HTML - Abandoned - Community Service [v2.9.2] [Future!Phantom]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Chracter selection : Perfect (you should open a poll for more character or you should choose the most popular ones ️☘ )
    Story : interesting and not-boring (but if you add a lot of good mini stories, i think it will be more beautiful )
    And also please use more pictures or gifs to tell the story better because we don't want to drown in Kong dialogues and articles anymore )
    Gaming interface : attentive , usefull and satisfyingespecially hot scenes are awesome. Your sandbox world is nice designed and not complicatedbut if you want , you can add mini combat mechanics or mini games⚔️
    We look forward next updates and your project is very successful in its own kind
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The choice of actresses and the scene variation was good, and it also began very quickly which can normally be a pain with other games.

    Some of the time constraints seemed a bit arbitrary, especially when they required a certain day of the week but otherwise enjoyed the VN like nature of the game.
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    I've given this game several hours at this point and frankly that was more than it deserved. This game is basically a scene-finder where the scenes are porn. Mostly good porn, but I feel like that doesn't matter all that much. If I wanted to watch porn... I'd just watch porn.

    As it stands, the game is just a VN with extra steps and no important choices. All of the navigating around just progresses the story, which is tedious when the order you activate the scenes doesn't matter at all. The map and time systems seem pointless without any sort of time crunch. While the story is somewhat interesting, it's not enough when there's no game to back it up.

    I guess my issue with this one is that it sits at the crux between game and VN and takes the worst parts of each. It's a game where you navigate between locations and then watch cut scenes. It's a VN where you witness events but have no real agency in how they play out. It's not really a game. It's not really a VN. It's a collection of porn clips hidden in a story you click through to find.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A good mix of frequently used real porn actresses and some we don't see that often, the plot is getting a little crazy but in a good way. Very HQ vids used in the scenes, so there is something here for everyone.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is good and unique but i have one complaint... "whilst" ..
    i would encourage the developer to find the word " whilst " in the entire game.. after every few lines of content the word is repeated.. it is so often repeated that somehow i feel the game should be named " whilst " than community service..
    Please take this as constructive criticism and change the content a bit. It becomes frustrating by second chapter of the number of times the same word is repeated.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The writing is very good, I like the characters a lot and the specific take the developer has on a sudden onset of porn logic is worth checking out. Good choices of pornstars in this one too, I'm certainly not the first to express an appreciation of Lexi Luna's appearance in this game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game! Lots of content, very nice models and possibility for development.
    Story isn't the most elaborate there is but it works in the context of the game and provides support and structure to it. Hopefully more complex quests and interactions will be added in future developments.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the parody angle on both "Misfits" and porn games. UI is really good, play is intuitive for the most part and when it is not, there guidance for what needs to be done next for each character in your notepad. Without a doubt the best real porn clips in any game I have played, some being ~30 seconds. I highly recommend playing with the audio unmuted as there is not much dialogue during sex scenes and the audio from the clips does not break continuity and vastly adds to the hotness. Grammar is above average and you are never hit with a giant wall-o-text(unlike my review) making it easy to read. Not a slow burn, so if that is what you are looking for this may not be your thing.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    PRetty damn good. I'm sure it'll be one of the best HTML's once there's more to it. I feel like the story is too short at the time of this review (1.8.2.), but i'd love to see what happens to it.

    The girls are a good choice, both the service ones and the family ones. I also see a lot of potential in the aunt and cousin, hoping they'll get some content soon
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the best html/java games I've played in terms of UI and navigating the world. Good amount of content so far and for the most part I like the choice of models, but I do have problems with the writing. I will confess I've never seen the show this is based on so it's entirely possible that the writing style is aping off of that, in which case, fair enough.

    That said, I have a fairly low bar for porn game writing but this still fell below it. It was passable at first but the dialogue during the battle with Lucius in the beginning of the game made me cringe so hard I turned inside out. It felt incredibly cheesy, but not in an endearing way. Very stilted and cliche dialogue; like an action scene written by a 15 year old. Thankfully the writing improves later on. So far I haven't seen any major spelling or grammatical errors which is a plus.

    My advice to the dev would be to maintain course as far as content and programming, and focus on improving your writing (primarily dialogue). All in all a very solid foundation for what could become a 5/5 game, contingent on the writing improving.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The Misfits show is good, and this game definitely takes after the show when it comes to good writing. The scenes are organic, and don't feel like they were inserted just to keep your attention.
    Characters are complex, and match up with the model pictures.
    Really good, and I'll definitely be playing every big update.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a good game, I highly recommend it. One of the better real-porn games on the site.
    The characters are decently written and interesting, the story managed to surprise me here and there and I didn't encounter any serious bugs. What I didn't like (but understand, especially when it comes to sex stuff) is the almost complete lack of secondary characters interactions, even when those interactions seemed logical.
    Another thing I didn't like was the inconsistencies in the sex scenes - some are presented as choices, others as one big wall of images. Some images seemed to be missing, but nothing critical.

    If you want to have a fun fapping experience - play the game. It's fun!
  13. 3.00 star(s)



    I'll admit that I didn't exhaust the current content before putting this one down. I'd say it's about a 3.5 but closer to a 3 than a 4.

    The game just lacks eroticism. There is no major issues with the dialogue writing or the command of the English language. However, the script and progression of the plot leaves a lot to be desired.

    I don't know how this manages to be oh so vanilla when MC's power is reality warping into porn game logic. There is no sense of corruption. No taboo.

    Most of the sex scenes are with minimal, or sometimes even no text. The chosen models are great (except the "mom" that looks about a decade younger than the MC). It's not enough to get things going when the sex scenes and their build up lack any substance.

    Another major issue seems to be that your choices don't seem to amount to much of anything. For example, I tried to be secretive of the MC's powers, but he just goes around telling everyone everything anyways.

    The gameplay loop seemed mostly fine for this type of game. I didn't feel it overly annoying or grindy, at least up to the point I played.

    I suppose I may not be the target audience for this. I figured corruption and superpowers tag would lead to the expected results, but it looks to be more of a vanilla, romancy type of thing with power of friendship and all that.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    So far I loved the game and it's balance between story and spicy content, with some very original twists. I can't wait to see how story and new girls/women introduction will push the game forward, but I quality is very high, imho. Keep it up with the awesome work!
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    It is really creative to use the plot of Misfits for the game! With a great story and the proper ratio of pics/text this can actually turn into a proper game and not just a low-resolution porn slideshow. That being said, the story could progress a little slower in my opinion as I am a fan of gradual corruption. Also this game provides a multitude of different locations that are clickable, but have no content! This is a mistake that many HTML games have and it is beyond me why someone would inflate a game with no content. It can lead to frustration for completionists that try to unlock all content, but to be fair this game provides a quest tracker so it is not that much of a problem. 4/5 for now
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved Misfits and anticipate I'll love the parody of it here and with it and porn games as the main inspiration. The game mechanics itself feel like well put together text/real porn game. Liked the ratio of text to images thus far and the exploration is pleasant without being a grind so far.