VN - Others - Completed - Come on, if you let your voice leak out like that, your boyfriend's gonna find out, you know? [Final] [Appetite]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a strange game since the premise It's an Erogame with isekai. The guy wants to save the protagonist from a bad ending/suicide, but to do so he will blackmail her into falling in love with him. So it's an erogame, with isekai, with blackmail and of course with NRT. But the important question is does this whole mix make a good game? Well it's not the best thing in the world, but it does a decent job. There are good scenes and there are choices you can make that lead to possible endings. So I can say that it's worth playing, you just have to remember that the whole game is based on blackmail.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Ernatio D

    The vn is on the short side, however, for its length, there are plenty of scenes. Really liked the heroine. The scenes were hot and definitely worth the playthrough and I would recommend it. The Mc uses blackmail and threats to get what he wants so don't come into this expecting otherwise.