Unity - Corruption Town [v0.5c2] [BoredBasmati]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has my hopes HIGH. So much going for it and I hope that there will be much more in the future. UI, stats, skills, animations, corruption, milf & pervy son. Probably played for about an hour. Up to the WIP scenes with Henry. Great game, had a great time.

    Things I think could be cool to see:
    -House repairs/upgrades- the ugly bastard of a brother takes so much of the characters gold weekly and for what? We have no door, no windows unless u count the many large holes in the roof. Sure at first it would make sense. But after weeks and weeks of working and earning. Can we really not afford a door or piece of bark to keep the homeless from sneaking into our bed at night? Come on. Also, other than rent or debts, there are only 3 things that can be purchased with gold. I think being able to fix up the shack would also prolong the characters life in the town. Like getting their lives together a little bit. But right now it seems like the goal is just work and get a ticket out. Does that mean there will be another location in the future? Why not just expand on the town that they are already in? Sure, there are a few other things like if there were more patrons or if all the non lewd skills could be just passives since all the different actions get confusing while you constantly need to be dealing with patrons. I would rather be able to balance a third tray on my head or fit more drinks on a tray than to be able to spike drinks or whatever else. Lot of things happening all at once during a shift, 3 dudes just ripped of the mcs panties while playing with her nipples but there are 3 more who need beer at the same time. Fun, but more passives would be NICE. Just wishful thinking though. Still, it's been a great time and really hope there will be many updates to come.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    very nice one but very shy on the ntr part yet
    hopefully in near future with further corruption options
    right now, it's still pretty rewarding with many cgs, scripted or interactive
    stoked for the full release and for future updates!
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Game is really good.
    So it's in the case the purpose still in development, but the early history did you sit and read more.
    Need more scenes like sex or corruption scenes and after diferent scenes sex. Good game!
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is very good, incredible art, the characters have personality, it's very intuitive, easy to progress, the only negative point, and for me the worst, is the bar event, everything is very fast, not letting you enjoy the events, customers take 1 or 2 shifts to order drinks again, it would be interesting to reduce the frequency with which they order drinks, and in that interval, they order lewd things!
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Very kinky and fun game, with amazing music and visuals as well (seriously, work with light just incredible).

    Gameplay pretty much VN with some trainers mechanics and light rpg elements, with Karryn's Prison bar mini-game as main course. Despite pretty early stage, works pretty well so far, better than in KP for sure. All smooth, sexy and can be customized with some perks to your liking.

    Game didn't take itself too seriously, so plot there town where almost all people are horny degenerates, works well so far and makes you wonder what's going on here. But with all dialogue and character, leaves you something engaged, so works good so far.

    Not fan of mc's son initially, but hi was leaded to some nice kinky situations, with variety as well, so i hope in future, we can decide to let baker girl loose herself with town folks or help to keep her desires in check and start dating. Same goes to mom, which is we can creep to or not. Game lean at mc anyway, so his content can be disabled, which is convenient.

    Really hope to see it will bloom and thrive, because right now its, althought very solid, but foundation for future. Story at the beginning still, not enough rpg elements (perks, some clothes to change, money nothing to spend and so on), corruption not working well with pacing (it was require in couple scenes at first, then i cant farmed it in any way, but then it not doing much) and some variety very are necessary to keep tavern gameplay interesting (like gambling, private services, some mini events and menu expansion, with new type of guests). Also bugs and bare boned scenes, but its pretty normal to this stage.

    Anyway, really like it so far, highly recommend to anyone who likes lewd tavern aesthetics, like me:)
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    One of Karren's minigames, but worse.

    That's it. Everything else is fluff, really. Achievements? VN "Events"? Unneeded NTR cliche boring son? No, that's just potato peels. Real food is a minigame only.

    So, dev made his first release roughly a month after the release of Karren's English version, with this minigame 75% finished. It took him a month to copy everything, up to every parameter, and even add the most generic setting and cliche NTR plot for the hype. So, maybe he spent a year perfecting it, an now it is so much more?

    NO. And it is still worse.

    First problem is the UI, which is abysmal. There are little icons of clients to press next to gigantic buttons for commands, and half of them are hidden in a submenu, which closes every time after being used and needs to be reopened.

    Second is the flow. Every single move of yours is a mini-scene. Control is constantly taken from you to show you yet another unneded dialog. "to give an order" button is the same, as "to skip dialog" button, so you press on an customer icon for 10 times every time, not knowing is it a game lag, a just another boring dialog need to be skipped. And how to make it worse? Force the player to participate in a useless option choice. Make the player choose if MC would endure butt slapping for 67 times every shift.

    And, of course, the progression. Just abysmal.

    And now look at the original Karren's minigame. It's so much better! It has a much smoother progression and fewer unneeded dialogs. And all the mini-scenes were shown quickly and did not require extra clicks on choices.

    And I wasn't mad about it a year ago: local dev just made a raw copy to use as a base for his development. But I am mad now. Because after a year of development, he developed NOTHING.

    Buttom Line: he is either a bad designer or just doesn't care. And I think it is the latter. He established his Patreon page, he has a stable cash flow, and once a couple months he will make an update with some ugly lazy DAZ3D "Events", but he will not fix anything.

    This is a bootleg Karren's minigame, made in one month. Donate to the Patrion
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Lovely MC, decent mini game challenges, well its fun, but quite short, can't wait for more of the new contents, hopefully this will not be one of those game that will get abandoned, it has potentials, the pace is also right, not too slow nor too fast, its enjoyable.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    VN style corruption game with bar / drink delivery as the main game mechanic. Done in Unity so everything works, vs. something cludged together in RenPy. ~4 hrs to run through scripted game outcomes.
    v0.5 and under active development as of now; look forward to seeing how it develops.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I truly love this game, it basically speaks directly to my kinks of corruption and ntr so your mileage may vary.

    The game mechanics are actually pretty solid; you play as a young woman who, desperate for coin, decides to find employment at a tavern in a town full of lecherous men. As a barmaid she's tasked with gathering orders and serving alcohol, but as she grows more corrupt she'll be open to... other activities. Throughout her shift she'll be groped, spanked, fingerbanged and more depending on how lustful the patrons are feeling that day. If that sounds familiar to a minigame from a big H game, it's pretty much that but more in depth.

    This game goes one step further and adds the POV of the young woman's "charge" (definitely not son). He doesn't have much content right now, with some side content with another beautiful woman, but it's definitely headed in an NTR direction and I'm loving the idea behind it.

    This dev is raking it in on Patreon, and it's not hard to see why; competent programming combined with sexy renders and hot dialogue. Yum yum.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is ok, but it has all the problems with sandboxes.

    1. Unlocking certain scenes require certain conditions that are vague
    2. Lot of content and areas still 'under development' and blocking you
    3. The plot is going for corruption over time, so 1 and 2 just amplifies the problems with 1 and 2.
    For example, by a certain point in the game, you're meant to unlock blowjobs or handjobs, and the game never shows or explains how it's done.
    It requires playing the main minigame a certain way, and it never explains it to you. And the way to unlock it is extremely specific and boring to get to.

    The dev plans to add more jobs and features to add to the corruption of the main character, but given how poorly this main part is programmed, it's just an exercise in frustration.

    It's still not as bad as other sandboxes where there's a map and crappy navigation you have to do. The minigame works for the most part, with unlocks getting you more abilities.

    Another mark against this is there's very little animation. You'll have to play quite alot and wait awhile for the dev to add more I guess. The renders are nice enough, but not much of a payoff if you're looking to jerk one off to this one.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: Fairly decent game that suddenly throws you off due to the developer adding paywalls to certain scenes

    + Decent renders, not the best, not the worst, stands above the usual slop
    + Game itself feels like an extension of KP's barmaid minigame, which is a decent minigame, so this works out
    + Skill tree is good and makes progression feel nice
    + Scenes are good for the most part

    - Paywalls. At a certain point, you'll start seeing options to view scenes, but said options are greyed out, informing you that you need a patreon code in order to view them.
    - Plot is your typical porn plot, illogical and difficult to care about despite the plethora of dialogue about it
    - Buggy cut-ins freeze your game here and there
    - All the male models (The bar patrons) look very similar to one another, could do more to differentiate them so it doesn't get stale.

    Overall, I'd have given this a 4/5 if it weren't for the patreon code paywall garbage, not like it would do much as the code is bound to be leaked eventually, merely serves to piss people off.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    game has a lot of potential. The MC is very very hot! Looking forward to the next update! Hopefully more son involvement! Game play is pretty fun and the mini game in the bar is great too. Hopefully an update soon :)))))))))))))))))
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    version v0.5c2

    this game is like a ripoff of Karryn's prison barmaid part. same stats, similar mechanics. but it has many story driven events, so it's not all about the minigame.

    so far the game is quite unfinished, many small grammar mistakes (but understandable english) and the story/characters are a bit dumb but it's a porn game so you can't have high expectations.

    anyway, game is decent, it has progress bars and hints how to unlock everything. you can unlock everything, game "plays itself" so you won't miss out on events... at least generally. there is replay function too. so it's decent.

    nothing spectacular but you will probably like it if you like these groping->corruption type of games.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Oh YEAH !

    It's a concrete pleasant game, I played about 4 hours of fun and desire.

    There is a concrete playable mechanic in game, the model is very attractive and realistic, relationship between character is well written and text reading is a pleasure (in the construction of desirable scene development).

    It’s so a total success, thanks a lot for the quality of this piece of art.

    I will continue to follow this one and recommend it to everyone.

    It's a concrete rare quality game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Good mix of visuals and description, both of which are good and weave with the gameplay well. Liked that you can cut out the Henry (younger male) scenes, but sad that it also cuts out good content with the Baker.

    More jobs, store items, and upgrades (bar? house?) would all be lovely. But if wanting more content in a game with a decent of amount of content is my main complaint then I think this game passes muster.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    T ☯ K Y ☯


    a very good game that has a lot of potential ahead of it.

    MC is very hot, nothing to complain about. the setting and background story is very interesting, MC works in a tavern as a waitress, a setting that I really like in these games.

    the scenes so far are good, we have a good variety, nothing too sexual so far but I don't think we'll have to wait too long for it to get there.

    the gameplay is ok, at first it's a bit of a pain to get the hang of, but as you progress and improve the MC's skills the task becomes much easier.

    overall I really enjoyed the game, I hope the developer succeeds with this game, good luck.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Main character is very very hot. Might be one of the best milfs in any game. Thats really where the good parts of this game end. The sandbox gameplay is so damn repetitive. The double perspective between the mom and the son also never really works cause the mom is much more of the content.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game, its the exact game ive been hoping someone makes. I hope in the future the progression is slower as i can get her naked in the first day. I understand its sped up due to how early the game is into development but i hope its spread out and there is more coercion in the future. Like maybe she has actual rent due or something and MUST get more tips so she starts flashing and stuff. Personally i think you should cut back greatly on the Henry content and focus on Agnes. Maybe have scripted scenes at certain milestones in the game revolving around Agnes progressing in her corruption and that initiates a henry event. Also my only other complain is the cum should look different. Other than that GREAT GAME
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Renders are great but with one problem - they are like 3 and a half. Pretty much what you see in the ss. And this game is NOT in "early development" as some users mention - it's just an empty game.

    Grinding is very tedious and really through the roof. You get nothing for hours of serving. If you have to serve beer to thousands of customers (hours) just for the next semi-nude image - no, ty!

    On top of that the controls are extremely bad and you have to click on weird "back" words just to exit your house - no map system. Switching between mom and son has no hints of when should be done and you end up doing it every day just to check for 0 benefit.

    I put 2 stars because of the good renders otherwise should be a 1-star game. Some devs simply forget that we are NOT limited to their one game.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Corruption Town (ver. 0.4a)

    I really don’t understand these absurdly high ratings for what this game offers for the time being.

    The 3d renders are good, no doubt about that. But that’s about the ONLY POSITIVE ASPECT of this game.

    More importantly the corruption game mechanics are totally redundant. Hence they get annoying very quickly. Agnes, one of the main protagonists, is working as a tavern wench, so the player has got to do a serving mini-game over and over again. During this mini game she gets harassed and groped by ugly clients. Your goal as a player is to grind for corruption levels in order to unlock new scenes. It turns out to be a real grind fest doing the same over and over again. I seriously don’t know who might enjoy wasting his precious time like this for hours?!

    Concerning sexual content a lot of teasing is in the game so far. Blowjobs seem to be in the game, too, but I didn’t see those yet, because I was so much annoyed already by the amount of grind, that I’ve quit playing before reaching such a render during the tavern mini game.

    These scenes aren’t animated btw, just static pictures. No animations aren’t a real problem for me, though, but some will miss animations.

    The corruption taking place doesn’t feel realistic or believable in any way. All men are ugly pigs, while Agnes just gets more and more groped and harassed during her work shift and gets so much used to it, that she even serves naked and doesn’t mind the harassment any more. I can look over the “porn logic” at work here. The main sexual fetish this game caters to seems to be humiliation.

    Something else is bothering me more:

    This is one of those games, which tries to benefit from a very popular setting (medieval low-fantasy), but doesn’t take it serious at all.

    F.e. the two females in the game, Agnes and Margaret (the latter is just a side-character), don’t have pubic hair. They both look like they came out from a modern day Brazilian waxing studio (not so modern any more anyway, since pubic hair is coming back and even trending nowadays). For me the complete lack of pubes is already killing the atmosphere of the supposed medieval setting. The completely shaved look is just really out of place for this somewhat wannabe-historic setting.

    The dev also ruled out pregnancy in his game, which is another very much questionable decision. There was no anti-baby pill (introduced in the 1960s) and no magical contraception potion, only abortion was possible and that option was very risky, even life-threatening. This corruption game is supposed to have lots of sex in it, but without any consequences as it seems. That’s like soup without salt. It would have been so much hotter, if Agnes and Margaret got knocked up at some point by one of the male characters (Henry, Otto or some client etc).

    • some good 3d renders without animations
    • sexual content: only teasing and bj so far
    • redundant grindy game mechanics
    • the corruption of the female protagonist is not believable, only “porn logic”
    • the setting is being treated as nothing more than a backdrop (f.e. no pubic hair in a medieval setting)
    • missed opportunities and wasted potential f.e. by ruling out pregnancy
    In general this game is disappointing and just built around a grindy mini-game.