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Unity - Completed - Corrupt Descent [v1.0] [Deveria Studios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The good, the bad and the ugly.

    Good: Something that is actually working & complete, with good enemie variety and a little story. While this game is not big and not as complex as other games, it is a full 3D game that works in Unity without screwing the resolution on widescreen.

    Bad: Could be a bit better in explaining how it works. Also the enemies could be a bit more interactive. Especially after you loose.

    Ugly: Once captured and released you turn in the wrong direction and usually get stuck at a wall and have to play the scene out again.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I'd like to enjoy this, I really would. But I feel like I've gotten the full experience of what this has to offer in the first run and I can't say I feel like going back to play it again.

    The gameplay concept and nsfw themes are excellent and could mean something if the end product didn't just overall lack polish.
    The use of default unity animations sprinkled in the enemy movements here and there also point at how stiff and basic the actual dev-made animations are. And unfortunately all the nsfw animations are dev-made so none of them will impress. It's such a shame, the character models are pretty good but they're not being used to their full potential.

    The gameplay is a bit better by comparison, the map is randomly generated with a few tilesets but you'll start to see a pattern emerge in a few minutes of gameplay. The difficulty isn't anything special, it's not overly challenging or easy to get around enemies and bringing items back to your elevator base thing is a case of just chucking them at the machine that consumes them.

    On top of that, the shop sees very little use when you're only buying shotguns to keep enemies off you, IF you want to keep enemies off you. Otherwise you just buy like one flashlight and you're good for the rest of the game, that flashlight will never expire so no need to get another.

    Overall this is a game that had a lot of potential but its underwhelming gameplay with no true horror aspect combined with unimpressive animations does no favours. Just an all-round basic and unpolished end product.
    Likes: allinon
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly a pretty decent game. The graphics aren't the best but the gameplay is fun. It plays like Lethal Company which I thought was cool. No cum though which kinda sucks, but an overall decent game.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Das Ras

    Would rate 3.5 stars if I could, but 3 seems about right, the game is very.. fine.

    Gameplay is very lethal company-esque but lacking any real depth to it. Playing without a flashlight is torturing yourself, so purchase that instantly with the funds the game initially gives you. Overall though, you're going to get bored rather quickly.

    The H scenes are bad to decent, but there's a good variety and I thought it was ok. I liked the author's previous game more in this department.

    Despite my 3 star rating, I think that this game does not waste your time as much as many other, trashier games would. It feels like the developer is aware that he's still learning and just wants to make stuff and move on to the next project. I look forward to seeing whatever he makes in the future, and would recommend giving it a try, even though I don't think anybody is going to consider this to be a peak H-game.
    Likes: Redyqar
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I love the idea of it!

    I get very tense in these kinds of games easily but I really enjoyed it.

    Animations are good, nice character models (if you like 'em thick).

    Gameplay is easy, collect stuff, throw it in a dispenser, get money for upgrades, repeat.

    Downsides for me here is that there is no save option, but I guess that makes sense in this kind of game and that there are no option sliders for the volume of everything.

    Other than that, great, simple and fun game!
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I can't believe they made sexy Lethal Company

    • I believe there are 10 different sex monsters to find
    • Gameplay is easy, run around and find scrap. But don't (do) get caught by the sex monsters
    • I think there are 8 levels to go through?
    • You can buy equipment and items easily
    • There is a gallery
    • Around 1 hour to complete
    • The H-scenes are very well animated and the SFX are great
    • The character models are thick and well made

    • No save state, gotta do it all in one go
    • The game doesn't tell you much, you gotta figure out what to do on your own
    • The shop doesn't tell you about the items, I wish it did
    • The map is very large and there isn't enough monsters that spawn in my opinion to fit it


    If you ever played Lethal Company, play this. It's a fun way to kill an hour and the sex scenes are worth it in my opinion.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty simple. We get into the elevator, go to the floor, where we collect various items and gas, which allows us to leave another floor below. As we walk, the "threat" increases. The greater the "threat", the more complex the monster girls are hunting us. Eventually, collecting resources turns into a game of survival. The girls are average, although I liked the nurse and the tentacle girl. Not a bad game for a couple of evenings.