Unreal Engine - Completed - Cost of survival [v1.08] [DumbCrow]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    If you already tired of those games which not longer then half an hour to try everything.. I can understand. If you looking for a fun game with some challenge, I also understand, but then stop searching. You found it. This game will probably bounds you for days or weeks, so I only recommend to start it, if you have enough free time to experience everything.

    This game perfectly shows what is like a male domination world, and I'm sure the dungeon, and bdsm lovers won't be disappointed in this game. You can punish your slaves in different ways to make them obedient, or just simply playing the kind-hearted master, and treating well all of your girls. But emotions ...no, not in this game.
    I won't talk too much about the gameplay, coz Blaspheme before me described well, and told what to expect. I only mention one thing yet, coz it's absolutely sure you will meet this happening.
    In the game if you forget about your slaves, and you train... or let them work too hard, or just simply forget to feed them, they will become insane ...and the insane girls are worthless. In this case, you can call a psych, and ask from her a mind recover. However.. if you want bunny or cowgirls, your slaves need to be insane first, and you will need an inculaction serum too, which you can buy from the dealer in the bar, and then you can transform a "lucky" girl.

    If I already at the petgirls, I have to mention, I liked them maybe the most, especially the bunny girls. Using them as a sextoy is fun, but you can train them too for being more skilled, what will useful if you bring them to the petgirl show or the arena next to your house. But here I had the first feeling of lack, coz I wanted a bit more possibilities with them. You can win some contest with a high skilled pet, but after? ...After it's done.
    With the employee girls fortunately you have a bit more possibilities, but I think only 2 is not enough of them. At least one more would still be needed. But that's not the things which pulls down the game.

    If you want to hear about the mistakes now, you will be disappointed, because this game doesn’t really have. Only met a few bugs, but there is no game does not have. But if I really want to complain, the only reason could be that I see the game is already completed. The dev decided to not continue it, but in my opinion this game is too good to be finished here.

    Especially in sandbox mode, I had that feeling the dev could have expanded yet the game and the features. Unfortunately, there is a big chance of it, you will be on the same opinion after a while. But I don't want to behave like who eternally dissatisfied, this game is as good as it is, and maybe it doesn't need to touch already, just I still could imagine a few more things in it. I will mention some fast ideas just for an example.

    I think adding a few more places yet in the game wouldn't be bad. I'm not an idea factory, but maybe it could be another bar, a bigger and better then the old one. Or maybe a beauty salon, where you can bring your favourite girls to make them unique. By unique, I mean luxury, and what the plastic surgery in the hospital can't provide.
    This will already too much of a wish, but it would actually have been nice, if there were more differences between the girls too besides being young or middle-aged ..or old. In a same age a girl could be pretty or uglier, and these things could also determine their worth. By this, I also mean there should be a bit more kind of girl models too in the game then the current, which I feel pretty little.

    Now... let's see the house.. It's already big, but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t be larger. I thinking about a few more rooms, maybe for more employee girls, or a guestroom for some special guest(s). There could be an option to offer one of your slave(s) or employee(s) to them for "entertaining".
    Here I already smell some NTR stuff, which is pretty divisive between the ppl... but if this part would choosable, it wouldn't hurt any1.
    But if I already talking about the guests, the device tester, who testing toys on the slaves, maybe sometimes shouldn't just test. I would enjoy watching as he try his luck when you are not nearby. Hehe
    These were only some fast ideas from me what I figured out just now, and I'm sure many ppl already have some better.. I just wanted to emphasize that in this game still plenty of possibility to add.

    For me, it was one of my favourite game at least in the adult category, and I guess I'm not exaggerating if I say it's a masterpiece. The dev earned my all respect, and I give 5 stars for the game ...it's not a question.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite game of all time and a hell of a good trainer! I could speak countless hours about this game, as I’ve played the story twice and enjoyed the sandbox mode for hours, but in one sentence: this game is exceptional for its complex and very enjoyable mechanics and its sheer amount of real content and variations.

    In a nutshell, you buy slaves and manage two sets of characteristics: general (Stamina, Submission, Sympathy, Mental health, Hunger, Hygiene) and skills (Oral, Vaginal, Anal and a bunch of money-earning skills, like Supervision, Artistry, etc.).

    As training goes on, you can choose to sell the slaves or make them into servants (to help you cook, clean and manage the slaves), employees (who will earn money by working as waitresses, striper, prostitutes, cam whores, etc.), pets (a human onahole) or mistress (hard to please, but will give you invaluable long-term bonuses).

    This game really shines by its complexity: servants and employees have their Submission and Sympathy characteristics changed to Discipline and Loyalty, pets have Obedience and Aggression, mistress have Love and Nature. Training methods are plenty, not for the faint hearted, and very fun. I couldn’t list here all the different ways to train your slave and make money, but suffice to say I was completely flabbergasted during my first playthrough! You also have a decent choice of customization for girls and clothing.

    Last but not least: I love the graphics, but to each his own; what I can say is that thanks to the Unreal engine, is fully animated and sex scenes have sound (a big plus for me).

    In story mode, you have 150 days to enjoy your life as a trainer, with some content being unlocked by time-based events and others by tools and rooms you have to buy. Sandbox mode have all buildings unlocked and no time-limit.

    If you want to enjoy this game as our Lord Slaanesh intended to, I’ll advise you to immerse yourself in the game: buy a slave, change her name to your neighbor’s, train it, live with it, do what you want, not what you think will be best to win the game.

    My only complaint is that the Story mode ends after 150 days and it took me by surprise; I was really attached to my girls during my first playthrough. For that reason, I’ll advise you to play your first and main game in Sandbox mode. Be careful with cheats and potions, they really spoil the game.

  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a real game, and the game aspect is actually fun - a rarity in games of this sort. The graphics are decent. The style is appealing, and it's 3d animated etc., which is a big plus. Animations are short but varied. I would prefer more of a free-cam mode within the game. You can do side view perspective, POV, or a kind of fixed third person camera (in most rooms), which isn't bad, but sometimes does not give the best angle. There is a gallery mode with the free cam at least. Bodies/features can be customized in a number of ways, though the actual shape and size of the body (aside from breasts) seems to be the same for all characters.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with lot of options, reasonable graphic, pretty good story and works good on older PC. Game has greatly improved and developer really listened to community and implemented requested changes and mechanics. Also it is finished.
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    God of Debauchery

    The gameplay is decent, properly delivering on the management aspect with a decent balance of sex/training/work.

    My main issues with the game are:
    1. even if your slaves "love" you, performing any sort of sexual training with them causes their "love" to drop.
    2. Once you assign a mistress, you're stuck with her and you can only have one mistress for some reason.
    3. the initial grind to be able to get to all of the content is very exhausting and long
    4. the pregnancy aspect of the game is pretty much negligible since the only real way you will get a slave pregnant is by paying for it and then you don't even get to enjoy any of it as that slave is then taken by the government in exchange for money, but if she doesn't get pregnant, then she winds up becoming completely infertile.
    5. the extremely limited space you have throughout the game puts you in a situation where you are pretty much unable to build up any kind of actual harem of slaves, and even if you could, it's somewhat pointless as you can only ever have one slave interact with you at a time unless your mistress happens to buy her own slave, but your mistress isn't technically a slave anymore, so...
    *6. Significant Energy being required for tasks on top of a daily 24 hour time limit to do anything makes the gameplay feel incredibly limited in what you are able to do in any single day as half of your day will most likely be spent sleeping to recover your energy, and you better make sure that you're fucking regularly, because your character takes significant penalties after only a day or so of not having sex, and guess what?
    Having sex requires a huge chunk of energy even though your character busts a nut in no time at all...even though he's having sex pretty much every day.

    *more of a personal issue than a technical one since it does balance the game, but just doesn't feel logical to me personally.

    All in all, the game is tremendously grindy with decent animations and balanced gameplay resembling an actual management game, but it falls short when it comes to delivering on the sexy fun times that should be hugely prevalent in a game about needing to repopulate the earth.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A very good slave trainer and management game.

    - Pro:

    - Bug free
    - Pretty good developed game with a lot of content
    - Challenging and engaging to play
    - As much sex as you like (you can initiate it at any time), but the variation is limited to say 25 different scenes
    - Delivers as a good slave trainer and slave management game, with BDSM and humiliation themes

    If you like you can be really cruel and sadistic, like beating a slave into submission, giving them scars, depriving them of food and making them loose their mind and become insane. In addition to various sex activities to train them vaginally, orally and analy

    - Con:

    - The scenes are of meagre quality, viewed from afar so the figures are small (even when zooming in) and censored. When you use different camera positions the scenes are more close up but even worse to look at
    - The sex acts get repetative as the game progresses

    Game is more satisfying through the decisions and management than through sexy visual stimulation. More a mental arousal than physically

    Example: You can buy an unlimited supply of cheap slaves, screw them over badly and sell them for a huge profit, which is kind of satisfying in itself