Comic or renpy kinetic novel?

Renpy or comic?

  • Comic

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • Renpy kinetic novel

    Votes: 6 42.9%

  • Total voters


New Member
May 19, 2019
So a little background, I started making pornographic art for fun and I eventually want to publish it in some way on this site (not for money, again just for fun) and I have some semblance of a story for it so I'm wondering if people would rather it be a kinetic novel made with renpy or just upload the images as a comic. I think either would work for what I'm making so I'm just looking for people's opinion on which one could be the better option.


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2018
I'll take comic any day over a kinetic novel, less resources and lighter on a system. But I got a shitty computer, so...
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Papa Ernie

Dec 4, 2016
So a little background, I started making pornographic art for fun and I eventually want to publish it in some way on this site (not for money, again just for fun) and I have some semblance of a story for it so I'm wondering if people would rather it be a kinetic novel made with renpy or just upload the images as a comic. I think either would work for what I'm making so I'm just looking for people's opinion on which one could be the better option.
Get your feet wet with comics, then work your way up to Ren'py. Baby steps.
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Feb 26, 2019
Visual Novel with control over decision, choices and a branching story may take your time it's better to establish the story and character with comics and short stories then later start working with Ren'py and develop an interesting kinetic novel keeping the basic story and comic stuff alive in it maybe comics can be read within the visual novel or at least they are reference in some way, but first start small get big with your intention you'll have more fun creating both but do start with comic first
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Oct 17, 2017
Both have it's purpose. It comes down to what you want to present to your audiences? Do you want them to read through snippets of your story? Or do you want them to get a full visualization of each scene?
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