
Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
Anyone else feels a bit off about the temple womb rental? What I mean is they get a bigass lump of money AND they get to indoctrinate the kid into the temple.
It's completely and utterly fucked up of course, but Savin's response will be "it's just a setting lol" and you can't really call out Cait's bullshit on any of it, which is the part that sucks the most. Savin will never, ever allow you to insult or call out his favorite work of art.

So just tell her to fuck off and don't make the temple.
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Sep 25, 2019
It's completely and utterly fucked up of course, but Savin's response will be "it's just a setting lol" and you can't really call out Cait's bullshit on any of it, which is the part that sucks the most. Savin will never, ever allow you to insult or call out his favorite work of art.

So just tell her to fuck off and don't make the temple.

It really is fucked up,they even try and use Caits dad as bait to make it seem like its perfectly normal, you're literally paying someone for the privilege of making your child into a prostitute and a brainless zealot , that's not even counting the original price which is completely absurd ,you could build a literal town alone with that and you mean to tell me it's a sign of privilege and honor to pay a religious group to sire a kid with the head honcho? Come on now....


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
It really is fucked up,they even try and use Caits dad as bait to make it seem like its perfectly normal, you're literally paying someone for the privilege of making your child into a prostitute and a brainless zealot , that's not even counting the original price which is completely absurd ,you could build a literal town alone with that and you mean to tell me it's a sign of privilege and honor to pay a religious group to sire a kid with the head honcho? Come on now....
Manipulative as fuck, just like Cait herself.

I can almost guarantee Savin did not intend at all for it to come out like that though. For him that's most probably entirely normal and Cait is still supposed to be goody-two-shoes.

Then again Tobs wrote that content.
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Sep 25, 2019
I wouldn't have a problem with the temple in of itself, but I can't even critisize them or call out the BS. At last it's not as bad as Tobs who just writes boring fluff no one but himself cares about , sorry to disappoint you dude but everyone skips your stuff.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2020
The writers have massive delusions of grandeur. They actually think people give half a shit about how great and amazing the gods are or something.
They need to learn that less is sometimes more with worldbuilding. If you can't make your world unique and interesting, then leave the details up to the player's imagination instead of having your snarky, cocksure characters deliver pages of excruciating exposition.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
Anyone else feels a bit off about the temple womb rental? What I mean is they get a bigass lump of money AND they get to indoctrinate the kid into the temple.
I mean, kinda? On one hand , the entire process of you hiring a prostitute so that you could have a child is messed up from our modern world view.
On other hand, going by the knowledge that this game is set in the horny, dark age past, it is no worse than having arranged marriage. While it is strange for you to pay for womb of a harlot, you are doing it with the knowledge that your child is going to be taken care of nicely. Since you have to remember that the followers of Mallach are not your average harlots. They are holy ones. They get best education/state of living money can buy. And it is not like you are forced to give up on your child/ren after that, judging by Caits dad.

As for them being integrated into there religion. Again it is nothing worse than what we know can happen in rest of the world. Your child destiny is as predetermined as that of the orc or noble. And it is not like they force children into following there mothers footsteps. While yes, they are raised with the teachings of Mallach, it is no different than what a lot of other nations do in that setting.

It's completely and utterly fucked up of course, but Savin's response will be "it's just a setting lol" and you can't really call out Cait's bullshit on any of it, which is the part that sucks the most. Savin will never, ever allow you to insult or call out his favorite work of art.

So just tell her to fuck off and don't make the temple.
I mean,can you not allowing Cait to build Mallachs temple be read as you not wanting to have anything to do with her, her god and religion? I think that is the most direct way of you doing things.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2020
On other hand, going by the knowledge that this game is set in the horny, dark age past, it is no worse than having arranged marriage.
What if I disagree? What if my character disagrees? Maybe my character finds Cait's religious practices distasteful but, coming from a noble background where marriage is political, doesn't find anything wrong with arranged marriages. The devs should implement more than one disposition that your character can have towards the events of the game.
As for them being integrated into there religion. Again it is nothing worse than what we know can happen in rest of the world. Your child destiny is as predetermined as that of the orc or noble. And it is not like they force children into following there mothers footsteps. While yes, they are raised with the teachings of Mallach, it is no different than what a lot of other nations do in that setting.
Indoctrinating a child into a sex cult is creepy, no matter how you spin it.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
What if I disagree? What if my character disagrees? Maybe my character finds Cait's religious practices distasteful but, coming from a noble background where marriage is political, doesn't find anything wrong with arranged marriages. The devs should implement more than one disposition that your character can have towards the events of the game.
I mean they could. But at same time, they do not give you option to praise their way of thinking. So while they do not give you options to give you your opinion on the matter, in larger context of the game it is not needee necessarily beyond roleplay. While that aspect is important, not everything should be given same attention.
And as I said, not building the temple in name of god can be seen as a way for you to express your dissatisfaction with Mallach.


Sep 25, 2019
What if I disagree? What if my character disagrees? Maybe my character finds Cait's religious practices distasteful but, coming from a noble background where marriage is political, doesn't find anything wrong with arranged marriages. The devs should implement more than one disposition that your character can have towards the events of the game.

Indoctrinating a child into a sex cult is creepy, no matter how you spin it.

Plus not to mention you're really gonna look me in the eye and tell me they wouldn't isolate the kids from the outside world and it's views? It's no different than being born into a cult , oh sure once you're an adult and thoroughly indoctrinated they will let you go and spread the word of their religion but will get pissy if you refuse them, i.e Cait more or less threatening to leave if you refuse to build her a whore house oh I mean ''temple'',a temple that is dozens of times less expensive to build than to rent a ''holy womb'' ,''ohh it's for the kids upbringing and education that's why it's expensive'' Oh really? You went from a few hundred k down to 15k rather easily,it's almost like it doesn't cost you anywhere close to that and they're just trying to bolster their numbers while at the same time making a big profit from fools. We already have an orphanage in town that we fund, I'd leave my kids with
Gwyneth any day,but a religious sex cult? Yeah no thanks


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
Plus not to mention you're really gonna look me in the eye and tell me they wouldn't isolate the kids from the outside world and it's views? It's no different than being born into a cult , oh sure once you're an adult and thoroughly indoctrinated they will let you go and spread the word of their religion but will get pissy if you refuse them, i.e Cait more or less threatening to leave if you refuse to build her a whore house oh I mean ''temple'',a temple that is dozens of times less expensive to build than to rent a ''holy womb'' ,''ohh it's for the kids upbringing and education that's why it's expensive'' Oh really? You went from a few hundred k down to 15k rather easily,it's almost like it doesn't cost you anywhere close to that and they're just trying to bolster their numbers while at the same time making a big profit from fools. We already have an orphanage in town that we fund, I'd leave my kids with
Gwyneth any day,but a religious sex cult? Yeah no thanks
I mean, yeah, it is fucked up at the end of the day. But it is a lucrative business. If people feel like the harlots womb is worth that much, why not? It is not like they force people to pay their services.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
I mean, kinda? On one hand , the entire process of you hiring a prostitute so that you could have a child is messed up from our modern world view.
On other hand, going by the knowledge that this game is set in the horny, dark age past, it is no worse than having arranged marriage. While it is strange for you to pay for womb of a harlot, you are doing it with the knowledge that your child is going to be taken care of nicely. Since you have to remember that the followers of Mallach are not your average harlots. They are holy ones. They get best education/state of living money can buy. And it is not like you are forced to give up on your child/ren after that, judging by Caits dad.

As for them being integrated into there religion. Again it is nothing worse than what we know can happen in rest of the world. Your child destiny is as predetermined as that of the orc or noble. And it is not like they force children into following there mothers footsteps. While yes, they are raised with the teachings of Mallach, it is no different than what a lot of other nations do in that setting.

I mean,can you not allowing Cait to build Mallachs temple be read as you not wanting to have anything to do with her, her god and religion? I think that is the most direct way of you doing things.
It's 0 to 100 too quick. I can somewhat believe the idea that you "rent her womb", but outright confiscating the child would be a turnoff to many characters in-universe too. I plain don't like how we are not getting ANY sort of say about the literal child of the protagonist. Or how we can't even react.

Like I'd be fine with this if the MC had a chance to react and say "what the fuck".

Tobs or Savin simply doesn't give you the chance.

To them, if you chose the scene, you completely agreed with everything that they will ever write from then on. Too black and white.

And before you pull out the same card "but you can't praise Cait either bro"

Remember that Savin literally fucking put an option for a quest called "Thx4Cait" where you thank ther Dad...for making Cait a thing. Don't even start, man.

I guess I'm just too jaded over CoC2 choices in general. It's like Fallout 4 against Fallout New Vegas, in one game you read exactly what you will say, in another, it might say "No" for a choice but the actual dialogue is very rude.

It's much like that. I might choose a scene, but I don't expect my character to act like he does in that scene. And this happens way too fucking often.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
It's 0 to 100 too quick. I can somewhat believe the idea that you "rent her womb", but outright confiscating the child would be a turnoff to many characters in-universe too. I plain don't like how we are not getting ANY sort of say about the literal child of the protagonist. Or how we can't even react.

Like I'd be fine with this if the MC had a chance to react and say "what the fuck".

Tobs or Savin simply doesn't give you the chance.

To them, if you chose the scene, you completely agreed with everything that they will ever write from then on. Too black and white.

And before you pull out the same card "but you can't praise Cait either bro"

Remember that Savin literally fucking put an option for a quest called "Thx4Cait" where you thank ther Dad...for making Cait a thing. Don't even start, man.

I guess I'm just too jaded over CoC2 choices in general. It's like Fallout 4 against Fallout New Vegas, in one game you read exactly what you will say, in another, it might say "No" for a choice but the actual dialogue is very rude.

It's much like that. I might choose a scene, but I don't expect my character to act like he does in that scene. And this happens way too fucking often.
Your character takes indifferent stance. They do not praise or reject how Mallach does thing. Which, if they are not giving us the choice to make our stance on that stuff, is best way for them to do it. While yes, it does suck that you have no imput in what your character wants to say, 90 percent of the time it is not necessarily.

Also, if you go and pay for their services, you are agreeing to their terms. While it sucks for you that you can not take your child with you, the game makes it no secret what is going to happen to them. Why would developers write about you complaining about the service you yourself payed for if you are getting exactly what you payef for?

That whole "Thanks 4 Cait" is there if you want to say it. That is a good thing. It is a nice way for your character to show affection you feel towards her. As noted, if you are doing characters quest, game is going to assume that you care at least somewhat for them in some capacity. It is nor unique to this quest alone. Me saying this is not justification for it tho. I also have that problem where it feels like game is making to many assumptions when it comes to reasons why you are doing certain quest/things. Etheryn and Brinr being also up there.
But at same time, most of the companions and quest do have good deal of story variations depending on how you deal with the quest itself. So as you said, it is not all black and white.

And I am sorry, but comparing this game to fallout 4 is kind of insulting. While the game is not as open ended as NW, it certainly has more story variety and story consequences then 4. A lot in fact. To small changes in dialogue to major story decisions.

Still, thaf last thing about your character acting differently to how you expect them to in certain scenes. Yeah, it happens. But in defence, it is kind of hard to convey what a entire dialogue scene is going to convey into one square. And most of the time, game gives you good enough idea how the scene is going to play out.


Sep 15, 2020
I am really tired of the endless sidequests ... Guys am I the only one who wants some demon corruption like the demon transformation in the Brienne Dream (that was AWESOME!) ?? Like WTF I want this demon corruption with demonification of my companions ... every update is just a huge disappointment when I read from another minor quest. JUST give us Kasyrra content!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2020
I mean they could. But at same time, they do not give you option to praise their way of thinking. So while they do not give you options to give you your opinion on the matter, in larger context of the game it is not needee necessarily beyond roleplay. While that aspect is important, not everything should be given same attention.
And as I said, not building the temple in name of god can be seen as a way for you to express your dissatisfaction with Mallach.
I didn't think I needed to point out that the whole issue was about roleplay. If we pared down the content just to what was "needed," then it would just be a visual novel. Staying mum on the subject is implicit approval, little different than praise, and disapproving of certain practices doesn't mean we reject Mallach wholesale. Like, the prostitution angle might be alright, but the child indoctrination thing is totally different. Why shouldn't we get to tell her so, at least?

As DoA said, it's too black-and-white.
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