default is_censored = False
default label_history = []
default menu_set = set()
# Scenes
default viewed_scenes = set() # Refer to
## Settings
default real_life_mode = False
## Sex Overlay
default sex_overlay_options = []
## Character Names - these are placeholder names until they are revealed to MC
default character_frogsp_name = "Frogs President"
default character_djbp_name = "DJ Biggest Philly"
default ep2_player_avn_name = "Penelope" # text_value = The Player's name inside Penelope's AVN game
default character_fa_name = "Faris" # (formerly faris_name)
default speaker_josh_name = "Josh" # Can be changed to 'Big Josh' in ep4s40
default free_roam_navigation = False
#region CK1 Variables
#region v1
#endregion v1
#region v2
#endregion v2
#region v3
#endregion v3
#region v4
default v0_bowling = False
#endregion v4
#region v5
default v0_lauren_public = False
#endregion v5
#region v6
#endregion v6
#region v7
default v0_visited_shelter = False # v7_visited_shelter
#endregion v7
## v8
## v9
## v10
default v0_cheer_for_nora = False # v10_cheerfornora
default v0_help_nora_freeroam = False # v10_help_nora_freeroam
default v0_mc_win_freshman_brawl_ryan = False # v10_ryan_win
default v0_mc_win_freshman_brawl_imre = False # v10_imre_win
## v11
default v0_amber_sauna_convo = False # v11_amber_sauna_convo
default v0_hp_points = 0 # v11_hp_points
default v0_invite_sam_europe = False # v11_invite_sam_europe
default v0_josh_nightclub = False # v11_josh_nightclub
default v0_lauren_caught_aubrey = False # v11_lauren_caught_aubrey
default v0_lindsey_slogan = 1 # v11_lindsey_slogan
default v0_pen_goes_europe = False # v11_pen_goes_europe
default v0_ride_with_mrlee = False # v11_ride_with_mrlee
default v0s13_rejected_aubrey = False # v11s13_rejected_aubrey
default v0s23_penelope_date = True # v11s23_penelope_date
## v12
default v0_chase_robber = False # v12_chase_robber
default v0_fight_win = False # v12_fight_win
default v0_followed_nora = False # v12_followed_nora
default v0s16_kissnora = False # v12s16_kissnora
## v13
default v0_chloe_sus = 0 # chloeSus
default v0_after_party = False # v13_after_party
default v0_aubrey_concert = False # v13_aubrey_concert
default v0_charli_exposed = False # v13_charli_exposed
default v0_concert_backstage = False # v13_concert_backstage
default v0_help_chloe_pier = False # v13_help_chloe
default v0_imre_disloyal = False # v13_imre_disloyal
default v0_cameron_and_mc_friends = False
# Imre saw MC kiss Nora in CK1
default v0_invite_samantha = False # v13_invite_samantha
default v0_penelope_concert = False # v13_penelope_concert
default v0_perfume = False # v13_perfume
default v0_smoke_weed = False # v13_smoke_weed
default v0_threesomeending = False # v13_threesomeending
# True = Aubrey, Riley, and MC had a threesome in CK1
# False = Aubrey, Riley, and MC did NOT have a threesome in CK1
default v0s20_bleach_suitcase = False # v13s20_bleach_suitcase
default v0s48_canoeing_as_date = False # v13s48_canoeing_as_date
## v14
default v0s03a_take_wallet = True # v14s03a_take_wallet, True just because
default v0_ryan_looses_virginity_satin = True # v14_ryan_satin
# True = Ryan got laid by Satin in CK1 (default for CK2)
# False = Ryan did not get laid by Satin in CK1
default v0s5a_riley_should_join_chicks = False
default v0_costume = 1 # costume
default v0_fight_tom = False
default v0_win_tom = False # wintom
# MC won the fight against Tom
# MC wins fight against Robber in the UK
default v0_freeroam11 = set() # freeroam11
default v0_freeroam6 = set() # freeroam6 (karen_ticket)
default v0_hc_girl = None # hcGirl
# The name of the girl MC spent homcoming with (lowercase)
default v0_lauren_too_far = False # laurentoofar
default v0_protest = False # protest
default v0_signs = False # signs
default v0_told_lauren = False # toldlauren
# v0.0 not in failed_label
default v0_emily_bowling = False
default v0_aubrey_boyfriend_threesome = False
#endregion CK1 Variables
## Chloe Planing Board
default chloe_board = PlanningBoard("images/v1/chicks_presidency_race/planning_boards/chloe_background.webp", money=1500)
default v1_chloe_wolves = False ## APPROACH A (v1_chloe_apes = v1_help_chloe and not v1_chloe_wolves)
default v1_realwolf = False ## TASK A2A (v1_plushwolf = v1_chloe_wolves and not v1_realwolf)
default v1_chloe_cameron = False ## TASK B2B (v1_chloe_grayson = (v1_help_chloe and not v1_chloe_wolves) and not v1_chloe_cameron)
## Lindsey Planing Board
default lindsey_board = PlanningBoard("images/v1/chicks_presidency_race/planning_boards/lindsey_background.webp", money=200, style="lindsey_board")
default v1_lindsey_sell = False ## APPROACH A (v1_lindsey_steal = v1_help_lindsey and not v1_lindsey_sell)
default v1_pics_with_linds = False ## TASK A1B (v1_pics_no_linds = v1_lindsey_sell and not v1_pics_with_linds)
default v1_date_distraction = False ## APPROACH B1B (v1_concert_distraction = (v1_help_lindsey and not v1_lindsey_sell) and not v1_date_distraction)
# Animated Bar
default animated_value_percent = 0
#region v1.0
default chrissus = 0
default irisStrikes = 0
default v1_ApesPostChloePics = True #They always post unless MC is an Ape and stops them.
default v1_badsinging_Sam = False
default v1_chrissupport = 0 #3 = Full, 2 = Medium, 1 = Low
default v1_emily_ily = False
default v1_help_chloe = False
default v1_help_lindsey = False
default v1_jennypoints = 0
default v1_lauren_helps_lindsey = False
default v1_lauren_sabotage = False
default v1_lindsey_popularity = 45 # Use set_presidency_percent(amount).
default v1_noraWhere = False #????
default v1_noraWorry = False #????
default v1_penelope_date = False
default v1_PenelopePartner = False
# True = v1s43c MC picks Penenelope as his partner in History class.
# False = v1s43c MC picks Riely as his partner in History class.
default v1_PenRomScene = False
default v1_pen_argument_scene = False
default v1_ryan_satin = False
default v1_samantha_cum = False
default v1_SamanthaDrugs = False
default v1_talk_to_chris = False
default v1_amber_clean = False
default v1s23_agree = False
default v1s23_disagree = False
default v1s24a_gummyfish = False
default v1s25_letherstay = False
default v1s30b_image = 0
default v1s30b_its_perfect = False # Telling Chloe that the caption is perfect
default v1s31b_smoke_weed_with_aubrey = False # s31b smoking weed with Aubrey at Ape's House
default v1s31bTrustChloe = False # MC trust Chloe alone with Grayson
default v1s37_focus_on_us = False # Tell Penelope to focus on them during the date.
default v1s39_id_wait = False # Tell Penelope you'd wait till they got home
default v1s4_tell_imre = False
default v1s41a_standup = False #stand up for Chloe during the Apes meeting
default v1s46a_love_lauren_more = False # MC love Lauren more because of her sex experimenting on MC.
default v1s47_car_pics = []
default v1s48_car_description = None
default v1s48_car_price = 100
default v1s50_listen_to_aubrey_lindsey = 0 # MC choses to listen to Lindsey and Aubrey's conversation.
default v1s53_kissed_samantha = False
default freeroam12 = set() #chloe heist
default freeroam12stolen = set()
#endregion v1.0
#region v2.0
# Chloe Planning Board (v2s8)
default v2_chloe_lindseysabotage = False ##Approach A. Free tuition = (v1_help_chloe and not v2_chloe_lindseysabotage)
default v2_chloe_postkiwii = False ##Approach A3A. Dean PA System = (v2_chloe_lindseysabotage and not v2_chloe_postkiwii)
default v2_chloe_mrleesupport = False ##Approach B1A. Ms. Rose support = (v1_help_chloe and not v2_chloe_lindseysabotage and not v2_chloe_mrleesupport)
# Lindsey Planning Board (v2s12)
default v2_lindsey_gamenight = False ##Approach A. VIP Night = (v1_help_lindsey and not v2_lindsey_gamenight)
default v2_lindsey_mostlikelyto = False ##Approach A2A. Would You Rather = (v2_lindsey_gamenight and not v2_lindsey_mostlikelyto)
default v2_lindsey_inviteseb = False ##Approach B2A. Invite Grayson = (v1_help_lindsey and not v2_lindsey_gamenight and not v2_lindsey_inviteseb)
default aubrey_riley_awkward = False
default dog_name = "Blue"
default freeroam13 = set() # halloween, part 1 (18a)
default freeroam14 = set() # halloween, part 2 (18c)
default v2_autumn_freemug = False
default v2_autumn_lunchbreak = False
default v2_autumn_smoke = False
default v2_blame_nora = False # blame_chris = (v0_imre_disloyal, or maybe not) and not v2_blame_nora
default v2_car_sold_price = 0
default v2_lindsey_alcohol = False
default v2_lindsey_recording = 0 # (if recording happened in scene 35, value may be 1, 2 or 3. If recording happened in scene 39, value may be 4, 5 or 6)
default v2_mad_at_ms_rose = False
default v2_nora_clue_camping = False
default v2_nora_clue_ex = False
default v2_nora_clues = set()
default v2_nora_locations = set()
default v2_NoraFriendzone = False
default v2_RileyUpset = False
default v2_say_nothing = False
default v2_seduce_ms_rose = False
default v2_stay_on_topic = False
default v2_threaten_ms_rose = False
default v2_took_notes = False
default v2s10_buyer_max_amount = 0
default v2s18_imre_checklist = {}
default v2s18_LaurensBed = False
default v2s18_mention_list_aubrey = False
default v2s18_pumpkin = 0
default v2s18a_aub_kiwii_smile = False
default v2s18a_gag = False
default v2s18a_lie = False #????
default v2s18a_riley_bj = False
default v2s18a_showlist_penelope_autumn = False
default v2s18e_cum_in_lauren = False
default v2s20_teacher_brief_open_count = 0
default v2s21_meeting_points = 0
default v2s22_meeting_points = 0
default v2s24_nancy_dick = False
default v2s25_price = 0
default v2s26_side_with_riley_about_polygamy = False
default v2s33_cheese = False
default v2s33_flirt = False
default v2s33_naomi_broke_aubreyrs = False
default v2s33_take_photo = False
default v2s35_bring_up_chloe = False
default v2s36_not_good_idea = False
default v2s42_flirt = False
default v2s42_grab_breakfast = False
default v2s48_follow_your_heart = False
default v2s48_interrupt = False
default v2s48a_norapoints = 0
default v2_nora_cum = False
default v2s7_chloe_empathize = False
default v2s33_sambuca = False
default v2s9_wedding_date = False
default v2s36_autumn_kiss = False
default pb_threesome = False
default v2_emily_sext = False
default v2s33_naomisg = 0
#endregion v2.0
#region v3.0
default v3_baby_name = "Baby" # Used to store the player designated name of the baby
default v3_win_tom = False
default v3_home_riley = False
# Chloe Planning Board
default v3_chloe_newspaper = False ##Approach A. Sparty = (v1_help_chloe and not v3_chloe_newspaper)
default v3_chloe_on_cover = False ##Approach A2A. Chloe puts Lindsey on cover = (v3_chloe_newspaper and not v3_chloe_on_cover)
default v3_chloe_mc_masseuse = False ##Approach B2B. Real Masseuse = (v1_help_chloe and not v3_chloe_newspaper and not v3_chloe_mc_masseuse)
## Note: can also get v3_chloe_mc_masseuse without supporting Chloe (via v3s61)
# Lindsey Planning Board
default v3_lindsey_newspaper = False ##Approach A. Polly endorsement = (v1_help_lindsey and not v3_lindsey_newspaper)
default v3_lindsey_elijah = False ##Approach A1A. Riley interview = (v3_lindsey_newspaper and not v3_lindsey_elijah)
default v3_lindsey_roomservice = False ##Approach B2A. Show up as yourselves = (v1_help_lindsey and not v3_lindsey_newspaper and not v3_lindsey_roomservice)
default freeroam15 = set() #Pier v3s15
default freeroam16 = set() #Amber v3s20
default freeroam17 = set() #Aubrey date v3s39
default v3s11_sign_up = False
default v3s20_take_twazzlers = False
default v3_amber_mention_bills = False
default v3_amber_mention_laptop = False
default v3s23_support_amber = False
default v3_aubrey_date = False
default v3_lindsey_donation = 50 # Track if MC spends any of the money lindsey gives him (can be spend in s32 and s38)
default v3_parent_chloe = False # True = Chloe, False = Nora
default v3s27_mc_baby_schedule = {
"wednesday": BabyDuty.PARTNER_ALONE,
"thursday": BabyDuty.PARTNER_ALONE,
"friday": BabyDuty.PARTNER_ALONE
default v3_aubrey_date_birthday = False
default v3_aubrey_date_cab = 0 # 0 = neither, 1 = cab only, 2 = cab and flowers
default v3s34_joke_about_elijah = False
default v3s34_get_aggressive_with_elijah = False # False = Laugh
default v3s35_mc_spa_shopping = set() # possible values are "tingle_mint_oil", "citrus_oil", "expensive_mask", "cheap_mask" - Tracks what MC purchased during spa shopping for chloe
default v3s38_tippped_driver = False
default v3_aubrey_date_points = 0
default v3s39_food_critic = False
default v3s44_rubius_park_walk = False
default v3s48_chloe_throws_baby = False
default v3s50a_day_of_the_week = DayOfTheWeek.WEDNESDAY
default v3s52_mc_post = False
default v3s52_aubrey_post = False # True = Aubrey makes kiwii post to raise donations for dog shelter/ False = Aubrey declines posting to Kiwii
default v3s55_questions = set() # Possible values: three_positives , important_quality , random_kindness || Follow up questions = make_suggestion [or sounds_great], expand [or thatll_do], ask_why [or thats_good], more_advice [or finish_up]. || The ones in [] aren't stored, we can check by negating the paired one.
### - why do we need this one? ### default v3s57_agree_with_samantha_or_cameron = 0 # 0 = Stay out of it, 1 = Samantha, 2 = Cameron
default v3s59_just_knock = False # True == just knock on polly's door / False = Calm Lindsey down before knocking
default v3_polly_endorsement = False # True == Polly will endorse Lindsey for Pres / False = Polly does not endorse Lindsey for Pres.
default v3s63_mask = False # True = MC decides to wear facial mask on MC during s63 / False = MC decides not to wear mask
default v3s63a_mc_influence_aubreys_vote = 0 # 0 = Noobdy, 1 = Chloe, 2 = Lindsey (just in case this is used later to help decide the winner of the election Aubrey's vote)
default v3s63a_mc_choose_keep_convo_friendly = False # True == MC chose not to talk sexy to Lindsey during massage/ False = MC chose Turn up the heat to get Lindsey all hot and bothered out
default v3s63a_mc_choose_cool_convo = False # True = MC chose not to take care of Lindsey's sexual needs/ False = MC chose to take care of Lindsey's sexual needs
default v3s63_suggestions = set() # Possible values: "v3s63_compliment", "v3s63b_compliment", "v3s63_breast_reduction", "v3s63b_breath_mint"
default v3s64_confessed_insult = False # True = Told Truth/ False = Denied it - MC tells the truth when confronted about insults from Spa Night.
default v3s67_mc_remains_interested_autumn_sex = 0 # 0 = MC did not get asked, 1 = Autumn asked and MC turned her down, 2 = Autumn asked and MC said he was still interested
default v3s78_rose_ask_mc_contnue_dating = 0 # N 0 = Never asked, 1 = MC answered "If we want to", 2 = MC answered "Probably not"
default v3_ms_rose_breakup = False
default v3s4_dissnaomi = False
default v3s14_focus = 0
default v3_wrongkey = 0
default v3_win_range = False ### ???
default v3_opera_invite = False
default v3s8a_smoke_with_autumn = False # True = MC smokes a join with Autumn at school/ False = MC does not smoke a joint with her ###
default v3s65_cover_data = {"title": "Vote Chloe", "design": "images/v3/Scene 65/v3s65_Chloe_flag.webp"}
default v3s34_elijah_fuckoff = False
#endregion v3.0
# region v3.1
default newspaper_cover = ""
default newspaper_headline = ""
default newspaper_data = []
default v3s78_rose_continue_dating = False
default cover_title = "Enter new cover title:"
default v3_lindsey_interview_points = 0
default v3s68_penelope_friendzone = False
default v3_lindsey_president = False
# endregion v3.1
# region Episode 2
default svc_rejects_posts = []
default ep2s2_mc_major = None
# None
default ep2s2_mc_committee = None
# None
default ep2s5_mc_negative = False
# True = MC has a negative opinion about Aubrey becoming a model
# False = MC doesn't have a negative opinion about Aubrey becoming a model
default ep2s5_laslo_concern = False
# True = MC tells Aubrey to be careful around Laslo
# False = MC has a good feeling about Laslo taking photos of Aubrey
default ep2s7_mc_humourous = False
# True = MC introduces himself in a humourous way
# False = MC introduces himself in a normal way
default ep2s7_mc_suggestion = None
# None
default ep2s11_mc_says = None
# None
default ep2s12_mc_harsh_lauren = False
# True = MC's kinda harsh with Lauren's drawing or her father
# False = MC's not harsh with any of those mentioned above
default ep2s12_pool_above_cleaning = False
# True = MC skips cleaning Penelope's room to secure the party house
# False = MC goes to help Penelope at arranging her room
default ep2s13_clicked_items = set()
default ep2s13_mc_helps_cleaning = 0
default ep2s13_rats_mention = False
# True = a messy room leads to rats, according to MC
# False = MC doesn't say anything about rats, regarding a messy room
default ep2s14_try_with_elijah_first = False
# True = MC goes to talk with Elijah for the party house
# False = MC goes straight to Mrs. Woods to secure the house for the party
default ep2s15a_green_from_elijah = False
# True = Elijah gives permision to use his house for the party
# False = Elijah isn't convinced about securing his house for the party
default ep2s16_flirt_mrs_woods = False
# True = MC flirts with Elijah's mom for the pool
# False = MC doesn't flirt with Mrs. Woods
default ep2s18_visit_linds = False
# True = MC accepts Lindsey's offer, after helping her campaign
# False = MC doesn't go to Lindsey's room
default ep2s18_going_to_chloe = False
# True = MC accepts Chloe's offer, after helping her campaign
# False = MC doesn't visit Chloe's room, after the peacemaking
default ep2s18a_eat_lindseys_ass = False
# True = MC eats Lindsey's ass
# False = MC eats her pussy instead of her ass
default ep2s18b_start_dating_chloe = False
# True = Chloe becomes girlfriend in episode 2
# False = MC doesn't start dating Chloe in episode 2, or they were already a couple
default ep2s18b_pick_plant = False
# True = MC will pick up Chloe's plant from the ground
# False = MC won't pick up that plant
default ep2s20_visit_autumn = False
# True = MC will meet Autumn at the Deer House
# False = MC answered in the messages, that he won't see Autumn at the Deer House
default ep2s21_mc_turn_on = None
# None
default ep2s21_mc_wise_experience = False
# True = MC says he has a lot of sexual experience and wisdom
# False = MC says he's not that experienced with the sexual life
default ep2s21_autumn_overthinking = False
# True = MC think Autumn's overthinking with preparing for her first time
# False = MC appreciates that Autumn has prepared for her first time
default ep2s22a_mc_tells_naomi = None
# None
default ep2s22a_mc_apologise_naomi = False
# True = MC wants to apologise to Naomi for telling her off
# False = MC doesn't want to apologise to Naomi for telling her off
default ep2s22a_mc_confess_bathroom = False
# True = MC tells Aubrey about Naomi trying to get with him
# False = MC doesn't tell Aubrey about Naomi trying to get with him
default ep2s24_mc_compliments_house = False
# True = MC compliments Mr Rose's house
# False = MC doesn't compliment Mr Rose's house
default ep2s24_mc_coffee = None
# None
default ep2s24_arabica = False
# True = MC wants Arabica coffee from Mr Rose
# False = MC doesn't want Arabica from Mr Rose
default ep2s25_mc_confident_drive = False
# True = MC feels confident about driving a van
# False = MC's not confident regarding driving a van
default ep2s26_put_cereals_back = False
# True = MC doesn't want him or Nora to taste some cereals
# False = MC or Nora (or both) are trying some cereals
default ep2s27_comics_prioritize = False
# True = MC goes to see Penelope, regarding her comics progress
# False = MC stays with Nora, to continue the preparations for the party
default ep2s28_shopping_with_lauren = False
# True = MC goes straight to the mall, for Lauren's upcoming business
# False = MC checks on Riley, after seeing her with Tom
default ep2s30_lingerie = None
# None
default ep2s32a_chloe_caught_mc_aubrey = False
# True = Girlfriend Chloe doesn't like MC *playing* with Aubrey
# False = MC's not dating Chloe and Aubrey
default ep2s35a_mc_not_fishing = False
# True = MC doesn't want to fish
# False = MC's cool with fishing
default ep2s36_laughing_at_cameron = 0
default ep2s37_more_beer = False
# True = MC goes for another beer in the *bro* Wolves moment
# False = MC doesn't go for another beer in the *bro* Wolves moment
default ep2s37_mc_saves = None
# None
default ep2s38_visit_nora = False
# True = MC will visit GF Nora at her cabin
# False = MC doesn't visit Nora
default ep2s39_mc_pessimist = False
# True = MC's not pessimistic in the cabin date with Nora
# False = MC's pessimistic regarding Nora's father or Pool Party's success
default ep2s41_wear_pot = False
# True = MC acts goofy at Mr. Lee's history class about ancient pots
# False = MC doesn't act goofy at Mr. Lee's latest history class
default ep2s42_survey_top_priority = False
# True = MC helps Lauren with her survey first
# False = MC helps Riley first
default ep2s42a_lindsey_talk = False
# True = MC talks with Lindsey about Lauren's lingerie
# False = MC doesn't talk with Lindsey about Lauren's lingerie
default ep2s42_survey_done = False
# True = MC asks feedback from either Amber or Lindsey for Lauren's lingerie
# False = MC doesn't ask for feedback from Amber or Lindsey
default ep2s42a_lindsey_feedback = None
# None
default ep2s42b_amber_feedback = None
# None
default ep2s42b_off_topic_amber = False
# True = MC has some off topic chat with Amber
# False = MC doesn't have some off topic chat with Amber
default ep2s42c_lindsey_sewing = False
# True = MC tells Lauren about Lindsey helping with the sewing
# False = MC doesn't tell Lauren that Lindsey can sew
default ep2s43_dj_talk = False
# True = MC talks with Riley about the party DJ
# False = MC doesn't talk with Riley regarding the DJ
default ep2s43a_cider_party = 0
default ep2s44_ask_for_help = False
# True = MC suggests Lauren (again) to ask someone to help for her business
# False = MC doesn't Lauren to look for help
default ep2s45_lauren_porn = False
# True = MC will visit Lauren to watch porn together
# False = MC won't visit Lauren
default ep2s45_visit_chloe = False
# True = MC will visit Chloe to entertain her
# False = MC won't visit Chloe
default ep2s46_chloe_dare = None
# None
default ep2s46b_running_around_naked = False
# True = MC will run naked around Chicks' house
# False = MC won't run naked around Chicks' house
default ep2s46_win_race = False
# True = MC grabs Chloe's gamepad to defeat her in the game
# False = MC plays fair and square
default ep2s47_just_cuddle = False
# True = MC only wants to cuddle with Lauren
# False = MC doesn't want to cuddle with her girlfriend
default ep2s48_sam_hang_out = False
# True = MC wants to hang out again with Sam
# False = MC is not going to hang out with Sam
default ep2s52_enjoy_kaori = False
# True = MC tells Penelope he enjoys her comic strips, so far
# False = MC doesn't tell Penelope he enjoys her comic strips
default ep2s54_more_wine = False
# True = MC encourages Lauren to taste some more wine
# False = MC tells Lauren to take it easy with the drinking
default ep2s55a_oregano_joint = False
# True = MC tries some "Chronic Stealth" with Ryan
# False = MC doesn't try the "special weed"
default ep2s57_collage_reaction = None
# None
default ep2s58_inflat_rent = None
# None
default ep2s58_kitchen_ravioli = False
# True = MC will have lunch with Lauren and Riley
# False = MC keeps helping Lindsey with the pool party preparations
default ep2s60_mc_order = None
# None
default ep2s60_naomi_model = False
# True = MC vouches for Naomi as Lauren's first model
# False = Aubrey's the default first model
default ep2s60_lauren_model = False
# True = MC vouches for Lauren to model herself for the second photoshoot
# False = Lindsey's the default second model
default ep2s63_call_chloe = False
# True = MC calls Chloe for a balloon flight with her
# False = MC doesn't call Chloe at all
default ep2s65_balloon_peek = False
# True = MC doesn't contain himself and finds out about the balloon
# False = MC isn't peeking, so he likes the surprises
default ep2s65_height_phobia = False
# True = MC is scared of the big heights
# False = MC isn't afraid of flying into a balloon, at least
default ep2s65_banner_string = False
# True = The unknown string is pulled
# False = MC and Chloe keep their hands to themselves
default ep2s65_second_handle_round = None
# None
default ep2s67_hiding_chair = False
# True = MC hides behind a chair when he sees Mr. Lee
# False = MC doesn't hide behind a chair when he sees Mr. Lee
default ep2s67_spicy_noodles = False
# True = MC tries his luck with some spicy noodles
# False = MC goes for the mild noodles
default ep2s69_appreciate_studio = False
# True = MC likes the studio's color scheme
# False = MC doesn't like the studio's color scheme
default ep2s69_modeling_round_one = None
# None
default ep2s71_negative_in_finale = False
# True = Overall, MC doesn't like Penelope's comic strips
# False = MC has a good opinion about Penelope's comic strips, overall
default ep2s72_modeling_round_two = None
# None
default ep2s73_straight_to_laurens_ibuy = False
# True = MC goes directly to Lauren for the ibuy page
# False = MC doesn't go directly to Lauren
default ep2s73_avoid_lauren = 0
default ep2s75_start_dating_penelope = False
# True = MC starts dating Penelope from episode 2
# False = MC doesn't start dating Penelope from episode 2
default ep2s76_visit_amber_agency = False
# True = MC pays Amber a visit to the detective agency
# False = MC doesn't visit Amber
default ep2s77_ibuy_price = EP2S77_Price.NONE
default ep2s77_intro_description = EP2S77_GenericDescribe.NONE
default ep2s77_buyer_feeling = EP2S77_EmbraceYourself.NONE
default ep2s77_material_emanation = EP2S77_LingerieHighlight.NONE
default ep2s77_ibuy_image = None
default ep2s77_start_dating_lauren = False
# True = MC starts dating Lauren from episode 2
# False = MC doesn't start dating Lauren from episode 2
default ep2_party_money = 0
default ep2_party_happiness = 0
default ep2_mc_party_drinking = 0
default ep2s82_freeroam_events = set()
default ep2s82a_no_amber_cocktail = False
# True = MC doesn't want to make a cocktail for Amber
# False = MC is going to make a cocktail for Amber, or he hasn't interacted with her yet
default ep2s82a_no_chloe_sunscreen = False
# True = MC won't pour sunscreen on Chloe's back
# False = MC will either put sunscreen on Chloe's back, or he hasn't interacted with her yet
default ep2s82e_penelope_party_water = 0
default ep2s82e_shot_for_mc = 0 # how many shots will MC take for himself?
default ep2s82e_thank_eli = False
# True = MC thanks Elijah for allowing to party in his house
# False = MC won't thank Elijah for allowing to party in his house
default ep2s82e_mc_bartender = False
# True = MC will be a party bartender for a while
# False = MC won't be a party bartender
default ep2s82e_elijah_drinks_piss = False
# True = MC will pee in Elijah's drink
# False = MC won't pee in Eli's drink
default ep2s83_freeroam_events = set()
default ep2s83_mc_beats_tom = False
# True = MC defeats Tom in a fight at the party
# False = MC doesn't beat Tom at the party
default ep2s83_avoid_tom_fight = False
# True = MC doesn't want to fight Tom at the party
# False = MC accepts to battle with Tom at the party
default ep2s83a_sunglasses_for_amber = False
# True = MC accepts to get some sunglasses for Amber
# False = MC doesn't want to find some sunglasses for Amber, or he hasn't talked with her about it
default ep2s83c_seb_thug_win = False
# True = Seb's team wins the tug of war
# False = Seb's team doesn't win the tug of war
default ep2s83c_swim_teacher = False
# True = MC will teach Aubrey how to swim
# False = MC doesn't become Aubrey's swimming teacher
default ep2s83d_party_cider = False
default ep2s83d_take_dj_sunglasses = False
# True = MC takes DJ's sunglasses for Amber
# False = MC doesn't take DJ's sunglasses for Amber
default ep2s83d_mc_djing = False
# True = MC stands for the DJ while he's going to the bathroom
# False = Riley stands for the DJ while he's going to the bathroom
default ep2s83d_listen_imre_girls = False
# True = MC keeps listening to Imre trying to hook up some girls
# False = MC interrupts Imre, while he's talking with two random girls
default ep2s83f_enjoy_mrs_woods = False
# True = MC says he enjoys Mrs Woods
# False = MC isn't interested in Eli's mom
default ep2s83g_rum_for_sean = False
# True = MC prepares a mocktail with alcohol for Sean Matthews
# False = MC doesn't prepare anything special for Mr Matthews
default ep2s84_freeroam_events = set()
default ep2s84_target = None
# None
default ep2s84b_rum_speaking = None
# None
default ep2s84c_swim_focus = 0
default ep2s84d_hail_the_apple = False
# True = MC joins the core with some apple cores
# False = MC doesn't make a special core
default ep2s84f_chick_girlfriend_cocktail = False
# True = MC prepares a cocktail for his Chick GF
# False = MC doesn't prepare a cocktail for his Chick GF, or he isn't dating any Chick
default ep2s84h_give_ryan_water = False
# True = MC gives water to a very drunk Ryan
# False = MC doesn't give *waturrrrm* to the drunk Ryan (what kind of drunk language is that?!)
default ep2s85_freeroam_events = set()
default ep2s85_pitcher_pick = False
# True = MC collects once again the donations bucket
# False = MC doesn't pick the pitcher for more donations
default ep2s85c_pool_jump = False
# True = MC will jump off the roof at the party
# False = MC isn't going to jump from the roof at the party
default ep2s85c_steal_bikini = False
# True = MC tells Cameron that he'll take a bikini top
# False = MC tells Cameron that that he won't take a bikini top
default ep2s85c_donkey_juice = None
# None
default ep2s87_mrs_woods_balcony = False
# True = MC bangs Mrs Woods in the balcony
# False = MC doesn't bang Eli's mom in the balcony, or he was never interested in her
default ep2s90a_first_reflex = None
# None
default ep2s92_suspect_charli = False
# True = MC believes that Charli is behind the SVC reject page
# False = MC doesn't think at first that Charli is behind the SVC reject page
default ep2s93_photoshoot_time = True
# True = time for Aubrey's important photoshoot
# False = you should have never dated both Chloe and Aubrey in the same time
default ep2s94_first_cool_keeping = False
# True = MC keeps quite at first regarding Laslo's "methods"
# False = MC brings the first protest to Laslo's "methods"
default ep2s94_contract_heads_up = False
# True = MC tells Aubrey to read the contract first
# False = MC doesn't tell Aubrey about reading Laslo's contract first
default ep2s94_final_laslo_warning = False
# True = Laslo gives MC a final warning about not keeping quiet
# False = MC is still quiet about Laslo
default ep2s94_photoshoot_ruined = False
# True = MC didn't keep his cool and ruined Aubrey's first professional photoshoot
# False = MC managed to stay quiet at the right time
default ep2s95_personal_sandwich = None
# None
default ep2s96_skeptical_with_riley_plan = False
# True = MC doesn't believe in Riley's plan about luring Charli into a trap
# False = MC fully trusts Riley's idea regarding Charli
default ep2s98_committee_party_funds = EP2S98_MoneyEarnedFromParty.LOW
default ep2s101_lauren_business_rules = False
# True = MC helped Lauren to accomplish the ultimate success for her lingerie business
# False = Lauren has a decent success with her business, so far
default ep2s104_not_hitting_charli = 0
#endregion Episode 2
#region Episode 3
default ep3s1a_vote_chris_remain = False
# True = MC voted chris should remain president
# False = MC voted chris should resign as president
default ep3s1a_mc_agrees_with_imre_against_chris_pres = False
# True = MC agrees with Imre that Chris is an imcompetent President
# False = MC does not agree with Imre and respect Chris as President
default ep3s1b_chris_says_imre_told_him = False
# True = Chris tells you imre told him about you fucking Nora
# False = Chris doesn't say that
default ep3s2b_graysons_gives_mc_advice_about_chloe = False # Grayson gives MC advice about insulting Chloe during sex
# True = MC gets advice about Chloe from grayson
# False = MC does NOT get advice about Chloe from grayson
# False = MC DOES NOT reply to Aubrey that he loves her.
default ep3s5a_mc_says_he_fucks_people_happy = False
# True = MC tells lindsey having sex him makes people happy
# False = MC says something else
default ep3s5b_points_lindsey_turnedon = 0
# Tracks the number of points earned to turn Lindsey on.
default ep3s7a_mc_asks_mirken_question_mrlee_class = False
# True = MC asks Mirken a question in Mr. Lee's class
# False = MC does NOT ask Mirken a question in Mr. Lee's class
default ep3s7b_choice_penelope_lets_be_friends = False
# True = MC decides that he and Penelope should just be friends
# False = MC decides that he and Penelope should be MORE than friends.
default ep3s9_riley_knows_about_dating_aubrey = False
# True = Riley learns about MC dating aubrey
# False = Riley DOES NOT learn about MC dating aubrey.
default ep3s12_choice_lauren_gf = False
# True = MC answer tells Pharis, Lauren is his GF
# False = MC answer tells Pharis, Lauren is just a friend.
default ep3s13a_lauren_forgives_mc = False
#True Lauren forgives mc for cheating on her with Nora
#False Lauren either doesn't find out, or doesn't forgive, or mc never cheated
default ep3s14_jenny_lecture = False
# True = Jenny gives MC a lecture about dating multiple GFs
# False = Jenny doesn't give MC a lecture about dating multiple GFs
default ep3s14_choice_jenny_ask_mc_breakup_chloe = False
# True = MC chooses to break up with Chloe per Jenny threat
# False = MC chooses NOT to break up with Chloe per Jenny threat.
default ep3s17a_riley_knows_about_dating_nora = False
# True = MC tells Riley he was dating Nora
# False = MC DOES NOT tell Riely he was dating Nora
default ep3s17a_riley_knows_about_dating_chloe = False
# True = MC tells Riley he was dating chloe
# False = MC does NOT tell Riley he was dating chloe
default ep3s17a_riley_knows_about_dating_penelope = False
# True = MC tells Riley he was dating Penelope
# False = MC does NOT tell Riley he was dating Penelope.
default ep3s17a_riley_knows_mc_dating_other_girls = False
# True = Riley knows MC is dating other girls
# False = Riely does NOT know MC is dating other girls
default ep3s18_imre_mc_hallway_sparring = False
# True = MC and Imre spar in the hallway
# False = MC and Imre DO NOT spar in the hallway (Ryan and Imre)
default ep3s18_mc_won_hallway_brawl_imre = True
# True = MC won the hallway brawl with Imre
# False = MC lost the hallway brwal with Imre
default ep3s20_points_support_nora_comittee_ideas = 0
# Tracks the number of points for supporting nora's ideas
default ep3s20_choice_mc_questions_fireworks = False
# True = MC questions Nora's decision regarding fireworks
# False - MC does NOT question Nora's decision regarding fireworks
default ep3s21b_mc_threaten_elijah_about_msrose = False
# True = MC threated Elijah about MC/MsRose relationship
# False = MC DID NOT threaten Elijah about MC/MsROse relationship
default ep3s22_wolf_mc_imre_chore_duty = False
# True = MC and Imre have chore duty for sparring in hallway
# False = MC and Imre DO NOT have chore duty
default ep3s24_tell_autumn_about_aubrey_hc_date = False
# True = MC told Autumn about his surprise homecoming date for Aubrey
# False = MC DID NOT tell Autumn about his surpise homecoming date for Aubrey.
default ep3s25b_points_aubrey_homecoming = 0
# Tracks the number of points for MC's encounter with Aubrey during second homecoming
default ep3s25b_mc_describes_hotel_as_lustful = False
# True = MC describes the hotel for Aubrey as lustful
# Flase = MC DOES NOT describe the hotel for Aubrey as lustful.
default ep3s25b_aubrey_forced_chloe_breakup = False
# True = Aubrey forced MC to break up with Chloe
# False = Aubrey DOES NOT force MC to break up with Chloe
default ep3s25b_choice_lies_to_aubrey_chloe_breakup = False
# True = MC lies to aubrey about breaking up with Chloe
# False = MC DOES NOT lie to aubrey about breaking up with Chloe
default ep3s25b_choice_mc_tells_aubrey_ilu = False
# True = MC tells replies to Aubrey that he loves her
# False = MC does not reply that he loves Aubrey
default ep3_pjp_fr_scenes = set() #s31, 32a-f, h, j
# Tracks all the scenes visited in the pj party freeroam
default ep3s32a_pjp_fr_points_games = {"ryan": 1 , "imre": 2, "mc": 0}
# Tracks the number of points the boys accumulate during the games.
default ep3s32a_pjp_fr_choice_wants_in_on_ryan_imre_games = False
# True = MC chooses to playh the games with ryan and imre
# False = MC chooses not to play the games with ryan and imre
default ep3s32a_pjp_fr_mc_found_wheelchair = False
# True = MC found the wheelchair
# False = MC has NOT found the wheelchair
default ep3s32a_pjp_fr_mc_took_wheelchair = False
# True = Mc took the wheelchair
#False = Mc didn't take the wheelchair
default ep3s32a_pjp_fr_mc_wins_wheelchair_race = False
# True = MC wins the wheelchair race
# False = MC does NOT win the wheelchair race.
default ep3s32a_pjp_fr_hide_and_seek_play = EP3S32A_HideAndSeek.INACTIVE
# Track when the player is playing hide and seek. Uses EP3S32A_HideAndSeek enum
default ep3s32b_going_to_mirken_desk = False
# True = going to Mirken's office with Sebastian
# False = MC staying away from Mirken's office
default ep3s32b_pjp_fr_jellos_mirkens_office = True
# True = MC and/or Sebastian jello Mirkens office during PJ Party
# False = MC and/or Sebastian DOES NOT jello Mirkens office during PJ Party
default ep3s32c_pjp_fr_chloe_leaves_early = False
# True = Chloe leaves early after you break up with her
# False = Chloe does not leave early and you don't break up with her
default ep3s32j_pjp_fr_choice_mc_agree_autumn_open_relationship = False
# True = MC agrees with Autumn, supporting Open relationships
default ep3s35a_choice_mc_tells_nora_ilu = False
# True = MC tells Nora he loves her in the hot tub
# False = Nora says I love you to MC in the hot tub.
default ep3s37_tell_mirken_about_fight = False
# True = MC agrees to tell Mirken about the winter versus
# False = MC agrees NOT to tell Mirken about the winter versus
default ep3s41_choice_date_with_nora_lindsey = "lindsey"
# nora = MC choose to go on his date with Nora
# lindsey = MC choose to go out with Lindsey
default ep3s48_choice_likes_roleplay_penelope = False
# True = MC likes sexual role play with Penelope
# False = MC does NOT like sexuay role play with Penelope
default ep3s49_choice_mc_takes_ecstasy_josh_stripclub = False
# True = MC stakes ecstasy with Josh in the strip club
# False = MC does NOT take ecstasy with Josh in the strip club
default ep3s49_amber_takes_ecstasy_stripclub = False
# True = Amber takes ecstasy with Josh in the strip club
# False = Amber DOES NOT take ecstacy with Josh in strip club
default ep3s49_choice_stripclub_private_dance = "decline"
# violet = MC chooses to have violet give him a private dance
# amber = MC chooses to have amber give him a private dance
# decline = MC declines to get the private dance
default ep3s51a_points_aubrey_happy = 0
# Tracks the number of points MC earns to make Aubrey happy
default ep3s52_choice_mc_fights = True
# True = MC chooses to fight in the Winter Versus
# False = MC chooses NOT TO fight in the Winter Versus
default ep3s53_jenny_told_penelope_chloe_gf = False
# True = Jenny told Penelope about MC dating Chloe
# False = Jenny DID NOT tell Penelope about MC dating Chloe
default ep3_ape_party_fr_scenes = set()
# tracks all the scenes visited in the Apes Fra Party Freeroam
default ep3s57a_fr_points_blindfold = 0
# tracks the total number of points MC earns during the blindfold competition
default ep3s57p_choice_amber_starts_one_line = False
# True = MC tells amber drug habits start with one line
# False = MC DOES NOT tell amber drug habits start with one line
default ep3s57l_choice_tell_autumn_mirken = False
# True = MC tells Autumn in ape freeroam that he told Mirken about Winter Versus
# False = MC DOES NOT tell Autumn about Mirken and Winter Versus
default ep3s60_mc_wins_winter_brawl = False
# True = MC wins his winter brawl fight regardless of opponenent
# False = MC LOSES his winter brawl fight regardless of opponenent
#endregion Episode 3
#region Episode 4
default ep4s1a_watch_out_sharks = False
# True = there might be sharks there
# False = MC doesn't think about the sharks
default ep4s1b_burning_trousers = False
# True = Putting the sparkler in Ryan's trousers
# False = Just wave it around
default ep4s2a_chloe_drive = False
# True = MC will drive back home with Chloe
# False = MC will drive back home with someone else
default ep4s2a_keeping_hope_down = False
# True = MC remains concerned regarding Aubrey's modelling career
# False = MC is confident regarding Aubrey's modelling career
default ep4s7_asking_dean_about_destructions = False
# True = talking to the dean about Mirken's frat houses decision
# False = going straight back to the frat houses
default ep4s9_saving_something = None
# None
# MC
default ep4s9_chris_nora_photo = None
# SAVED = You grabbed the photo of Chris and Nora
# LEFT_BEHIND = You left the photo of Chris and Nora behind
# SMASHED = You smashed the photo of Chris and Nora
default ep4s10_opened_the_box = False
# True = You opened Grayson's secret box (and read a bit of his letter)
# False = You didn't open Grayson's secret box
default ep4s11b_calling_riley_sweet = False
# True = MC says Riley is sweet
# False = MC doesn't say that Riley is sweet
default ep4s11c_not_a_pink_fan = False
# True = MC hates pink
# False = MC likes pink
default ep4s11c_museum_with_riley = False
# True = Going to the art museum with Riley
# False = Getting straight to bed
default ep4s12b_dicks_joke = False
# True = joking about his own dick
# False = keeping quiet about dicks
default ep4s12c_seed_in_the_painting = False
# True = finishing on a museum painting
# False = finishing in Riley's mouth
default ep4s13a_first_night_feels = EP4S13A_FirstNightFeels.DREAM
# DREAM = MC thinks it's a dream to be staying at the Chicks House
# SUCKS = MC thinks it sucks to be staying at the Chicks House
# WEIRD = MC thinks it's weird to be staying at the Chicks House
default ep4s15_visiting_mirken = False
# True = going to Mirken and talking about the destructions
# False = heading to the art class
default ep4s17_penelope_promised_to_make_it_up_to_mc = False
# True = Penelope promised to make things up to you (sexually)
# False = Penelope didn't promise to make things up to you
default ep4s17_milking_the_joke = False
# True = MC milked Penelope's joke about him being homeless
# False = MC didn't milk Penelope's joke about him being homeless
default ep4s17_jog_with_imre = False
# True = going to jog with Imre
# False = paying a visit to Chris or Grayson
default ep4s20_asked_grayson_about_letter = False
# True = You asked Grayson about the letter in his secret box
# False = You didn't ask Grayson about the letter in his secret box
default ep4s22c_adoring_aubrey_milkshake = False
# True = a delicious milkshake from Aubrey
# False = yeah, MC didn't like that milkshake too much
default ep4s21b_suspect_anyone_as_snitch = False
# True = Imre's right to be angry about the snitch
# False = thinking with a cool head is much better
default ep4s22b_yacht_babysitting_for_ryan = False
# True = someone has to watch out for Ryan during the party
# False = Ryan's probably the most *chill* ape
default ep4s23_using_girl_shampoo = False
# True = karma for laughing about MC's smell
# False = maybe it's a good idea not to touch other's stuff
default ep4s25_telling_nora_about_art_museum = False
# True = MC went to a sex museum, so he tells Nora about it
# False = MC talked with Nora about other stuff
default ep4s25_not_thinking_about_leading_frats = False
# True = leading the frats in your first college year doesn't sound like a good idea
# False = either thinking about leading the frats or not talking about it at all
default ep4s25_no_inspiration_from_lucious = False
# True = complaining about Mr. Rose sex dungeon
# False = getting inspired from the "art" museum
default ep4s25_promise_to_nora = False
# True = promise her you'll be careful with the frat leadership
# False = quite confident about the leadership not consuming your life
default ep4s25_gross_avocado = False
# True = Nora offered you a sandwich. You said the avocado was gross.
# False = Nora offered you a sandwich. You took it gratefully!
default ep4s26_pranking_caleb_about_cameron = False
# True = going to call Cameron about his anger issues... or not
# False = keeping quite about what Caleb said about Cameron
default ep4s27c_loving_penelope = False
# True = nice, you said those 3 words to Penelope
# False = not ready for such a step yet with Penny
default ep4s28_another_frats_meeting = False
# True = going to the park for that frats emergency meeting
# False = not curious about the frats emergency meeting
default ep4s29_asked_about_imre_hand = False
# True = You asked Imre how he injured his hand
# False = You didn't ask Imre how he injured his hand
default ep4s29_mc_frat_leader = False
# True = MC's the new frat leader, even if it's temporary
# False = Cameron's a temporary frat leader, but better watch out
default ep4s29_twisting_words_with_nora = False
# True = good luck telling Nora you became temporary leader, although you said at first you won't do that
# False = so you stuck to your word, whatever it was
default ep4s29_leadership_fight = False
# True = you got balls by challenging Cameron for the frat leadership
# False = best to leave Cameron alone and let him do his *job*
default ep4s30_insulted_josh_dealer = False
# True = You told Josh's dealer to fuck off
# False = You didn't tell Josh's dealer to fuck off
default ep4s30_just_keep_moving = False
# True = best to stay away from shady guys
# False = you're brave or stupid if you want to piss off someone shady
default ep4s34_scaredy_crying = False
# True = MC's quite a good actor, isn't he?
# False = it's not easy to talk about crying, you know?
default ep4s35_greeting_elis_mom = False
# True = going to say hello to Mrs. Woods
# False = heading straight to the training session
default ep4s37a_get_mrswoods_attention = None
# None
default ep4s38_supporting_cameron_idea = False
# True = listen to Cameron and search for training places (and maybe homes)
# False = being indifferent with Cameron
default ep4s40_cool_hat = False
# True = MC thinks a ten-gallon hat is cool (and he wants one)
# False = MC thinks a ten-gallon hat is stupid
default ep4s40_all_in = False
# True = You went all in (and lost your chips to Kim)
# False = You didn't go in (and didn't lose your money like a total dumbass)
default ep4s40_did_cocaine = False
# True = You did cocaine at Josh's place
# False = You didn't do cocaine at Josh's place
default ep4s44a_mc_not_on_the_nose = False
# True = You weren't 'on the nose' when pretending to be some rich golf prick
# False = You were 'on the nose' when pretending to be some rich golf prick
default ep4s44a_scare_lauren = False
# True = You scared Lauren while she was trying to make a shot. You monster.
# False = You didn't scare Lauren while she was trying to make a shot.
default ep4s44a_lauren_snapped = False
# True = Lauren yelled at you after you scared her
# False = Lauren didn't yell at you after you scared her
default ep4s44a_supported_lauren = False
# True = You were supportive of Lauren before she went to speak to Leon Wolfe
# False = You weren't supportive of Lauren before she went to speak to Leon Wolfe\
default ep4s44a_punched_wolfe = False
# True = You punched that sexist prick Leon Wolfe right in the face
# False = You didn't punch that sexist prick Leon Wolfe right in the face
default ep4s44a_leon_yeeted_sketchbook = False
# True = Leon threw Lauren's sketchbook into the lake
# False = Leon didn't throw Lauren's sketchbook into the lake
default ep4s44a_lauren_rides_alone = False
# True = Lauren runs over Leon's golf clubs on her own
# False = Lauren runs over Leon's golf clubs with MC in the golf cart
default ep4s49_freeroam_events = set()
default ep4s49_and_ep4s51_yacht_photos = 0
# Photo 1 - ep4s49a - "ep4s49A_divers_deck_kiwii_post1"
# Photo 2 - ep4s49b - "ep4s49B_jacuzzi_kiwii_post1"
# Photo 3 - ep4s49c - "ep4s49C_captains_chair_kiwii_post1"
# Photo 4 - ep4s49d - "ep4s49D_engine_room_kiwii_post1"
# Photo 5 - ep4s49f - "ep4s49f_fly_bridge_kiwii_post1"
# Photo 6 - ep4s49g - "ep4s49G_main_deck_kiwii_post1"
# Photo 7 - ep4s49j - "ep4s49J_front_seats_kiwii_post1"
# Photo 8 - ep4s51a - "ep4s51a_kiwii_post"
# Photo 9 - ep4s51b - "ep4s51b_captains_chair_kiwii_post1"
# Photo 10 - ep4s51d - "ep4s51D_kitchen_kiwii_post1"
default ep4s49_and_ep4s51_mc_yacht_drinking = 0
# Drunk Point 1 - ep4s49b - Shots with Chloe and Lindsey
# Drunk Point 2 - ep4s49f - Beer from Aubrey
# Drunk Point 3 - ep4s49h - Forbidden champagne
# Drunk Point 4 - ep4s49h - Lonely beer
# Drunk Point 5 - ep4s51a - Beer with Seb and Ryan
# Drunk Point 6 - ep4s51d - Drinking competition with Imre and Hayden
# Drunk Point 7 - ep4s51g - Beer from Grayson
default ep4s49a_smoking_hate = False
# True = better say that you aren't smoking and be quiet about those who do
# False = if you don't have a problem with the smoking, you do you
default ep4s49b_shots_for_chicks = False
# True = now you have to bring some drinks to Chloe and Lindsey
# False = don't be a barman for the chicks
default ep4s49b_looking_forward_to_mexico = False
# True = if you wanted to go to Mexico, the Chicks planned a trip over there
# False = it's alright, not everyone likes Mexico
default ep4s49d_wrench_search = False
default ep4s49b_found_nancy_wrench = False
# True = time to deliver this back to Nancy
# False = MC saw the wrench, but he left it under the sink
default ep4s49b_delivered_shots = False
# True = Chloe and Lindsey got their shots
# False = Chloe and Lindsey are still waiting for their shots
default ep4s49c_mc_opinion_on_ryan_hat = None
# None
# CAPTAIN = You said Ryan was the captain
# NICE = You said the hat looked nice on Ryan
# SILLY = You said the hat looked silly on Ryan
default ep4s49c_promised_condoms_for_ryan = False
# True = find those condoms for Ryan
# False = maybe Ryan should have brought himself some condoms, but still...
default ep4s49d_mc_convinced_nancy_about_engines = False
# True = MC didn't fall for Nancy's trick question about the V2 engine
# False = MC fell for Nancy's trick question about the V2 engine
default ep4s49d_wrench_returned = False
# True = Nancy got her wrench back
# False = Nancy's still looking for her wrench
default ep4s49e_found_condoms = None
# None
default ep4s49g_appreciate_philly_tunes = None
# True = Philly deserves some respect from going to hardcore to groove
# False = seems like nobody likes DJ Philly at all
default ep4s49h_pouring_shots = False
# True = got the shots, now back to Chloe and Lindsey
# False = not becoming a barman yet
default ep4s49i_alone_with_cass = False
# True = about to mingle with Cassandra
# False = leaving Cassandra alone with her drinking
default ep4s49j_insulting_badgers = False
# True = just said that Badger is a stupid frat name
# False = not insulting the Badger frat at all
default ep4s49j_asked_about_exchange_program = False
# True = You asked Hayden about SVC's exchange program
# False = You didn't ask Hayden about SVC's exchange program
default ep4s50b_apes_greeting = None
# WELCOMED = You welcomed Cameron and Grayson to the party
# LEAVE = You told Cameron and Grayson to leave
# KEPT_QUIET = You said nothing to Cameron and Grayson
default ep4s51_freeroam_events = set()
default ep4s51b_try_on_captains_hat = False
# True = tried on the captain's hat
# False = didn't try on the captain's hat
default ep4s51b_take_selfie_with_captains_hat = False
# True = took a selfie with the captain's hat
# False = didn't take a selfie with the captain's hat
default ep4s51b_throw_captains_hat = False
# True = You threw the Captain's Hat into the water. Aubrey won't be happy.
# False = You didn't throw the Captain's Hat into the water. Good job being responsible.
default ep4s51b_cameron_arm_punch_strength = None
# WEAK = You hit Cameron's arm with a weak punch
# STRONG = You hit Cameron's arm with a strong punch
# WRECKED = You hit Cameron's arm with all your strength
default ep4s51c_hide_aqua_zapper = False
# True = hid the Aqua Zapper
# False = left the Aqua Zapper
default ep4s51d_lacrosse_hater = True
# True = You told Hayden that "Lacrosse sucks". You monster.
# False = You didn't tell Hayden that "lacrosse sucks"
default ep4s51d_imre_injured = False
# True = You let Imre hurt himself
# False = You didn't let Imre hurt himself
default ep4s51d_hayden_cheating_accusation = False
# True = You accused Hayden of cheating during the "Can Slam" competition
# False = You didn't accuse Hayden of cheating during the "Can Slan" competition
default ep4s51e_mc_easy_frat_leader = False
# True = MC told chloe that being a frat leader is easy
# False = MC told chloe that being a frat leader is stressful
default ep4s49h_cassandra_knows_mc_has_girlfriend = False
# True = MC told Cassandra he has a girlfriend
# False = MC didn't tell Cassandra he has a girlfriend
default ep4s51l_end_part_early = False
# True = Told Aubrey about Grayson and Cameron and ended the party early
# False = Didn't tell Aubrey about Grayson and Cameron and didn't end the party early
default ep4s52a_mc_told_cameron_and_grayson_to_stop = False
# True = MC told Cameron and Grayson to stop
# False = MC didn't tell Cameron and Grayson to stop
default ep4s52a_reaction = None
# None
default ep4s53b_stayed_quiet = False
default ep4s53b_mirken_dinner_points = 0
default ep4s53b_casual_dinner_points = 0
default ep4s53b_polite_dinner_points = 0
default ep4s53b_fancy_dinner_points = 0
default ep4s54a_mc_agreed_with_mirken = False
#region Episode 5
default ep4s56b_tactless_mc = False
# True = You didn't seem too concerned with the damages to the yacht, much to Aubrey's chagrin
# False = You had enough tact not to minimize the yacht damage to Aubrey's face
default ep4s59b_millie_is_a_bitch = False
# True = You called Millie a bitch
# False = You didn't call Millie a bitch
default ep4s59b_out_of_the_way = False
# True = You told Millie and Leah to get out of your way
# False = You didn't tell Millie and Leah to get out of your way
default ep4s59b_shampoo_liar = False
# True = You lied that you didn't use Leah's shampoo (back in ep4s23)
# False = You told the truth about using Leah's shampoo (back in ep4s23)
default ep4s63a_chloe_gave_advice = False
# True = Chloe gave you some advice about frat leadership
# False = Chloe didn't give you advice about frat leadership
default ep4s64a_lindsey_too_risky = False
# True = Lindsey thought it was too risky to have sex
# False = Lindsey didn't think it was too risky to have sex
default ep4s65_not_sure_about_future_with_aubrey = False
# True = You're not sure if you have a future with Aubrey
# False = You're sure you have a future with Aubrey
default ep4s67_want_to_move_in_with_chloe = False
# True = MC mentions he wants to move in with Chloe
# False = MC mentions he doesn't want to move in with Chloe / Isn't sure about it
default ep4s70b_requested_to_live_with_penelope = False # Separate check from the below variable. Needed in case MC asks to live with Penelope but moves in with someone else after.
# True = MC initially asked to move in with Penelope
# False = MC didn't initially ask to move in with Penelope
default ep4s70b_mc_new_home = None
# None
# JOSH = MC moves in with Josh after getting kicked out of the Chicks House
# LAUREN = MC moves in with Lauren after getting kicked out of the Chicks House
# PENELOPE = MC moves in with Penelope after getting kicked out of the Chicks House
default ep4s72_mc_accepts_beer = True
# True = MC drank beer at Josh's house
# False = MC didn't brink beer at Josh's house
default ep4s76b_helped_lift_keg = False
# True = MC helped lift the keg
# False = MC didn't help lift the keg
default ep4s76b_told_imre_about_mirken_car = False
# True = MC told Imre that Mirken let him borrow his car
# False = MC didn't tell Imre that Mirken let him borrow his car
default ep4s76b_transported_keg_in_mirken_car = False
# True = MC transported Imre's keg in Mirken's car
# False = MC didn't transport Imre's keg in Mirken's car
default ep4s76c_abandoned_imre_and_ryan = False
# True = MC drove off at the warehouse, leaving Imre and Ryan
# False = MC didn't leave Imre and Ryan at the warehouse, and instead dropped them off at home
default ep4s77_waiter_pockets = False
# True = Waiter outfits have pockets
# False = Waiter outfits don't have pockets
default ep4s77_uniform_scent = None
default ep4s78b_speeding_with_lauren = False
# True = You drove really fast with Lauren in the car
# False = You didn't drive really fast with Lauren in the car
default ep4s78d_crashed_mirkens_car = True
# True = You crashed Mirken's car. You absolute dumbass.
# False = You didn't crash Mirken's car. Because you're sensible.
default ep4s80a_crushed_can_against_head = False
# True = You crushed the can of drink against your head while driving
# False = You didn't crush the can of drink against your head while driving
default ep4s81_told_nancy_about_bj = False
# True = You told Nancy you crashed because you were getting a BJ
# False = You didn't tell Nancy you crashed because you were getting a BJ
default ep4s81_told_nancy_about_can_crush = False
# True = You told Nancy you crashed because you crushed a can against your head
# False = You didn't tell Nancy you crashed because you crushed a can against your head
default ep4s81_crashing_with_lauren = False
# True = You decided to spend the night with Lauren
# False = You decided to spend the night with Josh
default ep4s85_annoyed_lauren = False
# True = You decided to move in with Penelope over Lauren, making Lauren jealous
# False = You didn't move in with Penelope over Lauren, so no Lauren jealousy
default ep4s88_annoyed_penelope = False
# True = You decided to move in with Lauren over Penelope, making Penelope jealous
# False = You didn't move in with Lauren over Penelope, so no Penelope jealousy
default ep4s88_helped_ms_turner = False
# True = You stayed behind after class and helped Ms Turner pick up some documents
# False = You didn't stay behind after class to help Ms Turner pick up some documents
default ep4s89d_mc_gives_a_speech = False
# True = You gave a motivational speech to your bros
# False = You didn't give a motivational speech to your bros
default ep4s89d_dinner_with_nora = False
# True = You agreed to go to a fancy restaurant with Nora
# False = You didn't agree to go to a fancy restaurant with Nora
default ep4s90_sang_in_shower = False
# True = You sang in the shower
# False = You didn't sing in the shower
default ep4s91a_waiters_a_comedian = False
# True = MC thinks Randy the waiter is a wannabe comedian
# False = MC doesn't think Randy the waiter is a wannabe comedian
default ep4s91a_food_order = None
# BEETROOT = MC ordered a cheap beetrot meal
# KOBE = MC ordered Kobe Beef, the really expensive meal
# FISH = MC ordered sea food
default ep4s91a_praised_comedian = False
# True = You praised Randy the comedian (either chose Compliment him or Demand more)
# False = You didn't praise Randy the comedian (either didn't go the restaurant, or roasted his poor ass)
default ep4s94_tried_to_kiss_kim = False
# True = You tried to make a move on Kim
# False = You didn;t try to make a move on Kim
default ep4s96a_mc_button_masher = False
# True = You mashed buttons to beat Penelope at the arcade
# Fasle = You didn't mash buttons to beat Penelope at the arcade
default ep4s98a_mr_rose_glands = False
# True = You complimented Mr Rose's glands... Okay?
# False = You didn't compliment Mr Rose's glands, because you're not a psycho
default ep4s99_bench_hurdle = False
# True = You tried to hurdle the bench. You absolute dumbass.
# Fasle = You didn't try to hurdle the bench. Because you're sensible.
default ep4s99_asked_riley_to_be_gf = False
# True = You asked Riley to upgrade your relationship
# False = You didn't ask Riley to upgrade your relationship
default ep4s100_ate_all_cookies = False
# True = You ate all of Lauren's cookies
# False = You didn't eat all of Lauren's cookies
default ep4s105_got_bella_number = False
# True = You asked Bella for her phone number
# False = You didn't ask Bella for her phone number
default ep4s106_the_truth_of_the_letter = False
# True = You found out the truth about Grayson's hidden letter
# False = You didn't find out the truth about Grayson's hidden letter
default ep4s112_sealed_lips = 0
# 1 = You chose "Say nothing" once while talking to Mirken
# 2 = You chose "Say nothing" twice while talking to Mirken
default ep4s117_glasses_of_water_poured = 0
# Can give water to Nora, Riley, Mirken, Dean, Chloe (2 glasses)
# Lauren, Elijah, Faris, Aubrey, Lindsey, Ms Rose
# Ms Turner, Mr Lee (2 glasses)
default ep4s119_freeroam_events = set()
default ep4s119e_poured_water_for_dean_and_mirken = False
# True = You poured water for the Dean and Mirken
# False = You didn't pour water for the Dean and Mirken
default ep4s119e_mirken_drink_order = False
# True = Mirken told MC to fetch some orange juice
# False = Mirken didn't tell MC to fetch some orange juice
default ep4s119h_chloe_douses_bitches = False
# True = You pour water for Chloe, who then soaks Leah and Millie (Leah and Millie then leave)
# False = You didn't pour water for Chloe, so Leah and Millie don't get soaked
default ep4s119i_angry_massage = False
# True = You gave Elijah a rough, painful massage
# False = You didn't give Elijah a rough, painful massage
default ep4s119i_gentle_massage = False
# True = You gave Elijah a gentle, sinister massage
# False = You didn't give Elijah a gentle, sinister massage
default ep4s119i_regular_chat_with_elijah = False
# True = Rather than give Elijah a massage, you instead talked to him about his behaviour
# False = You didn't talk to Elijah about his behaviour
default ep4s119k_tarot_reading = False
# True = You asked Ms Turner to give you a tarot reading
# False = You didn't ask Ms Turner to give you a tarot reading
default ep4s119k_left_tarot_pile = False
# True = You asked Ms Turner to give you a reading from the tarot cards on the left
# False = You asked Ms Turner to give you a reading from the tarot cards on the right (or didn't get a reading at all)
default ep4s119k_poured_water_for_ms_turner = False
# True = You poured water for Ms Turner
# False = You didn't pour water for Ms Turner
default ep4s117k_ms_turners_number = False
# True = Ms Turner gave you her phone number
# False = Ms Turner didn't give you her phone number
default ep4s119l_stripper_mc = False
# True = You stripped for Aubrey and Lindsey
# False = You didn't strip for Aubrey and Lindsey
default ep4s119l_dancer_mc = False
# True = You danced for Aubrey and Lindsey
# False = You didn't dance for Aubrey and Lindsey
default ep4s119m_soaked_ms_rose = False
# True = You spilled water on Ms Rose's dress
# False = You didn't spill water on Ms Rose's dress
default ep4s119q_imre_food_thief = False
# True = Imre steals food from people's plates
# False = Imre doesn't steal food from people's plates
default ep4s119q_imre_cake_thief = False
# True = Imre steals cakes from the fridge
# False = Imre doesn't steal cakes from the fridge
default ep4s119r_mc_encouraged_laxatives = False
# True = You encouraged Cameron to spike Mirken's food
# False = You didn't encourage Cameron to spike Mirken's food
default ep4s119r_shitty_food = False
# True = Cameron spiked Mirken's food with laxatives
# False = Cameron didn't spike Mirken's food with laxatives
default ep4s119s_disgusting_food = False
# True = Imre didn't replace the food that fell on the floor
# False = Imre did replace the food that fell on the floor
default ep4s119s_spat_on_food = False
# True = MC and Imre spat on Elijah's food
# False = MC and Imre didn't spit on Elijah's food
default ep4s119t_meal_seasoning = None
# None
# SALTED --> Told Ryan to salt the food
# EXTRA_SALTED --> Told Ryan to add LOTS of salt to the food
# SWEET --> Told Ryan to add sugar to the food
default ep4s119u_helped_seb = False
# True = MC got a first aid kit for Seb
# False = MC didn't get a first aid kit for Seb
default ep4s119v_perry_takes_meds = False
# True = Perry took his allergy meds (can only happen if the waiter uniform is scented)
# False = Perry didn't take his allergy meds (either the uniform didn't have a scent, or MC doesn't encourage Perry to take them)
default ep4s119w_quenched_danish = False
# True = MC offered Chef Danish some water
# False = MC didn't offer Chef Danish some water
default ep4s119x_ate_some_cake = False
# True = MC ate a single cake from the fridge
# False = MC didn't eat a single cake from the fridge
default ep4s119x_ate_lots_of_cake = False
# True = MC ate lots of cake from the fridge
# False = MC didn't eat lots of cake from the fridge
default ep4s119x_oj_poured = False
# True = You poured orange juice for Mirken, Dean, Riley, and Nora
# False = You didn't pour orange juice for Mirken, Dean, Riley, and Nora
default ep4s121a_vouchers_destroyed = False
# True = Chef Danish burned the free meal vouchers at the end of the cooking service
# False = Chef Danish didn't burn the free meal vouchers at the end of the cooking service
default ep4s121b_mirken_shits_himself = True
# True = Mirken shits himself and runs off to the bathroom, cutting his speech short
# False = Mirken doesn't shit himself and finishes his speech
default ep4122a_broke_riley_heart = False
# True = You told Riley you just wanted to be friends (after asking her to be your GF)
# False = You didn't tell Riley you just wanted to be friends (after asking her to be your GF)
default ep4s123b_stopped_first_punch = False
# True = You stopped Imre's first punch against Elijah
# False = You didn't stop Imre's first punch against Elijah
default ep4s123b_talked_imre_down = False
# True = You managed to stop Imre from beating up Elijah
# False = You didn't talk Imre out of beating up Elijah
default ep4s123b_elijah_beatdown_by = None
# None = No one beat up ELijah
# IMRE = Imre beat up Elijah
# MC_AND_IMRE = MC and Imre beat up Elijah
default ep4s123b_elijah_beatdown_opinion = None
# None = No one beat up Elijah
# DESERVED = MC thinks Elijah deserved it
# TOO_FAR = MC thinks Imre (and maybe himself) went too far
default ep4s123b_mc_snitch_confession = False
# True = You confessed to Imre that you were the snitch
# False = You didn't confess to Imre that you were the snitch
default ep4s123b_imre_knows_mc_snitched = False
# True = Imre knows MC is the snitch
# False = Imre doesn't know MC is the snitch
default ep4s123b_mc_convinced_imre_elijah_snitch = False
# True = You convinced Imre that Elijah was lying about there being another snitch
# False = You didn't convince Imre that Elijah was lying about there being another snitch (or never tried to convince him)
#endregion Episode 4