Short version: If you've already played a Selectacorp game before and enjoyed it, play this one. It's one of the good ones. If you haven't played a Selectacorp game before, read on.
Selectacorp games are, first and foremost, misogyny fetish porn games. If that's a huge turn-off for you, you're gonna have a bad time. If you can handle a game being about misogyny fetish (or even think it's hot), then this might be the game for you. Bear in mind: Selectacorp games are always kinda janky. I mean this both in terms of quality of presentation and gameplay as well as in terms of quality assurance, i.e. bugfixing. This game, for example, currently says it's 1.0, but it is very possible to essentially bone your game by making the wrong choices without knowing it's happened until much later. This is also often hard to distinguish from needing to use a specific dialogue choice with one of the dozens of characters available all the time or needing to buy one of the dozens of perks available that you couldn't buy before because your widgets (or other resource) wasn't anywhere near high enough two hours ago. The videos are small, the map feels very D&D dungon master's map from the '90s, and you're going to be clicking on a LOT of little boxes.
On the other hand, this game is incredibly deep for what it is (even moreso than any Selectacorp game that came before it). You can enslave somewhere in the neighborhood of (rough guess) 50 women, and each of them have different intermediate and end states that permit different sex acts and different fetish content. And, to be clear, some of it is pretty great. You can bang almost every lady, from the lowliest intern to the literal CEO, including some members of their families, as well as strippers and hookers and a hooters-esque waitress AND get a high-class mistress on the side. You can get haircuts, new cars, new houses, learn to pilot a yacht, see every movie in the theater, and everything does something. There's also just a ridiculous number of video clips in the game for basically every choice you make, to the point where there is no question that an unreasonable amount of effort went into making this game.
In essence, this game is like what a very low-budget Bethesda would make if it was making a misogyny-themed corporate lady enslavement porn game, and I love Selectacorp for it. I can ignore a lot of what's wrong with this game in favor of what's right with it, except for one thing: because of how completely you can screw yourself, there needs to be a guide of some kind. Maybe a very high-level one, where it's just like: here are all the choices you need to AVOID until you unlock such-and-such and otherwise you're on your own, but it would be very helpful to have that nonetheless.
Overall, 4 stars. Selectacorp at its most expansive, but not as well-polished as Mysteria Lane or State of the Union. Try it if this seems at all interesting to you, but beware that you will get frustrated at times.