Started playing with the last update, and I am REALLY hooked on this story...
and yet I'm grading it pretty low. Stick with me on this.
At first glance, it seems a bit derivative of another college life game that includes fighting, but it's really not. If anything, the biggest resemblance to that other game is an innovative and original system that uses your choices to define a sort of sub-metric that feels much more natural than the standard "This choice will give you love / lust points for this character". This is fantastic, and probably the absolute best reason to keep up with this story.
Speaking of story, it is great itself... mostly.
You see, it's still too early to tell, but there are very strong indicators that the author Undergrad Steve has a very clear set goal in mind for you as the MC to take. This is fine, but it leaves me a tiny bit worried that this central story will end up over-riding that oh-so-innovative metric. You see, that metric is actually cool enough to make you as the player WANT to play as, well, yourself. That metric is for your personality, so it's just too juicy to ignore.
The problem is that by sticking to your own personal choices, you might just be breaking that central story. Might is the operative word as far as this point of development, but the indicators are just a bit damning. Try this for example;
Try playing as a pacifist, and only actively pursue the NPC's you really like. For something really funny, try to not pursue any of the NPC's (<ahem> waiting for Ms. Right). Just give it a shot.
It's pretty awesome that you can actually do this so far, but only barely. The pacifism streak actually works perfectly. The choice to not chase everyone though seems a bit strained. I can already tell that there is an element of how your personality will influence your interactions (AWESOME!!!), but if you abstain from most or especially all of the girls...
Your character's headspace seems to believe that you are actively pursuing everyone, and actually trying not to pursue certain people forces you to make choices that make you into a bit of a douche. In my own "personality" playthrough I found my character absolutely besotted by someone with whom I really did not have any interest in. Heck, in my hardcore test where I tried not to pursue anyone I ended up having girls chasing me... I guess it's because they liked being treated like crap?
The reason I decided upon what for me is an early review is because this particular update (as well as the very name for the story) has me believing that pacifism will not be an option soon, and I don't know if the author will give me a compelling enough reason to keep following the story.
Have you ever met a really big guy before, and they had the personality of a cuddly teddy bear? We do that on purpose, and it's hard to break out of even when we are playing a fantasy. We enjoy actually being able to interact with people without them being afraid of us, but our physical size is all it takes to genuinely leave a lot of people trembling. That teddy bear act, or over-acting, is often the only way we can even make eye contact with nearly anyone we meet. We even avoid fighting because "authorities" tend to look at the big guy in a fight as the bad guy. Don't even get me started on how much worse this can be when we have had to deal with anger management.
This puts me in a strange place in this particular story. I have no issues with pounding someone to a greasy stain so long as I am protecting another person, but myself? Hit me all you like. I've ended fights just by letting some angry little dude hit me until they got tired. I don't even get hurt the same way as other (littler) dudes because my size allows me to soak up a lot of hits.
So this update is really making me feel as if I will be fighting, and I still have no real incentive. Okay, maybe whatever has my character so stunned at the end of this update might be it, but I'm having a hard time imagining what it might be... maybe my mother is chained up at the frat and they'll force me to fight?
The thing is, both in pursuing women, and in fighting, there needs to be a bit stronger incentive to do one or the other, or else the choices simply don't seem to matter. This may sound funny since Undergrad Steve does use a few good forces to make you travel some paths, but forces should be used sparingly and have some element of story to drive them.
So my ultimate suggestion to the writer? Make me want to follow this path please. I love the gameplay, and I am very interested in the story, and I will continue to follow this VN for quite some time, but if you need me to follow a particular path, you need to make me follow it. Force the player to fight with a story, not by arbitrarily making them do it. Same with the women. I think we need a particular personality to get any headway of the women, but so far I seem far more irresistible than I am comfortable with.
Thank you for the great game Undergrad Steve, I hope to stick with you for quite some time!