Ok, this is something else!
This game is a lot of fun and its just starting! I don´t know why, but the creator does not want to get money for assistance... But if so, I would have gladly give him some!
For the review (0,2):
The look of this game is strange and new to this kind of novels, but I love it! some of the textures look very good, and the characters look nice and unique.
For the story... It is the start, so I will go a little easy on it.
The introduction is a little fast but fitting and even though there is still little interaction with the other characters, you can already see some very good ideas!
For instant, this is the first game I see, in witch you have a son who has his fun with one of the girls mend for you (hope for two guys screwing the family!).
But the best part is the setting!
You seem to have a deviant entity in your home, screwing with you and your family. As the father of the family you are supposed to care for your kids, but step by step, you are drawn into different direction...
This is not that new, but well executed and I hope for a slow but steady turn into a corrupted life of fun! ^^
I like the idea, that you and your family become corrupted. Even though you have your own agency, you are not the master manipulator nor are your daughters the ones seducing you. That is quite fun!
Oh yes, the fun.... this game is also very funny to me.