This review is directed towards version v0.2d which is the last version posted in this site.
Positive things about this game:
The artwork is pretty good, characters are mostly cute (except for the bara - old guy, though that's personal preference). Environment artwork is also pretty good.
It managed to grasp well the sense of: "This town has so many refugees in it due to the orc war that we can't really sustain everyone, lots of poor people on the streets, veggars, people that lacks money.. and some even have a worse fate than those" as well as the shadyness of the guards who don't really allow all of the refugees in and leave them to their fate, which is a hint to the corruption in this game, though I know the sense of corruption is used mostly for the sexual stuff
Story, at least up until the point where I just had enough with the game, was pretty decent, not extraordinary but wasn't terrible.
I do believe it should perhaps be developed a bit more, with perhaps a prologue with some background onto the events that happened before they had to flee. I know they got attacked by the orc horde, but perhaps showing the scenes where the father gets killed would add a little more meaning to the story than just being some dialogue.
Now, for the cons of this game:
One of the biggest gripes I have with this game is, the bar mini-game. It is true that perhaps I upgraded the: "Have more tip chances" option a little too much, which I might test out later with less upgrades but.. if you happen to upgrade the tipping chances, which is.. well, let's say money is a very important factor in this game that will become even more important as you progress.. the mini-game becomes SO UNBEREABLE because you just go to a table to check what the customer wants and you just get endlessly spammed with the clientele groping your character and it goes on and on and on and it just makes it so difficult to manage all the client's requests, even with the shortcuts to get the beverages it's just impossible to attend to every single client on your own when you just get a tip request or grope request that you have to manage every less than ten seconds
Even without the upgrades, I would say it was already quite fast from the start.
I understand the purpose of money in this game since your step-brother will actually ask you more and more from it, at your sake of course, but it just makes trying to get more tips an absolute chore and annoyance. This aspect should be improved upon by reducing the groping events or tip events quite substantially.
It should start very very slow, with you almost getting no groping and or tipping requests whatsoever, and you have to rely on making as many chain combos as possible, and progressively become faster but at a much slower rate than it is currently.
This mechanic should be something you'd like to utilize to gain more tips and thus more money. Although, with the amount of customers you get later on, it's just far better at the moment to not level up the tipping chances at all and just rely on making as many combos as possible, way more worth.
You may be thinking, but there's the option to pretty much reject everyone and or endure everyone. But what about people like me, who perhaps are a bit more selective with our choices and we'd like to allow certain NPC customers to ask us for tips in exchange for letting them grope us, not everyone.
I'm sure this might be included down the line, considering this is very clearly a WIP game so far, but you could also make corruption gain way slower (which in my opinion would make it a lot more fun) and eventually as you build up your progression, you could add a mechanic where you can grope customers back and or they ask you to do something a bit more extreme, for a much bigger tip of course. Like perhaps giving them a blowjob, and stuff like that.
And the other negative aspect of this game, which hopefully gets added overtime, and while I know it's not too big of a deal for some.. there's absolutely no music whatsoever, none.. neither for menus, for background.. absolutely nothing, which is a bit immersion breaking if you ask me.
The game has potential, to be sure, but I believe it needs to plan out it's mechanics a little better and or it's story telling to be more engaging and fun