Others - Completed - Click Your Crush! [Final] [Cream Team]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Zaijun Lai

    The game developer will make a lot better in writing description for other developers than making games. Try to apply a job in writing game description for steam will ya? Luckily I did not buy this on steam.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm a fan of clickers. Seeing numbers go up appeals to a primal part of my brain, and being on this website it should come as no surprise that that is something I'm willing to engage with. I'm about as close to an ideal audience for this as your gonna get. But this is a bad clicker.

    It's a shame, because on a technical level, this seems well put together. But the game design for it is a steaming pile. I can appreciate that they TRIED to change things up a bit by having multiple currencies. That is a tried and true tactic to help keep clickers from getting stale too quickly, but they implemented it badly in this and it actually makes the game worse overall. Even without that, it's pretty lackluster.

    You can make a good clicker game. It's been done many times. There are tons of ways to make them more entertaining and this does basically none of it. It's a clicker that fails to be any of the things that make clickers engaging or fun.

    The porn is... eh. Well made. Poorly presented. The running theme of this game, really. It's all slide show of a woman stripping that progresses automatically as you get more number. After taking the five or so slides for the current character to finish, it switches to a different outfit or character seemingly at random and starts over. It doesn't really get progressively lewder or more interesting over time. It just gets slower.

    I want to give this 1 star for being really quite shit, but like I said at the beginning, the art IS good and the game is very put together. It's just that the way it's packaged and given to you is SO bad.