Identify Corruption JRPG I can't recall the name of or find


New Member
Sep 26, 2017
Hey all!

I remember playing a game that I cannot find for the life of me again. It was, I believe, a JRPG. It was in 2d style and was focused on a character who was rather petite and kindof gloomy/depressed looking. The gameplay consisted of combat, overworld travelling, individual maps, the usual stuff. I remember doing repeated runs through random levels for a quest where you had to deliver goods through a bandit infested area for a town. There were a lot of clothing options. There are both monster and human scenes, but a lot of monster ones. The scenes have a degree of interactivity.

I've tried the corruption tag, jrpg tag, monster tag, even the loli tag (because she was petite so maybe?) and far more, but have had no luck finding it again even though I know I found it here.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!