covered in the game. The corruption in the game is also implemented in a very good way and there are many paths one can go. Overall a great game with a lot of content!
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    It's tedium with good art-style.
    It's a buggy game stuck in development hell.
    It's Claire's quest. (v.0.25.3a)

    The game starts good, but once you have to start island hopping, it just falls apart and becomes rather tedious with all the endless backtracking.

    The feature creep is a thing here, developer added heaps of features and questlines which are all left halfway done. Combine that with the bi-annual release cycle and it is evident that the game in all likelyhood isn't going to be finished. Note that this game has been in development for almost 7 years now.

    Yes, tedium with good art-style. You should try it, once, but once you have to start island hopping you really ought to re-evaluate if you're having fun or not. It's not going to get any more fun unfortunately.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is really tricky to rate, honestly. On one hand, corruption is hot and theres TONS of content to explore. On the other hand, its really hard to navigate everything.

    You play as a girl, and due to some stuff happening, you're forced to sail out onto the waters to 1 of 4 islands (which you can sale back and forth between, if you want). From there, each island has it's own theme and quests scattered around the island. The quests are good and you can see Claire get more depraved as it goes on. The problem is, well, the lack of structure. The game doesn't tell you what to do, and that in of itself is really difficult to work around. Oh, Grungus needs the heart of gibblygook? Well, where is that heart? I dunno. Talk to every NPC in town to find it. Rinse and repeat that for every quest and you see why this game is so polarizing between the 5 stars and the 1-2 stars.

    In short, this is a game you update every 6-10 months just to unlock the gallery (Which the game allows you to unlock freely). The scenes are hot, but its way too confusing the manually try to unlock yourself. So just unlock the gallery, bust a nut, then move on.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    This game used to be great. Had great Art, kinky writing, and fun gameplay. Ever since they switched artists for this game way back w hen, and started working on Overgrown, this game just went down hill bad. In some ways before, it reminded me of the game What a Legend. Now, it's difficult to even get through prologue without thinking of 3-5 other games you'd rather be playing.

  19. 2.00 star(s)



    this game is bad. the porn only consists of still pictures. like 2-3 per scene. boring. the art is not great, but not terrible either.

    then the "gameplay" is a great scam. you will have lots of choices during your gameplay so lots of replayability. but why replay a gigaboring game?

    this game is only that. choices. where to go and in which way to get abused/raped etc. which would be fine. it means it's a porn focused game.... yet it isn't since there is no animation and porn art is mediocre and writing is mediocre too... lots of text sometimes even sex scene text with a black screen... no art... the text is not overwhelmingly long as some "text based" games, but not short either. i dont get how is it possible to think for the dev that it's okay to for example describe multiple blowjob scenes with a black screen no art. either don't include that scene or make some effort.

    so the game is a really low effort game. yes the story has multiple choices, but all are boring. if this was a NO erotic Steam game, actual rpg. it would be rated 1/5 becaus then it would be compared to other games where choices matter and compared to actual non-porn games, this is garbage.

    of course, if you compare the branching and graphics to other low effort games, then it can shine a little bit... but imo the bad H-art makes me think they want to be treated as an actual game... and as an actual non-porn game, this is at best 2/5. probably would be less, but in a way we are still rating it compared to porn game standards and it does have some interesting scenarios even if graphics are bad, so imo 2/5 is justified.

    because i cannot recommend this to anyone. if you want a quick fap, this won't be it. if you want a good story/interesting gameplay, then there are millions of those on steam without porn. if you want a mix of gameplay with some Hentai included... well then play a text-based game without graphics and you will have a better time.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Kinda well written H-scenes and pictures and events.
    IMO the minor minus is it's still not finished and temporary drawdown in H-stuff when you travel to agriculture island with the captain.
    I am roaming through dozens of all this entertaining games and Claire's Quest is in my top 3 for now. But you might have your own kinks)