VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Corrupt a Nun [v1.1] [foxiCUBE Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I like the artwork and the model.
    The story could have a little bit more dept, as it feels short. And the sex scenes could be more developed, but it is still enjoyable.
    Thank you for creating the game.
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Detective Cancer

    AI generated garbage you can finish in 20 minutes and has barely any content.

    It's honestly not even worth the 20 minutes you waste because the "art" is so lacklustre and inconsistent you might as well just open up a random ad-riddled hentai site and look at a gallery of nuns. Same experience.
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Zer0x J360

    I see the potential in the game, however after playing it and seeing it as a completed game, i think its safe to say that its a bad (poor) game a 2/5, i won't say it's terrible since i seen more rushed, unfinished, effortless games.

    There is only 1 scene, and to get to the scene you need to choose the correct actions, which is a bit of trial and error (or just search for the walkthrough)

    The art is decent, i like the 2dcg aesthetics it's what drive me here in the first place.

    Overall i don't really recommend the game, it's just not worth to go through all the hurdles for 1 scene.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    have potential but the overall ending and sex scenes are really disappointing.

    The art itself is 10/10 for me but the game is too short, could have more development of the nun and more peeks and minigames on scenes
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Yeah other then a couple of peeking moments there is nothing here skip and save your time. It is possible that there is a path with something more but I tried a couple of options and found nothing worth the time.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    It's not bad per se, there's just very little content (you can get everything done in ~20 minutes), and none of it is very satisfying, it barely even lives up to its name with close to zero corruption at all.
    The illustrations are pretty nice, though I find she looks hotter clothed than naked. The (only?) sex animation looks a bit awkward.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Let's start with the good: it's a nice concept, clearly made for mobile first. Drawing style is hot, if you like them thicc.

    Took away one star because this isn't a beta, basically all the current content is viewable in the thumbnails here. Too many unfinished games, so we'll see.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    memes memer

    I loved it. It's just an introduction but it feels immersive and I really like the premise. The only concern I have is there's a good handful of games that have promising starts that feel immersive/inspired at first and have a good starting premise but as the game releases new chapters, it gets worse/more mediocre. I think maybe sometimes because developers first get that spark of inspiration to make a game and riding on that the game will start off well but as they develop the game they probably feel pressured to release regular updates and will push things out even if they don't really have a good idea for how to progress the story. It might also be that there isn't that much of a sense of where the story will go from the beginning and try to just figure it out when they get there which probably would be fine if they didn't push stuff out prematurely or just make up something kinda mediocre to get something out. Other people might not like hearing this but I kinda think it'd be a lot better for the quality of erotica games if developers a lot of the time released games when they're complete and not like "in chaptered releases" so they can just work on it as it's needed rather than pressured by an audience. Am curious and hope this game will be as quality as its start
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    thicc af nun, what else is there to say. Game definitely has potential, not a lot of sexual content currently but considering that it is a Beta it's definitely a promising start. Looking forward to future updates!
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