Unreal Engine - Completed - Cost of survival [v1.08] [DumbCrow]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Really makes me wish for a sequel or spiritual successor, love management games and it scratches that itch but eventually you end up with too much money and nothing to spend it on. That being said, having it made in unreal does wonders for making it feel like an actual game and not just a VN, despite the rather basic visuals and customization. Wish more devs would step away from Ren'py or RPGM for this kind of stuff. Compared to what else it out there though, this is a must play if you like management games.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite games on this site.

    Game starts off relatively straightforward: buy slaves, train them, auction them off, use the money to upgrade the mansion, repeat.

    As the game progresses, more and more options are unlocked. Promote the slave girls into servants to cook/clean or employees to make money. Drive them insane and turn them into petgirls that compete in exhibitions and arena fights. Get the girls impregnated, or marry them off to wealthy suitors. LOTS of BDSM options of various kinds.

    Very unique gameplay that is mostly VERY well-implemented. The developer did a fantastic job explaining the game mechanics in the in-game manual.

    I have only a few minor nitpicks:

    I love the sandbox mode, but I found the story mode kinda disappointing.

    Servants and EmployeeGirls can be sold via contracts, but the requirements are way too high and the payout way too low, so I've never found a use for this mechanic.

    Money is very tight in the beginning of the game, but after a few weeks you can end up with hundreds of thousands of dollars with nothing to spend it on. It would feel more rewarding if some of the later upgrades were more expensive instead of being so quickly and easily attainable.

    All my nitpicks are incredibly minor overall, and I consider this to be one of the best management games on this site.

  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I love management games but this one was a poor showing.

    Story 2/10

    Not much story to speak of. Some global issue where men/women are infertile so women become slaves. Doesn't make sense. One of those "don't think too hard about it" type situations. Personally, I like when the background does make sense. It sets the mood.

    Gameplay 4/10

    There's a lot of mechanics there... but I just don't think it ties together into a fun gameplay experience.

    There's a lot of bars like sanity, hunger, loyalty, that you have to maintain which just wasn't very fun to try to maintain.

    Each girl starts as a slave then can be promoted to 4-ish different roles: Servant, Employee, Mistress, Petgirl. The Servants do your housework for you so you don't have to do grungy things like cleaning the floors anymore. Employees are set-and-forget, they just earn you money. Mistress walks around judging you, asking you for daily favors, and tries to keep the mood up for the various girls. And petgirls are pets. You train them.

    And I don't know, it just didn't work. The grunge was too much.

    Art 3/10

    There's quite a bit of unique scenes for the various different positions available. But I can't get over how ugly the girls are. They're just ugly. Hands down.

    Overall 3/10

    Kind of weak showing for a management game. The managing wasn't very fun and the art wasn't very good.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Reading the reviews it's hard to write anything new. Many of them I agree, and with a few of them not.

    Gameplay: It may a lil difficult at first, as a management game should be. But once you catch the rhythm, you will end up playing weeks or months, depends on your taste.

    Kinks: Mostly bdsm, but the pregnancy is also a main part of the game. No, you won't see pregnant girls, but the bdsm genre doesn't really need them.
    The ntr topic somehow came up in several comments even in this game. I like the genre, but sadly there isn't any ntr. Although this game also have a strong prostitution part, which means your slaves and employees have to fuck with others. But whining because of that I think it's totally pointless.

    Main strengths: Wide selection of punishments - lots of animations - many things to explore - countless ways to earn money - optimal amount of grind with many rewards

    Weaknesses: A lot of wasted opportunities, some kinks simply don't have enough content - sometimes the game can tip over into a repetitive cycle - somewhat soulless npcs

    My overall rating is still 5* since I find the management part absolutely perfect.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    As for story there really isent much, barely any dialogs doing gameplay, so its pretty much a pure manager/trainer game, it could have had alot more potential if there had been more dialogs and some relationship build up with the slaves but theres none.

    And it dident help that it kept disappointing me with promisses that it dosent deliver.

    Reading tags seeing pregnancy you expect there to be some but no....all it is is a text saying girl got pregnant then girl gets taken away from you by the goverment? so you never see a single pregnant girl in this game what so ever, huge let down to people into that and tag seriously shouldent be there at all, oh and on a side note, you yourself (MC) cant impregnated anyone what so ever either......well other then the misstress but you never see her pregnant since deamon steals the baby or some shit.

    What you can do is watch other dudes fuck your slaves to make them pregnant.....might not be called NTR since they are slaves and its a choice you can make but then again its something your forced to if you want to progress storyline....

    Then you can look at places to check out and it has a marrige agency,
    so i though great then the hole misstress thing makes sense, picking your favorite slave to marry her later on right? but no....all it is is a place where you can put in a slave to get fucked by other dudes to make them pregnant and then she will be sold off for some money...... which feels idiotic on its own...
    And that make the misstress absolutly pointless all shes there for is to waste your time doing one favor to her after the other which all cost money and take forever to fill her love meter which gives you 0 reward at the end......

    The manager part is pretty good and well made, but without cheats you proberly wont ever get to the end since the grind is crazy and very long.

    As for the slaves/girls it gets boring fast since they all have the same face, sure you can change a few things like hair and a little on faces but they all just look to much like the same.

    For animations its not a fap game in any way, everything is seen from the side which means you dont really see much of anything.

    There are a few sounds effects and no music so its all a bit meh as well.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly a very well thought out game, the technical execution may put the player off at first. But the mechanics and the idea are very interesting. Improve graphics and provide hints. I'm glad there's a lot of gameplay here.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Before you decide to start this game, ask for a week off at your workplace, because if you like the management genre, this game can be seriously addictive. Here you can put yourself in the shoes of a master who introduces to his slaves the bdsm genre. It's a real male domination game where your task is to make the female gender submissive and obedient.

    But even though we talking about one of my favorite games, and my rating is 5 stars, my review will be more negative than positive. I think we have already enough review about Cons and Pros, so this long monologue I just wrote will be more of a kind of constructive criticism, which by the way will be filled with so many suggestions as well. Overall, I will rather want to join the ranks of those who think that the development of this project was ended unreasonably quickly.
    If something is as enjoyable and successful as this game is, then it should not be just thrown aside, but rather should be expanded even until the infinity.

    The game itself is a dream come true, a real diamond. But something is still missing which prevents it from reaching the true perfection..

    The real problem is that the game's greatest strength is also its greatest weakness too. Although it's true it's very entertaining and can keep you engaged for a very long time, however after a certain point, this thrill is increasingly replaced by a kind of monotony, because after a while we get into a kind of spinning wheel, where the tasks and the events just repeat themselves.
    The problem is that the game's mechanics is basically only about buying more and more new slaves, whom after we finally made obedient and skilled, we sell on at the best possible price. And this cycle goes on practically until the infinity. But fortunately it's only the short version of the story, and the game is actually much more complex than that.
    But despite that the training process is fun, and the selection of tools is plentiful, in the long run it will be quite annoying the fact that the game has no other goal than just sell as many slaves as possible, and increasing your money by that. And struggling just to become the richest master in the entire town is total unnecessary, because it has no influence on the game at all. We literally have random slaves, with random names and zero personality, to whom you will be completely indifferent.

    The biggest shortcoming of the game is that there is no connection between the slaves and the MC. We turn one of them into a mistress without the player feeling any attachment to her at all.
    The main problem actually starts with the fact that their interaction only consists of bdsm and feeding. That well-known harmony between master and slave from other games is completely absent here. There are many options in the game to make a slave obedient or even broken, but the generosity and empathy ends at the removal of the handcuffs and with a bottle of vodka. There aren't really any opportunities for the MC to get a little closer to a given slave and to create a kind of "build up" between their relationship.

    But then arises the question.. What should be changed?!

    The primary problem is that even at 100% sympathy, there is no major change in the game. It doesn't open new possibilities, but what is more confusing there is no gradualness in its growth. I know the game is strongly based on its mechanics, but even then I don't feel that it's normal if the sympathy level can be already at its maximum just after 3-4 bottle of vodka. I feel like this part of the game was a bit rushed. But even if the dev would slow down a little bit the sympathy's growth, an important element would still be missing..

    In order to be able to talk about "buildup" at all, every slave and servant, employee would need a new, and stronger level of relationship meter beyond the sympathy. A new feature which we can call "Bonding", and which operation and growth rate are similar to the way as the mistress' love meter works. However it should be influenced by more serious factors than vodka or cake.

    First of all, we need a new, nicely furnished room with space for about 2-3 slave, where after the cage you can move those slaves you like the most. We can call them "special" slaves, who can already take care of their needs such as eating or bathing by themselves.
    Secondly, my other idea is a swimming pool with a jacuzzi in the basement, which the special slaves can use independently of you in an "autonomous" way whenever they want. And of course apart from them, the mistress and the employees can also use it when they feel like it, or when they have a day off.
    And thirdly, you could decide to give to a special slave a kind of "pass", allowing her to leave your mansion for a while.

    These were just three examples that would help in the development of the build up, and which could increase my suggested "Bonding" in this game, but obviously only one of these can be used for the employees too. However, if I write too many ideas, I would never get to the end of my review.
    Btw employees. Knowing how many jobs exist for them in the game, we could still use about two more girl yet.
    But what I would change in the game yet is that, I would make the possibility of becoming a mistress not only for the slaves, but also for the employees and servants as well.

    Another big shortcoming of the game is that there is not enough social places.
    My idea is a slave club, where our MC could spend some time, and have some fun with his "special slaves". It could be similar to a normal club, just this would be mostly visited by masters with their favorite slaves, or those men who need a little caressing and some girl touching. In this place, every girl could show off her qualities, making her master proud.
    As a kind of presentation, there could be a dance stage in the middle of the club, where many slave can dance together at the same time, while the idle ones sit on their masters' laps. And if you decide to send your own slave onto the stage as well, the guests would reward her dancing skills with money. The size of the reward would depend on her artistic skill. In special cases, a private dance could also be considered.
    Maybe in the basement of this club or rather on the upstairs, there could be an ..orgy room as well, where the sex is non-stop with always new participants, and which the MC or his slave or even the both of them could join.

    I've also read some nice suggestions on the game's thread. Among them I liked the introduction of the attraction the most. Which means a slave or any girl at a young or middle aged stage of life can be attractive, average or ugly. But obviously the mature aged women should be excluded from this feature.
    However for this feature the polygons for the current models should be more variety.

    Another common problem in the game is that after a while there is nothing to spend the accumulated wealth on. It could be a solution to this problem if each rooms of the mansion could be further upgraded. Thinking about more decorated etc. which as a reward could also give us faster mind level regeneration.

    My last topic is the NTR as a possible option.
    Since the basic condition of this genre is a well-working relationship, it can mostly be extended to the mistress.
    But actually this whole suggestion I wrote about the bond between the MC and his servants, maybe just by itself brings us a little closer to the NTR. Although it doesn't hurt to clarify that this genre is already present in the game at a minimal level. I'm thinking of when you send your employees to become prostitutes or strip dancers.

    The basis of my proposal for the NTR is a spa, which could be a new public place in the game, and which your mistress would visit regularly. And if her nature is evil or the love is in the minus, then she could cheat the MC with someone there. Of course, your employees and your special slaves could also visit this spa if they receive that "pass" from the MC I mentioned before.
    But obviously the presence of a spa should not overwrite the possibility of a home pool with a jacuzzi.

    This was the longest review of my life, but if you already read this far, I'll give you a tip. Always read the biographies of your employees before choosing their profession. If they continue the same or a similar job with the right costume, their income will be higher.
    The game can be difficult at first as it is quite complex, but don't let that scare you off. If there's a game that worth your time, then this is it.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Updated rating
    A game where the time and effort put in is fought back by stupid game mechanics which make the whole thing kind of pointless.

    I played the game for about 60+ hours now and feel I need to change this review. (in case you read the first...) because spending this much time in a game just to come the conclusion it was for naught just pisses me off.

    The game has bugs which should have been ironed out prior to release, but I noticed most of them were reset when a new day began. This come with the cost of your slaves starving and falling ill due to reasons. And the mood of the protagonist(you, the player) being wrecked.

    The written English is just laughable, (I don't know why I still get upset by this as it's so common)

    The UI is a joke and just hastily put together, some things aren't even readable and you can't change screen resolution...

    Now with those things cleared, lets get into the actual game.

    My fault was that I played the story mode because that has no relevant way of the player to know how to play and this is just bad design on the developers part. Perhaps it's with many other games "if you have played the first game you know how to play the second..." But I don't buy into that way of thinking. Also the story mode had no clear way of "how do I win the game" it just ended The Government abolished slavery

    The way this game is meant to be played is in Sandbox mode.
    But that is just stupid because all things are unlocked from start and I liked the initial build up, the need to be extra careful of not letting your slaves getting sick because you couldn't afford medication or calling the nurse, or even calling the nurse because you couldn't used the phone.
    And when you figure out the most effective way to make a lot of money, even though a bit of a gamble the game is just kind of pointless if you're not set to unlock the achievements.

    The game has no way of training your slaves above the initial level part from working (and train them while set to work) and as you can only have 2 servants (household) and 2 regular workers you can't really get the required levels to have a chance in one building. You can't demote your slaves to be prisoners again so you can chose their task, only thing to do is selling them off...
    The mistress is the only who can train the slaves in the non sexual skills, e.g. Artisan which the only other way is to have the slaves working... The mistress train the slave to have these to 15 if you let her take her time, BUT they are lowered to 10 when you get the slave!

    There are different ways of earning money, the most profitable I thought was to train slaves and sell them off at the auction, this was true until I found out what really get you rich. The issue with the auction house is that they don't seem to care that you trained your slaves above the initial level and virgins or age doesn't matter either...

    The game take a whole other level when you get to one part the Mistress But this is only available in Sandbox mode because the game has come to an end in Story mode when you can afford to build the required room(s)

    I chose this game over the previous because of the pregnancy tag, but it was just more of an insemination progress and no actual content.
    Also the chance of the women getting pregnant doesn't make sense either, but I guess this has to fall on the developer who doesn't know how different age is a far greater factor than RNG...

    That being said I like the back ground story of the women who were cute, the older women looked dirtier than the younger and the animations if you could stand the camera mode were hot.
    I liked the skill tree as well.

    Rated: 1/5
    Based on: Completed
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    [After playing v.1.08]

    Enjoyable as a game, managing and the way one is rewarded for it is satisfaying. The way sex scenes are developped and shown could be improved a bit, and the same goes for some IU aspects that could be more comfortable. Storywise it has nothing, so if you're into porn games for character development and that you won't get any of that here, women here are quite literally just items and the MC just buys, trains and sells them.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Cost of survival, a game that put you into a world that has been legalized slavery and you play as a man who basically broke but still had some saving to survive.

    Game is about how you became a slave master, do whatever you like with them and keep the money rolling, as some review here say about this game. Game had no proper tutorial, so you need proper knowledge about how the game are played before you could go breeze through the game and know what to do.

    Even so, after you had those knowledge you probably could get irritated by some clunkiness and that's perfectly normal.

    Story wise, it's ends as soon as your prologue finished.

    Gameplay, had to say, it's so entertaining once you could grasp the game mechanics. I love how they, make it vast and every basic needs could be automated eventually.

    But, I also noticed some issue, for example if you go through a run in early and mid game you would notice the inconsistency about how works are consuming your basic need.

    The other one, you might run into fps drop occasionally and it might helps you if you checks reduce rains particle box on not so useful setting. But, take a note you might still counter fps drops but not as often as if you don't check da box.

    Mechanics, I am not really convince the game is polished after I played around the mechanics for a while. If you played the game for awhile you'll get it, the one that makes me irritated most that you had to make sure your pointer isn't in box area if you want to click on it.

    Sound and music, well I had to confess I don't really care about it, you had to zoom in to certain room to hear the sound and fuck that I had money to make and slave to watch over. Well, eventually you don't, but the game feels bland at that point.

    Overall, I like the effort they put in the game, how vast the game are and how it still manageable grinding.

    Personally, after playing the game, I still had no idea about what the fuck is humanity is. But oh well, it works eventually. Hell it got me so irritated but yeah game still enjoyable and entertaining for last bit of it.

    Tips, for new player, question mark button is your friend, even though it sucks and not really easy to find any information you want, trust me it will help you out even after later in the game.

    Damn, only if it was polished enough. Still a great game though.
    Likes: mc247
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Johanna Jane

    This is one of my favorite games on this site.

    The learning curve is a bit rough for new players, but I appreciate a good challenge. It's also more than possible to figure things out by perusing this thread or the discord. I think I wrote up a simple guide of my own at some point.

    This is one of those games that scratches so many itches for me: strategy, pseudo-turn-based, building up a base of operations, managing sex slaves in so many various ways, plenty of BDSM variety. The slightly-cartoony art style works for me.

    I wish there was a bit more to the campaign, but overall this is a great game.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is already finished and I rate it as excellent... but I'm going to be honest, new players like me, we don't have the slightest idea what I have to do to progress the story, I really don't know how to advance in the game, there is a glossary but it doesn't explain what to do next. Hopefully someone can tell me if there is a guide or something like that to progress in the game, but at the moment I don't enjoy it.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a great game. If you like management games, you really should try it. The animations are great and varied, and game play is fairly easy to figure out. My only gripes and suggestions are:
    1. Custom slave should have more sliders and that selections aren't randomly generated. ex. (hair should be listed and styles numbered)
    2. Able to pay extra to get or exclude certain categories at auction. i.e. mature.
    3. More scenarios with different end goals.
    4. Related to number three, scenarios with different setups; for example, heavy emphasis on pet's (more capacity, higher payouts, restrictions on slaves and employees {reduced capacity, penalties}) and the opposite or different emphasis for other scenarios.
    5. I like that there is progression in the game, but maybe not such a hard unlock on some actions (mostly x number of time unlocks).
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v1.07

    You dont often see slave management games that often anymore , but this is not only that, but its also a very goo management game. Gameplay wise, its pretty grindy yet it finds the goldilock zone of being neither too grindy nor too little grind. I quite frankly enjoy the nature of this games mechanics, with its simple UI, somewhat simple gameplay loop and a good variety of ways to train slaves.
    Another thing that i can praise is the 3D renders, they arent as good as many other games with 3D, but this game surpasses them in the animation department, genuinely pretty good animations.

    Great game, try it out if you enjoy a grindier management game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The difficulty level is good for gamers with managment game experience. The sex scenes are good, though I'd have have liked to see a greater number of animations or a way for players to create their own. The game play is addictive, and it's hard to max your score on the first play through.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I thought it was a good game. The UI was easy to figure out since everything has a description and tutorials. The story was a little lacking but I enjoyed progressing through the days and using the new facilities and unlocks that came with them. The animations with most of the actions were nice, I only thought that the character designs were stale since there was minimal variety, however, that did not take away from the game in my opinion.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game. Haven't found many brothel managers where the punishment system had some great variety and weight to it. Had to use cheats, but it never took away from the enjoyment. The rank up system is fantastic for keeping you engaged and feeling like you're making progress. Some of the fetishes aren't my thing but there's more than enough there.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Has soo many mechanics to drain the fun out of the player. You can't do X because you haven't made 10 slaves insane, you can't do Y because you haven't earned enough money, you can't do Z because you haven't cooked 20 times, etc etc. Every single action is locked behind grinding some arbitrary stats first. To top it off you earn like $14 bucks an hour but rooms cost in the thousands. Can't train slaves because of the former listed, also even if you treat them perfectly they will lose sanity just by sleeping in a cell. If out of a cell they escape and cost you literal weeks worth of income to get back. There is no manual save. Energy is tedious, I get that working and cleaning costs energy, but getting a blowjob costing 40% of your daily max energy is ridiculous. Pretty much every mechanic in the game is so limited and grindy that I wonder what went through the devs mind. "How do I suck out as much fun as possible out of every single action?". Well you accomplished it. The game is ok to fiddle around with a bit when you use cheats, but I wanted to play properly and it's just pure tedium with every mechanic being annoying and purposefully restrictive. The management aspect is a decent idea, execution very bad.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Version: v1.07

    A very solid slave management game that has quite a few fetish involved that you can freely choose from. The progression is good and is not tedious for no reason. The 3D models in this game look good and i know its not easy to look good with interactive 3D.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Very grindy. Late game content is very unsatisfactory unless you have a netorare fetish. The late game given options are to get your slaves impregnated by some randos, have them marry one of the "good" fertile men, go swinger or sell them cheaply. You mistress also becomes annoying and you have to fulfill random whims after she gets her own personal slave to keep her love meter high. I have the meter full and i don't know if that shit even does something. Over all it starts interesting, becomes grindy, then becomes boring and finally it becomes annoying.

    I wouldn't recommend it unless one's fetish is either to create entirely disposable slaves or netorare . The sex scenes are repetitive and rather low quality, and individual slaves have almost no personality. The mechanics are pretty much an inferior version of other slavery focused games and with more grind.

    In other words the grind in this is like polishing a stone just to find out it was a turd covered by diamond. The rewards from the grind are simply not worth it.