Commission programmer to make game?


Mar 11, 2024
Have you ever commissioned a programmer & artist to make you a porn game?

Yeah this is one of my weaker threads, but still an interesting idea none the less. I wonder how much money do people actually have to spend on porn.

Icarus Media

F95 Comedian
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2019
Clicked hoping to see random girls rears. Was disappointed. False advertising, 2/10 would not bang.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
nah, because I don't need anyone to do those things for me.

on the actual question: I doubt any of these games pay a real salary for their programmers UNTIL the game hits big. which means the real work is already done for free or for a symbolic fee by the time there's enough money for actual salaries.

I've seen a couple of projects where people wasted their saving on hiring for real from the start, but they go under in months while even in best case scenario you only begin earning maybe after 2 years of development. if you're super lucky, because other things than funding will kill your game before much more likely.


Mar 11, 2024
I wouldn't pay my programmer beyond 10 big pizzas a month without expecting crowdfunding/investors if you shoved a gun in my mouth. Let alone these people actually throwing 10k-30k around like it's nothing and still make a non functional game because these people are obsessed with finalized graphical audio demos to show to investors. No investors of mine are going to get more than a goddamn google sheet and a talking puppetshow to show off my mechanics.