I quite enjoyed this game and what is available so far, dev is very clear that it's been inspired by other games and I think it's built on the foundations extremely well and smoothed out a lot of what was lacking in the others and provided it's own new ideas.
I really liked:
- Random events with the different girls
- Current amount of girls have a lot of photoshoots so you feel incentivised to spend time on boosting their stats as well as some unique events.
- Clear sense of progression with the girls by keeping track of Affection + Corruption, and being able to tweak these further with home visits
- How each system that is included has enough content in it to be worthwhile, I don't think there's much placeholder stuff here from my experience
- It's early days but Dev says they have included modding support, I am really keen to see how it progresses and think that this will really help the game in the long run (It's also beyond me to mod so I'm taking their word for it but I'm very happy to see it)
What I would like to see:
- More content but that's not a criticism as it's pretty much a first release
- Further expanded systems to keep the game moving, at a certain point you don't have much incentive to keep boosting girls once their stats are high enough. So something like a relationship system, graduated girls coming on as Teaching Assistants, the principle being a potential love interest. I can tell the dev is already toying with this due to the implication of player stats based on dialogue options outside of exams.
- I also noticed that some of the school board meetings have policies that seem to be in effect even if you don't take them like softcore and hardcore photo shoots so some further clarification on what these policies do might be help (I might be missing something on my end)
- I think the main thing that will help the longevity and growth of this game is just the dev to keep updating it and devoting time to it as obvious as it sounds. I think them streamlining and smoothing out systems as they have done speaks to a desire to improve things / vision of where they want to go so it's a good sign.
I've got a lot of good to say about this game and find it quite engaging, I'm very interested to see how it progresses!