Seeking Corruption leading to tattoos and piercings games


Dec 31, 2019
Anyone know a game where you can corrupt a girl to get her to have tats and piercings, similar to good girl gone bad or LONARpg? Thanks in advance!


Oct 7, 2019
The game: For a very obvious answer. Multiple people have that sort of things, I believe. While it is honey select models convert into ren'py chars, it is a satisfying game however.

There is also: It's similar with the first game in that it uses Ren'py engine and are 3D models, it is different from Honey Select models and the game itself being different in every other aspects.

There are also list of games from the Author/Artist: Technobrake. The best out of the bunch, with all the description you need would be: You will be playing as a Female JK protag that is total pure at the beginning, who wants nothing more but to deprave herself as much as possible. Got the corruption part, uses RPGM engine, has tats and piercers, okay to above avg in terms of pic quality and details. The game is a bit grindy though when it comes to money. Takes a bit of time to consume with 'Per-Trigger-Events' everywhere, scattered throughout the 3 - 4 different map locations. It does give you that familiar depraved sense of gratification though. Overall, I would say, try them all, if you haven't, check more from the artist mention above and keep doing you, ano- I mean, Member.... ehehe....
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