Seeking Competing with Other Characters for the LIs


Feb 11, 2021

I'm searching for games where the MC competes with other character(s) for the Love Interests (LIs). Something akin to Nemesis Party: NTR, or NOT and Lustful Voyage . I know of Battle of the Bulges, but the art style did not appeal to me much - I might give it another shot though.

Here are some of my preferences for the game recommendations:
  • I would prefer games where I can only control the actions of a single MC over multiple protag games (player can control actions of the MC as well as the LI)
  • I prefer games with male protagonists, but do not mind playing games with a female protagonist.
  • I would prefer games where multiple competitors over a single competitor. Especially if it's a different competitor for different LIs i.e. competing with Person A for LI X and Person B for LI Y
  • Choices of the MC might drive one LI closer to the MC while driving another LI closer to the competitor
  • NTR choices are not marked
All of these preferences need not satisfied.