[R>Writer] Paid Commissioning a Writer for Narrative Development

Aug 23, 2017
Unannounced character-focused sci-fi squad shooter that I am tinkering on in my free time. It's gotten to the point where a number of core systems work (and I have solidified plans for most of the rest of the systems), art content is in progress, and now I'd like to get a handle on the narrative side of things. The project may or may not ever see the light of day, but I'm paying you regardless (y)

The setting is somewhat grim sci-fi, and the tone is serious and emotional.
The project is planned to cover a pretty fair range of content tags, including (but not limited to) futa protagonist, aliens + monsters, robots, wholesome consensual moments, un-wholesome non-consensual moments, dom/sub scenes, ovipos/pregnancy (if I can get the code working), very mild NTR hints, combat, etc.

I'm a professional software developer, working on this project in my free time (and as inspiration strikes).

Looking for:
A writer to hash out (not finalize!) the lore and story for my project with me. Published projects a plus, and if you have professionally done this sort of foundational narrative work on non-text-based non-VN games, even better.

Employment Type:
Paid. I'm not 100% sure what kind of payment structure would work best:
- I hesitate to pay per-hour, especially to someone I haven't worked with before, because of its unpredictable nature
- Per-word seems reasonable, but I'm looking more for an outline than a final script at this point (not to miser you out of money!) and I'd like to be able to iterate on it with you, which might make word count confusing (what did you vs I write, do deletions count, did I come up with the idea you typed, etc) as well as the question of when payment happens (do I withhold payment until we're absolutely sure you have nothing more to add/update, or do I pay you periodically, but then what about deletions, etc).
- We could set a nice round price ahead of time for the entire commission, to a reasonable level of detail and some amount of iteration
- I'm not really interested in rev-share with how ambitious this project is - it may not see the light of day and you deserve to get paid for this work regardless. But if we work well together and the project takes off, I'll be coming back to you for future content.
Let me know what makes sense to you.

Work commitment:
I'd like to be able to get this all done with the same person ideally (to minimize weird discontinuities in the material), so if you could commit to that, that would be great. I'm not a writer myself (much less a professional one) so I'm not sure what sort of timetable that would mean. As a shot in the dark, it would be nice to have this narrative info nailed down in 2-4 months, but obviously not longer than it needs to take.

Preferred method of contact:
Here on F95, then we can connect on Discord once we are ready to get to work.

Job Description:
I don't have experience with what kind of process this usually follows, but I figure I will need:
- 'IP bible' if you will - lore for setting, ally+enemy characters, factions, locations, etc. I already have ideas for a few of these that I'm pretty happy with (and some that I have started final art for) but the majority is empty and up to you to flesh out.
- Game questline outlines - a main questline (I already have a intro hook that I'm pretty happy with) as well as companion questlines (a few dungeons, conversations, and (sex) cutscenes). The main questline should be emotionally compelling, and the companion questlines should show a character development arc for that companion.

Don't need at this point:
- Tone/direction (is already established)
- Final story scripts (that commission will wait until the ingame content (missions, characters, etc) has solidified)

Additional comments:
Unlike most other listings here, your prose skills aren't the focus at this point - I'm much more interested in your ability to write compelling narratives and come up with fascinating worldbuilding ideas.