Very kinky and fun game, with amazing music and visuals as well (seriously, work with light just incredible).
Gameplay pretty much VN with some trainers mechanics and light rpg elements, with Karryn's Prison bar mini-game as main course. Despite pretty early stage, works pretty well so far, better than in KP for sure. All smooth, sexy and can be customized with some perks to your liking.
Game didn't take itself too seriously, so plot there town where almost all people are horny degenerates, works well so far and makes you wonder what's going on here. But with all dialogue and character, leaves you something engaged, so works good so far.
Not fan of mc's son initially, but hi was leaded to some nice kinky situations, with variety as well, so i hope in future, we can decide to let baker girl loose herself with town folks or help to keep her desires in check and start dating. Same goes to mom, which is we can creep to or not. Game lean at mc anyway, so his content can be disabled, which is convenient.
Really hope to see it will bloom and thrive, because right now its, althought very solid, but foundation for future. Story at the beginning still, not enough rpg elements (perks, some clothes to change, money nothing to spend and so on), corruption not working well with pacing (it was require in couple scenes at first, then i cant farmed it in any way, but then it not doing much) and some variety very are necessary to keep tavern gameplay interesting (like gambling, private services, some mini events and menu expansion, with new type of guests). Also bugs and bare boned scenes, but its pretty normal to this stage.
Anyway, really like it so far, highly recommend to anyone who likes lewd tavern aesthetics, like me