Unity - Completed - Colour-coded table game Mine's Canary [Final] [Excessm]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    experimental, and a big step backwards.

    i was excited for this during development, because it seemed like an excessm doujinshi brought to life.
    unfortunately the classic premise (prideful MC unaware of his masochist streak, arbitrary sports competition, sadistic women teaming up and using their bodies to tempt/cheat/distract, convoluted custom battle mode) is let down by bugs and bloat.
    the avalanche of disembodied snowclone CGs/defeat scenes and repeat bosses with identical moves was very demotivating.
    thankfully he acknowledged these issues and is addressing them in future games.

    mahjong system worked fine, i got the gist pretty quick.
    i liked the temptation interruptions before making certain plays, and i didn't mind the fact that getting distracted makes it impossible to win.
    that's what these games are all about, and it's not like there's much to skip past when you retry.

    MTL was a chore to read.
    if this ever gets a proper translation i'd say 3 stars, worth a try for fans of his other work, especially outside of the games.
    otherwise, don't bother.