Before you decide to start this game, ask for a week off at your workplace, because if you like the management genre, this game can be seriously addictive. Here you can put yourself in the shoes of a master who introduces to his slaves the bdsm genre. It's a real male domination game where your task is to make the female gender submissive and obedient.
But even though we talking about one of my favorite games, and my rating is 5 stars, my review will be more negative than positive. I think we have already enough review about Cons and Pros, so this long monologue I just wrote will be more of a kind of constructive criticism, which by the way will be filled with so many suggestions as well. Overall, I will rather want to join the ranks of those who think that the development of this project was ended unreasonably quickly.
If something is as enjoyable and successful as this game is, then it should not be just thrown aside, but rather should be expanded even until the infinity.
The game itself is a dream come true, a real diamond. But something is still missing which prevents it from reaching the true perfection..
The real problem is that the game's greatest strength is also its greatest weakness too. Although it's true it's very entertaining and can keep you engaged for a very long time, however after a certain point, this thrill is increasingly replaced by a kind of monotony, because after a while we get into a kind of spinning wheel, where the tasks and the events just repeat themselves.
The problem is that the game's mechanics is basically only about buying more and more new slaves, whom after we finally made obedient and skilled, we sell on at the best possible price. And this cycle goes on practically until the infinity. But fortunately it's only the short version of the story, and the game is actually much more complex than that.
But despite that the training process is fun, and the selection of tools is plentiful, in the long run it will be quite annoying the fact that the game has no other goal than just sell as many slaves as possible, and increasing your money by that. And struggling just to become the richest master in the entire town is total unnecessary, because it has no influence on the game at all. We literally have random slaves, with random names and zero personality, to whom you will be completely indifferent.
The biggest shortcoming of the game is that there is no connection between the slaves and the MC. We turn one of them into a mistress without the player feeling any attachment to her at all.
The main problem actually starts with the fact that their interaction only consists of bdsm and feeding. That well-known harmony between master and slave from other games is completely absent here. There are many options in the game to make a slave obedient or even broken, but the generosity and empathy ends at the removal of the handcuffs and with a bottle of vodka. There aren't really any opportunities for the MC to get a little closer to a given slave and to create a kind of "build up" between their relationship.
But then arises the question.. What should be changed?!
The primary problem is that even at 100% sympathy, there is no major change in the game. It doesn't open new possibilities, but what is more confusing there is no gradualness in its growth. I know the game is strongly based on its mechanics, but even then I don't feel that it's normal if the sympathy level can be already at its maximum just after 3-4 bottle of vodka. I feel like this part of the game was a bit rushed. But even if the dev would slow down a little bit the sympathy's growth, an important element would still be missing..
In order to be able to talk about "buildup" at all, every slave and servant, employee would need a new, and stronger level of relationship meter beyond the sympathy. A new feature which we can call "Bonding", and which operation and growth rate are similar to the way as the mistress' love meter works. However it should be influenced by more serious factors than vodka or cake.
First of all, we need a new, nicely furnished room with space for about 2-3 slave, where after the cage you can move those slaves you like the most. We can call them "special" slaves, who can already take care of their needs such as eating or bathing by themselves.
Secondly, my other idea is a swimming pool with a jacuzzi in the basement, which the special slaves can use independently of you in an "autonomous" way whenever they want. And of course apart from them, the mistress and the employees can also use it when they feel like it, or when they have a day off.
And thirdly, you could decide to give to a special slave a kind of "pass", allowing her to leave your mansion for a while.
These were just three examples that would help in the development of the build up, and which could increase my suggested "Bonding" in this game, but obviously only one of these can be used for the employees too. However, if I write too many ideas, I would never get to the end of my review.
Btw employees. Knowing how many jobs exist for them in the game, we could still use about two more girl yet.
But what I would change in the game yet is that, I would make the possibility of becoming a mistress not only for the slaves, but also for the employees and servants as well.
Another big shortcoming of the game is that there is not enough social places.
My idea is a slave club, where our MC could spend some time, and have some fun with his "special slaves". It could be similar to a normal club, just this would be mostly visited by masters with their favorite slaves, or those men who need a little caressing and some girl touching. In this place, every girl could show off her qualities, making her master proud.
As a kind of presentation, there could be a dance stage in the middle of the club, where many slave can dance together at the same time, while the idle ones sit on their masters' laps. And if you decide to send your own slave onto the stage as well, the guests would reward her dancing skills with money. The size of the reward would depend on her artistic skill. In special cases, a private dance could also be considered.
Maybe in the basement of this club or rather on the upstairs, there could be an ..orgy room as well, where the sex is non-stop with always new participants, and which the MC or his slave or even the both of them could join.
I've also read some nice suggestions on the game's thread. Among them I liked the introduction of the attraction the most. Which means a slave or any girl at a young or middle aged stage of life can be attractive, average or ugly. But obviously the mature aged women should be excluded from this feature.
However for this feature the polygons for the current models should be more variety.
Another common problem in the game is that after a while there is nothing to spend the accumulated wealth on. It could be a solution to this problem if each rooms of the mansion could be further upgraded. Thinking about more decorated etc. which as a reward could also give us faster mind level regeneration.
My last topic is the NTR as a possible option.
Since the basic condition of this genre is a well-working relationship, it can mostly be extended to the mistress.
But actually this whole suggestion I wrote about the bond between the MC and his servants, maybe just by itself brings us a little closer to the NTR. Although it doesn't hurt to clarify that this genre is already present in the game at a minimal level. I'm thinking of when you send your employees to become prostitutes or strip dancers.
The basis of my proposal for the NTR is a spa, which could be a new public place in the game, and which your mistress would visit regularly. And if her nature is evil or the love is in the minus, then she could cheat the MC with someone there. Of course, your employees and your special slaves could also visit this spa if they receive that "pass" from the MC I mentioned before.
But obviously the presence of a spa should not overwrite the possibility of a home pool with a jacuzzi.
This was the longest review of my life, but if you already read this far, I'll give you a tip. Always read the biographies of your employees before choosing their profession. If they continue the same or a similar job with the right costume, their income will be higher.
The game can be difficult at first as it is quite complex, but don't let that scare you off. If there's a game that worth your time, then this is it.