VN - Ren'Py - Coill City [v0.1.029] [NeoCoill]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Now that's what I'm fucking talking about. This game has basically no gimmicks. No 2D animation, live 2D, or 3D shenanigans, just what may be subjectively the best drawn 2D H art I've ever seen in anything. This goes beyond the character art, though. A lot of the background art has nice little details and they're often a joy to look at.

    The plot is bare bones, every scene is very short, leading the game overall bring very short, and a lot of the character's personalities are just as bare. The plot is also generic, being about an introvert who wants to break out of his shell and bang multiple chicks. Yet all of this works to the games benefit by trimming the bloated fat a lot of games like this has and focuses on the aforementioned amazing art. No more than 5 minutes in to the game, homie's got a cock inside of the mouth of one of the hottest angels I've ever seen, then immediately dicks the hot milf next door. The game does sadly suffer from a little bit of sameface syndrome, but it's easily forgivable.

    No thoughts. Only Smex. God tier nukige.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    this is my mostly spoiler free review of coill city

    first i want to talk about the artist themself:

    when i saw the art of this game it immediately thought of an artist called Neocoill an amazing artist with some of the most beautiful art i have ever seen and then i found out it's actually Neocoill themself who is making this game so i just had to download this game

    let's talk about the art:

    simply the art is amazing neocoill obviously brought their A game to this game and made sure to put an insane amount of work into the art of this game
    it's honestly the best art Neocoill has ever made and honestly the best art i've ever seen in a 2D porn game ever everything is drawn from the characters to the background unlike a lot of 2D porn games that use real life backgrounds and just blur them to add the illusion that it's drawn not saying even the majority use this but i've played my fair amount of 2D porn games that do use real backgrounds into their game anyway my point is this game is obviously a passion project the amount of unique characters and backgrounds all equally beautifully drawn is insane add to that that every sex scene has multiple images and some later one's even have smooth 2D animation it's insane i can only imagine the amount of work and dedication this takes and the amount of content there already is in the game is absolutely insane and needs to be praised

    the characters and their personality:

    the simple explanation would be they are all unique & great with diverse personality's and body types each of them with their unique quirks that make them unique and stand out from each other all equally well drawn and written with tons of tought put into their design even the side characters which is all i will say to not spoil them trust me you will love pretty much each and every character you meet in this game

    the story:

    let's start with the premise and story, light starter spoilers ahead
    the story is of a guy a gamer and pretty much a loser who hasn't left his room in month's who meets an angel that falls out of a portal on top of him she explains to him he is apparently the hero and there is a demon making everyone horny corrupting and cursing them to make them his slaves and our hero's cum will save them with the help of a holy object pretty much a cock ring that also protects our hero from getting corrupted by the demon himself also of course a woman hero will take care of the corrupted men because of course anyway from there on he meets more girls has accidents finds certain events and fucks a bunch of woman truly a revolutionary story right? well what i love of this game is the dev knows what kinda game this is and knows what people wanna see and that is porn who would have thought right? people wanna see porn in a porn game huh? no but in all seriousness i'm gonna be honest i'm sick of all these games with porn that focus so much on making a unique and interesting story that they either forget about the porn or the porn is boring and uninspired and i'm so happy this dev understands what he/she/whatever understands that in a porn game porn comes first and story second of course that doesn't mean the story has to bed bad or boring because don't get me wrong the story isn't bad or boring it just knows what is is and makes it the best it can possibly be anyway

    let's talk about the character dialoge and our MC for a bit:

    it's great the way the characters talk to each other and to the mc feels believable and is always fun the game made me chuckle more than a few times actually while also not being cringy or weird and feeling natural it just feels organic and has almost no spelling mistakes and grammar issues and that's the same with every character even the side characters even our MC has great dialoge and a surprisingly great personality he isn't an asshole or a horny dumb teenager he has some problem talking to woman in the beginning with not going outside for month's and obviously not talking to anyone let alone the other sex for month's but he quickly get's better at it and more self confident while never becoming an asshole and staying believable

    now let's talk about the music and the sound effects:

    let's start with the music, the music is great i don't know if it's original or not but it perfectly fit's the game and every area has a different song that perfectly compliments the area that you're currently in for example the beach has a beach kinda song that fit's perfectly with the vibe of the whole game and every area is like that, now let's talk about the sound effects simply they are great the sound effects for sex and other things are amazing the blowjob sound effects are probably the best i've ever heard and every sex sound effect is like that the beach has beach sound effects like seagulls the ocean etc, and again every area is the same all in all great music and sound effects

    now let's talk about what kinda porn you can expect:

    something i instantly appreciated and noticed is that there are a lot of amazing blowjob scenes both POV side view and other interesting and hot views there is also a lot of pussy sex some tittyfucks anal and handjobs there is even some futanari stuff in the game but as far as i know no futa sex with the MC which is a shame but you can't have everything and if just wouldn't fit with the vibe of the game like i can't see the MC suddenly wanting to suck futa cock but who knows maybe in future scenes since the game is stil in development and probably will be for a while i can dream i guess anyway there are already a lot of sex scenes in the game like a LOT of sex scenes honestly it surprised me with how much porn is already in the game so you don't have to worry about getting blue balled

    now for my final thoughts:

    this game gets it it knows what it is it doesn't try to be anything more than what it should be and that's simply a porn game with amazing art great characters great character designs really hot sex scenes great dialoge between characters nice buildup for the sex scenes with some funny jokes that fit perfectly with the sex scenes and the tone of the game and just everything i love about porn games i really hope this porn game get's finished and it doesn't start to get worse and more boring like so many other porn games that start of great i'll put my full trust in this game and hope it get's even better and finished eventually

    final score 9/10

  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Art is a strong point. The variation in characters and scenes are pretty decent, except the LIs basically all have absurdly huge T&A.

    The writing is... tolerable. It is definitely porn-without-plot and a bit meme-y, although not too ridiculous or cringey. In other words, just no depth to it. The characters (incl MC) are walking tropes. The story practically isn't even worth the length of the intro. And like most of these where the MC is a "loser virgin gamer lol" you really get the feeling that the writer doesn't have so much experience themselves... The MC unironically responds to "how do you make all these girls feel good" with "yeah idk she just gives me a BJ and then we fuck."

    The current mechanics and amount of content don't yet justify this being a sandbox game. There are technically stats and choices but really this is currently a kinetic novel with extra steps. I do appreciate, at the very least, that the dev has not made the grindy parts too frustrating. You can pretty easily spam click, and once you've finished a day it automatically puts you back in the bedroom, so even the longest grindy bits take only a minute or two. There are plenty of ways I could see new content fleshing things out with different routes, dynamic events, and multi-character interaction. It's too early to say for now.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    So because the game is a visual novel, the only two things that matter is art and dialogues.
    Both of them are absolutely 10/10 IMHO. Art, I think, would look lovingly to anybody really, all the while dialogues are believable and aren't a "porn plot be like" meme example.
    Interface is kind of rough, but has everything you need and works, which is more than enough (though lacks a bit of polishing, but, again - this game genre does not require such on an excellent level).
    Didn't encounter any bugs yet. And even if they do appear, unless they're gamebreaking - not a problem at all.
    So I would rate this 9.5/10, but in 5-stars type it's absolutely 5/5.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a little short so far. But the content is very good. The artwork is great. No excess text and no big breaks between "action". Already have some work to branch out the plot with different scenes. All in all, a worthwhile work to keep an eye on.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art, great characters, genuinely really enjoyable to play. Would be nice to see some proper animation and a gallery section, but with the game being so early it is super promising and looking forward to seeing more updates
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Very cool graphics, although getting women is too easy. The plot is interesting, although the game could be more sandbox-like at certain moments, I mean having the choice of locations and, of course, having a map and some difficulty levels introduced, but overall it's really cool :p