Java - Corrupted Saviors [Release 62] [CSDev]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6673754

    Difficult to learn, satisfying to master. You will struggle, you will rage, you will beat your head against the opaque rules and mind-boggling math behind the game.

    Then you will swallow your pride, you will find the guides in the game folder, and you will read the forums. You will start putting the lessons into practice.

    Then you will win Loop 1, and the *real* game will begin. Stick with it, don't give up, this game is very rewarding in a cerebral sense.

    Oh yeah and it's hot.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    The good:
    Currently really good as a 'game'. There's quite a large skill curve though before you get to the point of being good enough to get anything done. Some Minor QoL I'd like added (a button to show all inputs given in the current day would be fantastic for example, when trying to optimize)

    The bad:
    Some excess repetition in the sex/erotic content. Regularly updated though so I'm very prepared to go up to a perfect rating as the game gets improved.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    (Review is as of Release 46b)

    I'm giving it a 4 based on the fact that it does what it sets out to do, even though in its current form it's kind of not for me.

    For starters, and this can't be stressed enough: while the game presents itself as more of a management sim, it is absolutely a puzzle game. Not only does the game hide this fact from you, but it also never tells you if you're putting the pieces together correctly.

    It's daunting early on and the included text document only sort of clears things up. I say "only sort of" because of my previous comment about how the game never tells you if you're putting the pieces together correctly. Played correctly, this game is a "select the right options and make the numbers go brrrrrr" kind of experience. Hey, I like the Disgaea series, you may think. I'm fine with numbers going brrrrrr. But here's the problem: the game takes place over a number of days, and while you understand what your goal ultimately is, what you don't know is how close you are to achieving that goal. Did you actually do a good enough job of making the numbers go brrrrrr last turn? The good news is that if you think you didn't, as long as you don't complete the day, you can reset and start over. Owing to the fact that it's a puzzle game, there is no randomness: if you play it the same way, you will get the same result. But the bad news is, you don't really have an idea of just how well (or poorly) you're doing. And if you start poorly, you might as well give up, because you will pay for it in the end: the game is not exactly forgiving, and only gets more and more unforgiving as you progress. This is ultimately the biggest flaw in the game: even reading the text documents and some of the guides other users have posted (which is also a tacit admission that the included documentation does not do a good enough job of explaining how the game works and, more importantly, how to not suck at it) does not actually tell you if you're doing well enough in your game to progress. The game also occasionally freezes, particularly if you do too good of a job of making the numbers go brrrrrr.

    I'm still giving it a 4 for a few reasons: first, the dev clearly has a vision in mind and it's one that some people absolutely do enjoy; and second, said dev is very active and seems very dedicated to improving the game.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    After multiple tries to get into playing this, I cant say id recommend it to anyone. you have little control over how chosen personalities generate, the gameplay is a confusing mess, and by the end of the game you can reach meaningless damage numbers so big that they freeze the game, forcing late game battles to be refought multiple times if you aren't careful.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    tl;dr: Puella Magi Madwarfoka Fortress, without the sandboxing

    First off: despite the appearances, this isn't really a management sim, it's a very wordy and numbery puzzle game.

    This is its biggest problem: it presents itself like a sandboxy sim, but the reality is there no RNG involved beyond generating the initial team of magical girls to fight against. Therefore there literally is an optimal way to play it, but if you don't play it the optimal (or nearly optimal) way, all your clicking amounts to basically nothing. And there is a lot of clicking.

    This wouldn't be so bad if you were somewhat constrained in what you were able to do, but the game also presents you repeated opportunities to make "wrong" tactical and character-building decisions that functionally only serve to knock you off that very narrow path to progress. Botch your first several turns, and your entire loop is pretty much cooked. Losing is fun, and alla that.

    And that wouldn't be so bad if there was a functional tutorial in regards to basic principles of playing... but there isn't really anything beyond some jargon-heavy tips.txt and a goal system that tells you what to try for but not how to avoid the multiple ways to screw it up.

    Beyond that there just isn't much in the way of actual management/optional goals to pursue until well into the mid/late game, so what you're left with is a mostly undocumented, easy-to-gimp-yourself early/mid game of obligatory power progression that gates off the far more interesting endgame stuff.

    And that's a definite shame, because that phase is where this game really stands out. But by the time you get there, you might not actually feel like playing this thing anymore.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    As a distinguished enjoyer of:
    • Hentai games that are engagingly difficult
    • Slow burn corruption
    • Corruption systems that are unique in their implementation, and not just "do x thing 5 times until you unlock the more corrupt thing, then do that 5 more times, repeat forever"
    This game is right up my ally. Highly recommend and excited to see where the game goes.

    For most people though, BEWARNED:
    • This is not quick-fap friendly
    • You will need to use your brain while you beat your dick (or pamper your pussy). Guides can help, but they don't make it completely trivial. You will need to read the manual/tutorial 100%, potentially multiple times.
    • You will likely fail before you succeed. And it isn't the end of the world when you do.
    But once you do succeed, it feels THAT much more satisfying. It makes the Chosen actually feel like powerful figures, so forcing them to succumb to their desires by exploiting their character flaws gives such an intense, moustache-twirling sense of diabolical evilness that 95% of corruption-themed H games don't have enough soul to resemble, not in the slightest.

    The portrait packs make it significantly hotter too imo, don't forget to make use of those. Shoutout to Chekov's Ghost for making the best packs
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Completed two loops in Campaign in Release 40c. Not a fan.

    Once you learn the game, there is almost always a clear winner in each situation. You could do B, but A is better, so do A. Item choice is anemic. The skill tree could be made linear with little difference. Which Chosen you get are set, even if you choose the other city. Distortions are more challenge modes than alternative win conditions.

    The core concept is good. The core systems are interesting. But there is no room for play style, only the right choice hidden among many, many possible mistakes.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is great, if you are willing to invest the time required to learn how to play.

    It would be easy to dismiss most of the negative reviews as skill issues, because whoever looks at the screenshots and thinks this is quick fap compatible, is obviously an idiot, but sadly they do have a point.

    The gameplay is very unintuitive and difficult to digest at first. It does not help, that you have to do essentially nothing for a lot of days at first and are given a way to waste your energy for no gain early on.
    The ingame guide works, but playing it for the first time you might think it is outdated or just wrong.
    If you try to do anything beyond the very basics in the beginning, you will fail and get the impression you do not understand how to play at all.
    Doing nothing, when you have a time limit feels wrong.
    So yeah, the first time experience could be better.

    I recently started playing this again and had completely forgotten how to play, but i did manage to get a completely uncorrupted team to hate eachother and had about 15 of 50 days to spare after fully corrupting them, so it is very much possible to beat the game without cheats.
    I did not play perfectly, because i know it is possible to completely fuck up the early interview with the chosen and i did not quite manage to do that.
    The final battle is also pretty lenient and does not require you to do everything beforehand to win, but if you do come prepared it becomes very easy.

    Saving every single turn is recommended.

    There is nothing quite like it as far as i am aware. It has heavy themes of saviours getting exploited by the people depending on them and is deliciously depraved.
    Lots of little vignettes, that depend on relations and personalities, flesh out the randomly generated chosen. You have many options to shape their path. There are lots of things, you can do after playing a classic run and the writing is excellent.

    Very much recommended, but the first time player experience does suck.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    I gave this game too much chances...
    Downloaded and tried to play many times, description of characters and corruption is really good, but gameplay is terrible, very repetitive, you must play only after reading guides which is hell boring, i've come here to play game not reading guides.
    Bad UI, no Android support (i had to play with Moonshine just because i don't like playing on PC)
    I didn't get far but i'm sure in story wise (character corruption) this one is really good at it, but gameplay is huge barrier to it
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent at what it's trying to be. A text-based corruption-game with gameplay and high ammount of customizeability, with a surprising ammount of depth and polish to it.

    The content here is tailored torwards a specific nieche of really rough, violent sex, although there is also a setting to lower the ammount of violence in the descriptions. Still, it should be mentioned that the style has roughly a 50/50 split between titillating and violent content.

    But the game still gives you access to a very interesting, very unique fantasy of corrupting, tormenting, capturing and training magical girls, all through gameplay, and supported by very good writing. (made even better by the open-endedness)

    Even if I don't enjoy all of the content, I have sank a fair ammount of time on the game, which is very much deserved. The biggest downside might be that the basic gameplay-loop is based on repetition, and thus after a certain ammount of time, you kind of start to filter out most of the content as you're chasing after the correct plays. It's a bit hard to split your concentration correctly to enjoy the game the best.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is significantly flawed - an excessively complex battle/stat system presented in a terrible UI - but has some good corruption content if you can figure out how to get to it (I'd advise cheating). At the moment it seems to need near perfect play to reach a tipping point which is easy if you're the developer who wrote it and understands how everything interacts but very obtuse otherwise.

    IMO what should be fixed from easiest to most complex
    • Make the UI less high contrast. Turn black background to dark grey or white background to light grey. #FFFFFF on #000000 is eye searing
    • Add difficulty selection to the game. This can be as simple as a global attack buff/debuff
    • Change to a variable width font for prose passages, even if it's still required for the stat displays
    • Increase button sizes and add icons/color to be more easily distinguished
    • Actually build a UI for stat displays instead of making them from ASCII art like a caveman. Attach to character portraits
    • Further UI redesign, add some structure to buttons so they're not just in a straight line (considering the amount of effort that has gone into the main game it's bizzare how little has been put into the UI)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game.

    Ingenious battle system. Takes some getting used to and hard to explain, but after a couple of tries it starts to make sense. It definitely has its own logic.

    Well written. Any good corruption game depends on seeing similar situations play out and see it play out differently depending on level of corruption. The game simulates personalities, corruption and even relationships and does so impressively well.

    Plenty depth. There is quite a few ways to skin a cat, or to corrupt a girl in this game. And then using corrupted girls to help corrupt others. Well done.

    Moddable. It's easy to add your own portraits, characters, export and import and share with others.

    Hotkeys. Hotkeys are always a good thing for games that some people play onehanded. And it's good that it has them.

    Difficult. Could be a pro or con depending on your point of view. One of the first pieces of advice you get in game is the value of saving before trying X. That alone should tell you if this is a game for you or not.

    What could be better?

    Portraits. The standard portraits are serviceable, but they don't convey emotions very well. There are community portrait packs that help improve this, but the game could benefit from more emotive images, particularly for shocked/lewd/angry situations. It's good that this is supported.

    Intro. Getting into this game is still a bit of a rough experience, and the guided tutorial can be quite bad, as you get random characters to some degree, and the tutorial might advise you to attack them at what isn't a weak spot for them at all.

    Hidden Guide. The game has very good documentation about how the systems work. But instead of having them be accessible in game, they are in text files of the root of the game. I suspect at least half of people miss them. Why these aren't accessible in game, is a mystery.
  13. 1.00 star(s)

    dusty stu

    I really want to like this game. Unfortunately, there are several deal breakers that haven't been addressed over the years(!).

    • Bad nomenclature. If I need a glossary open next to me to play this game, you need to go back an rename everything the make more intuitive sense. (Eg, “you need to break her vulnerability”, “increase her EXPO the increase her SHAM”.) Tooltips that explain each stat would be a good first step.
    • Bad and repetitive UI. In a text-only game, you need the UI to support it. The main text area repeats about 100-300 words of text per round, that are essentially copy-paste each round. This breaks flow and makes it harder to follow what’s happening. Factor away all the copy-paste text into a stats-zone, and leave the main text body for the more unique text.
    • Bad porn ratio. If there is enough porn here to get off on, it’s spread so thin that you will never stay aroused long enough to finish. I recommend adding more lewd images for each action. At the very least, add moding tools for the community to make their own lewd image-packs.
    • Shitty tutorials. I’ve played the official tutorial and several unofficial fan-made walkthroughs, and I still don’t understand the gameplay loops. Perhaps release a series of long-form youtube videos? Publish 2 or 3 playthroughs, each one showcasing a different playstyle.
    I hope these issues get addressed. I really like the concept, tags, and potential of this game. Good luck to the devs.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    A game with a high learning curve, well high when compared to most porno games, it does take a bit of time to get used to all the stats and such but once you do the games becomes amazing, if you are a fan of stat management games then you'll love this. My only problem with the game is it having barely any pictures though to be fair these types of games barely ever have pictures.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewing as of release 30.

    This is a great game with, as others have mentioned, a complex system that's not too easy to grasp right away.

    I played for the first time on release 23 and have messed around with it a bit roughly every release or two.

    My first run was a disaster, I think I threw in the towel around day 30 because I wasn't making progress and all hope seemed lost. Next run or perhaps the run after that I managed to get a few total breaks, but I only managed to capture two of the girls, but it felt like a great victory because, unlike a lot of other games, it wasn't an easy, cheap victory that's just handed to you. I struggled for every break and evil point, and winning felt satisfying. On subsequent runs I put to use what I learnt from the previous one and did a little better each time.

    I've not really looked through the forum for strategy guides or the like, because that feels essentially like cheating. As one of the tips say - nothing is randomised apart from the starting heroines (or words to that effect). So why spoil your victories by copying how other people say is optimal? To me that feels like taking all the fun out of it, you might as well have someone else play the game for you.

    On my run in release 30, I managed to get all 4 total breaks for everyone, had the final battle around day 40 and captured all 3, beat loop 2 and captured a superior chosen on loop 3. There aren't many things more satisfying than putting into practice the things you've learnt and improving each time you play, and that's something I feel this game is excellent at providing in an easily measurable way. That run was great, but I'm sure I could do even better next time.

    As an aside, the QOL changes like including what's necessary to have the chosen generate more evil points are great, e.g. at 5% of the trauma needed or hasn't had enough vulnerabilities broken for the amount of trauma. Giving you an idea of how strong your commander is should also cut down on people mistakenly investing in using one too early on. I look foward to more, perhaps avoiding generating the same chosen 2 loops in a row, though I don't know how easy that would be to implement. Fighting a 'Prayer' 3 loops in a row and a 'Honey' 2 in a row was a little annoying but I think can be chalked up to bad luck.

    My recommendation for new players is to consult the 'guide.txt' file and don't be afraid to check it again when you're lost. Knowing what traumas and circumstances do what takes a bit before it'll really sink in but it'll all click into place sooner or later.

    Edit: The fact that things aren't randomised is for me a HUGE plus, I hate when I basically have to replay a fight hoping I get a lucky crit or something so I can advance, and this game doesn't contain anything at all like that. You can go back and replay parts and see if you can do them better one way or another without any RNG being involved.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    If you came here looking for a sandbox game where you are able to do what you would like to try and corrupt the heroines that oppose you, you unfortunately will not find that here. Corrupted Saviours is at heart a puzzle game, there is a very narrow path to victory that if not followed, will lead to you having a bad time. This, coupled with the terrible tutorials, unexplained mechanics, and lack of tooltips leave a game that misses the mark of what it could be.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Nice to see the existence of complex mechanics, but currently, the game is nigh-impossible to win or even perform passably at without following extremely strict guides, or outright activating cheats. Desperately, desperately needs to tone that down - at present it's just not that enjoyable to play.
  18. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1769437

    First reviewed with Release 27, updating for Release 48.

    This is almost a very good game. The concept is great: you're a demon lord attempting to corrupt the magical girls sent to stop you. The writing is incredibly filthy and well-done.

    The core gameplay is difficult to learn but well put together and there have been a lot of changes/improvements over time: random items, different ways to corrupt the girls, new races, and increased customization. I have no complaints about the base game at this point.

    The thing I hate, and why I knocked off a couple stars, is that once you get past the first loop you can use corrupted magical girls and their interface is the most opaque, confusing thing imaginable. The game comes with two guides totaling 12 pages on how Forsaken work and it still makes no sense to me. It seems like over half the stuff in game is just for flavor and doesn't actually do anything mechanically. So, once you get through the first loop you can either just pretend Forsaken don't exist or try to make sense of it all and neither option is fun.

    It's at least worth giving the game a try just for doing a loop and maybe trying some of the boss challenges, though.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Upon stumbling across a rather esoteric, if not archaic looking gem off the wayside of corruption games out there, I decided to take a chance on seeing what it has to offer despite having flashbacks to my barbaric inability to understand how to get into Dwarf Fortress.

    I'm glad I decided to, however, I still retain that barbaric inability to truly comprehend how to play the game...good. Bias-wise, I cheat in this game. I cheat to the high hells as it gives the ultimate ability to truly experience this game's fantastic lewd-up at your own pace without fear of becoming utterly lost to it's UI and gameplay loop. There's a reason for that, though, and that'll be addressed later on in the review.

    Anywho, onto the game.

    What can I say? From that screenshot you get on the page, that's the most you're going to get out of the graphics. You may look at that and say, well Fenoxo gets away with text as the driving smut, does this game too? Yes and no, it's a lot more fluid in how it details it's gameplay, as the game plays like a game rather than an interactive open-ended story with combat (ala Fen). You play as the Demon lord. You're a hentai villian so utterly killing someone is beyond your enjoyability, instead, you like to get under your enemy's skin and use their own faltering wills against them. What does that then translate to?

    You have four basic moves, each of those moves poke and prod against the heroines which then slowly but surely erode their wills until they themselves start to gain corruption tiers in relation to what aspect of their character you're degrading.

    For example, if one of the heroines is susceptible to pleasure attacks, spamming that, and the adjacent upgraded form of that when you eventually get them pinned mid battle, would start to break tiers as the war draws on. As in this game, you'll be ambushing and fighting your opposing heroines over an entire campaign's length game (lasts about 5~ hours give or take, maybe a whole afternoon if you're going for it). And when tiers break/progress, the heroines personality starts to shift and reveal how corrupted they may be, and on top of that, it may positively and/or negatively impact their relationships between each other (mainly depending on everyone's corrupted status and inner friendships). This hence translates to a lot of lewd, both with your minions being sicked on the sloots in denial, alongside them slooting each other on their own (depending on how they go about things).

    The above essentially is the game. You grind out your Demon lord's abilities, successful battles give you more energy to buy more abilities, and the more you win, the more corrupted they are. Once they're destroyed enough, you'll essentially win the final battle against them, and potentially recruit them as forsaken, the evil version of what they were (who then serve alongside you as sloots that acknowledge themselves). Far more easier said than done.

    I'll say this before I go further in critiquing the major hindrance this game has. This is actually a corruption game. Not a game that tries to train heroines from prude to lewd (not that that's a bad thing, and there's still a boat load of that in the game), but you are playing as an evil bastard. You are corrupting these heroines to hate themselves, humanity, their goal, alongside just even destroying their wills so much so that they wish for death, only abandoning themselves to wanton sex to forget their shame.

    So be warned, as mentioned, this game gets dark, and I do recommend disabling violence in the option-menu if your not much into abuse (which I'm not), since that replaces the break their legs option with tickle. And there's a lot of rape, rape from your thralls, your demons, your heroines when they "vent" their frustrations out on each other, it's heavy in the AO department, if you're not into that I'd advise to pass this one up. Though it also leans heavily on prude to lewd to help soften things up at least heroine-wise with a lot of the actions you take. And, it's not like that all the time, but by the time you get to the end tiers, you could have turned three of humanity's greatest beings into nefarious bitches that want to do nothing but kill and fuck, and kill even more, no matter the amount of innocent lives they've soaked their souls in.

    Corruption tangent over, why the four stars? Well, it takes a minute, if not a hot one to really grasp at what you're doing. And when you do finally figure that out, actually learning how to play this game good is a long process (hence the many guides throughout the thread). That in turn results in many failed runs, maybe only seeing a glimpse of the quarter/mid tier corruption events before being defeated, alongside just feeling like a loser of a Demon Lord since you're usually broke on how evil you are. It's got a rather large learning curve in deciphering what's going on, and it's also got an interface that if you can't get used to, will probably turn you off since there's not much to changing it. I still really don't know what's going on in this game when I see the amount of numbers, multipliers, and how everything really interacts with each other in terms of popping off. Not completely ignorant to the system(s), but it is confusing, and isn't explained in too much detail ingame.

    There's cheats though, that allow you to basically be the Demon Lord in having infinite power, unlocking all abilities at the start and just being a general OP villain (press C at the options tab, or alternatively, go through one run of the game irregardless on whether you win or lose). With cheats, you can go from 0-100 as fast or as slow as you want, and I actually recommend this as a newbie option so that you get a feel for what the game is so that when you want a real run, you'll understand halfassedly on what's going on. And that if you want to skip the grind/learning-curve, you can still enjoy the events and mechanics the game has to offer.

    And, if you can look past that and/or accept it, and that you're dedicated to learning this game, you'll have something you'll probably never uninstall. The game's gaining momentum, plenty of it in truly refining a lot of it's features. It reminds me of those old brothel simulators that many people built up back in the day with their custom character packs, dialogues and events. This game is slowly becoming that to where it can actually be a corruption simulator, with your own characters, and maybe even potential dialogues and further refinements through mods in the future (btw custom characters & portraits are now featured in the game). It feels pretty open and I wouldn't be surprised if this gains more traction due to what it's end goal is looking like.

    Overall this is a great game you should give a go. I mainly give it four stars as it does take a lot of getting used to, and it is jarring at first, but like many, it can be mitigated in some ways, and if you do like the gameplay loop you can git gud. Great game, can't wait for more.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Ugh, this game, honestly! Even reviewing it is frustrating in some ways. I'm giving Corrupted Saviors (r23) 4 stars, but it's way more complex than a simple reductive score. Truthfully, I could've given 3 and maybe even 2, and these would be proper scores, too.

    At its core this text-based strategy, portrait packs notwithstanding, is about building combos, juggling turns and moves, all in order to inflict ludicrous amounts of damage to the opposition. TRULY LUDICROUS amounts of damage, as the game is built around exponentiation. It has a unique and complex stat system, an expansive tech and perk tree. All in all, it's a fairly complex strategy game. So far so good! In addition to that, it's a sex strategy game. Not a strategy game with sex scenes slapped onto it as an afterthought, no. Different ways of sex, humiliation, molestation etc etc, are the core gameplay. Satisfying combos, dishing out billions of sex-themed damage, it's kinda fun.

    But holy shit, Corrupted Saviors is infuriatingly bad at providing the player all the info on mechanics, highlighting what info is most relevant, cutting out fluff, and overall it's a masterpiece of UX disaster. And it's even obvious why it is this way: once you commit the mechanics, the tech tree, and hotkeys to memory, it's all smooth sailing from there. This is undoubtedly how the Dev interacts with their own game. UI is simply a blind spot for them because they never have to learn it, they can play the game with their eyes closed. In truth, the strategy layer is basically a puzzle with no AI to oppose you, so the game does not have a really steep learning curve. But its UI surely does.

    It would not be fatal, but Corrupted Saviors lacks one key feature that could redeem this flaw and push it well into masterpieces category. It's not rewarding the player for trying and failing. There are strategy games much harder than Corrupted Saviors, but to keep players engaged while learning the ropes, they manufacture a beautiful disaster that is fun to watch in its own right. “The rocket I built failed, but boy was the explosion fabulous. I want to blow up build an even bigger one!” Unfortunately, in Corrupted Saviors failure state is not a bang, only a whimper. You fail to make sufficient progress in X days, bam, final battle that is not mechanically different from a regular one, bam, a short game over screen. Laaame.

    Overall, I feel Corrupted Saviors is a decent game IF you like its core genre and IF you are okay with reading a manual, a guide or two, ideally a wiki. But if you are —like me— hell-bent on figuring out games without relying on external aid... it's going to be rather frustrating. I had some fun compiling a list of simple UX improvements, and perhaps this little exercise prevented me from abandoning Corrupted Saviors half way through. If you think about it, I was manufacturing my own beautiful disaster experience using utter failure that is game's UI as a prop. But that's not the way games should be enjoyed.

    TLDR: interesting game with a horrendous UI. Be prepared to have a bad time learning it. It can be fun but only once you master it and start making actual progress ingame. Is it worth it? I honestly can't tell. 4 star rating reflects personal experience and is not an endorsement or a recommendation.