Unity - Completed - Collapse World [Final] [Sleeping]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: Final.
    Extremely crude game.
    Horrible movement and aim. Even the dodge is bad. The terrain doesn't help, and it also has one of the ugliest snow biomes I've ever seen in games.
    Few weapons, and most are basically the same but with different effects.
    The game itself is pretty short. I finished it in about 30 minutes. It's also very easy to never die (which ends in being a good thing for this game).
    There are bugs. There is also that automatic translation that takes time (I didn't have the patience to read the story). No pause, no configs besides volume.
    About the humanoid sexual partners, all of them are ugly. "Baby" on birthing scene is comically strange.
    I only gave 2 stars because the "poor" text is what best defines this game.
    Remaining qualities:
    - Being easy and short helps to ignore the game badness, or at least not play it too much.
    - It unlocks the scenes of each stage just by beating the stage, with no need to lose in each one and other "you must naturally trigger each scene first" things that lot of games have. It looks like it has a "unlock all" button, but "sadly" I finished the game without testing it.
    - Some scenes has a rare female POV camera.
    - Although crude and all, it's still a working game.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Version: Final

    Um. Uh. Sooooooooooooooooo, this was a game. I think. I couldn't really tell with how fucking easy it was. If you have more than 2 braincells you will never die. This is with the game never even telling me how to play (the MTL translation is broken and will only work like 2 times if you're lucky, it's kinda random).

    You are a witch. Probably. I wouldn't know, the game refused to give me anything in English other than "chest" and "resumption of game". You are fighting various monsters for.. reasons. These monsters are also slower than the average tectonic plate, so them getting hits on you is basically impossible.

    You do get hit with the AMRAAM magic projectiles that some bosses throw at you, but they're barely noticeable, just keep spamming attack and they'll die before they do too much damage. If you want to see the sex animations, just go into the gallery and activate all, because you'll need to work to die from an enemy in this game.

    So yeah, to allow you to stop having to read though my shitty jokes, let's wrap this up with a good and bad list provided by santa:

    -pressing space makes the MC do a cool backflip that sometimes puts things in slow motion.

    -sex scenes
    -the fact that the MTL doesn't work
    -stupidly easy difficulty
    -low content

    Basically, everything other than the backflip is bad. So yeah, install the game, backflip a few times, uninstall. :WeSmart: