If you already tired of those games which not longer then half an hour to try everything.. I can understand. If you looking for a fun game with some challenge, I also understand, but then stop searching. You found it. This game will probably bounds you for days or weeks, so I only recommend to start it, if you have enough free time to experience everything.
This game perfectly shows what is like a male domination world, and I'm sure the dungeon, and bdsm lovers won't be disappointed in this game. You can punish your slaves in different ways to make them obedient, or just simply playing the kind-hearted master, and treating well all of your girls. But emotions ...no, not in this game.
I won't talk too much about the gameplay, coz Blaspheme before me described well, and told what to expect. I only mention one thing yet, coz it's absolutely sure you will meet this happening.
In the game if you forget about your slaves, and you train... or let them work too hard, or just simply forget to feed them, they will become insane ...and the insane girls are worthless. In this case, you can call a psych, and ask from her a mind recover. However.. if you want bunny or cowgirls, your slaves need to be insane first, and you will need an inculaction serum too, which you can buy from the dealer in the bar, and then you can transform a "lucky" girl.
If I already at the petgirls, I have to mention, I liked them maybe the most, especially the bunny girls. Using them as a sextoy is fun, but you can train them too for being more skilled, what will useful if you bring them to the petgirl show or the arena next to your house. But here I had the first feeling of lack, coz I wanted a bit more possibilities with them. You can win some contest with a high skilled pet, but after? ...After it's done.
With the employee girls fortunately you have a bit more possibilities, but I think only 2 is not enough of them. At least one more would still be needed. But that's not the things which pulls down the game.
If you want to hear about the mistakes now, you will be disappointed, because this game doesn’t really have. Only met a few bugs, but there is no game does not have. But if I really want to complain, the only reason could be that I see the game is already completed. The dev decided to not continue it, but in my opinion this game is too good to be finished here.
Especially in sandbox mode, I had that feeling the dev could have expanded yet the game and the features. Unfortunately, there is a big chance of it, you will be on the same opinion after a while. But I don't want to behave like who eternally dissatisfied, this game is as good as it is, and maybe it doesn't need to touch already, just I still could imagine a few more things in it. I will mention some fast ideas just for an example.
I think adding a few more places yet in the game wouldn't be bad. I'm not an idea factory, but maybe it could be another bar, a bigger and better then the old one. Or maybe a beauty salon, where you can bring your favourite girls to make them unique. By unique, I mean luxury, and what the plastic surgery in the hospital can't provide.
This will already too much of a wish, but it would actually have been nice, if there were more differences between the girls too besides being young or middle-aged ..or old. In a same age a girl could be pretty or uglier, and these things could also determine their worth. By this, I also mean there should be a bit more kind of girl models too in the game then the current, which I feel pretty little.
Now... let's see the house.. It's already big, but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t be larger. I thinking about a few more rooms, maybe for more employee girls, or a guestroom for some special guest(s). There could be an option to offer one of your slave(s) or employee(s) to them for "entertaining".
Here I already smell some NTR stuff, which is pretty divisive between the ppl... but if this part would choosable, it wouldn't hurt any1.
But if I already talking about the guests, the device tester, who testing toys on the slaves, maybe sometimes shouldn't just test. I would enjoy watching as he try his luck when you are not nearby. Hehe
These were only some fast ideas from me what I figured out just now, and I'm sure many ppl already have some better.. I just wanted to emphasize that in this game still plenty of possibility to add.
For me, it was one of my favourite game at least in the adult category, and I guess I'm not exaggerating if I say it's a masterpiece. The dev earned my all respect, and I give 5 stars for the game ...it's not a question.
This game perfectly shows what is like a male domination world, and I'm sure the dungeon, and bdsm lovers won't be disappointed in this game. You can punish your slaves in different ways to make them obedient, or just simply playing the kind-hearted master, and treating well all of your girls. But emotions ...no, not in this game.
I won't talk too much about the gameplay, coz Blaspheme before me described well, and told what to expect. I only mention one thing yet, coz it's absolutely sure you will meet this happening.
In the game if you forget about your slaves, and you train... or let them work too hard, or just simply forget to feed them, they will become insane ...and the insane girls are worthless. In this case, you can call a psych, and ask from her a mind recover. However.. if you want bunny or cowgirls, your slaves need to be insane first, and you will need an inculaction serum too, which you can buy from the dealer in the bar, and then you can transform a "lucky" girl.
If I already at the petgirls, I have to mention, I liked them maybe the most, especially the bunny girls. Using them as a sextoy is fun, but you can train them too for being more skilled, what will useful if you bring them to the petgirl show or the arena next to your house. But here I had the first feeling of lack, coz I wanted a bit more possibilities with them. You can win some contest with a high skilled pet, but after? ...After it's done.
With the employee girls fortunately you have a bit more possibilities, but I think only 2 is not enough of them. At least one more would still be needed. But that's not the things which pulls down the game.
If you want to hear about the mistakes now, you will be disappointed, because this game doesn’t really have. Only met a few bugs, but there is no game does not have. But if I really want to complain, the only reason could be that I see the game is already completed. The dev decided to not continue it, but in my opinion this game is too good to be finished here.
Especially in sandbox mode, I had that feeling the dev could have expanded yet the game and the features. Unfortunately, there is a big chance of it, you will be on the same opinion after a while. But I don't want to behave like who eternally dissatisfied, this game is as good as it is, and maybe it doesn't need to touch already, just I still could imagine a few more things in it. I will mention some fast ideas just for an example.
I think adding a few more places yet in the game wouldn't be bad. I'm not an idea factory, but maybe it could be another bar, a bigger and better then the old one. Or maybe a beauty salon, where you can bring your favourite girls to make them unique. By unique, I mean luxury, and what the plastic surgery in the hospital can't provide.
This will already too much of a wish, but it would actually have been nice, if there were more differences between the girls too besides being young or middle-aged ..or old. In a same age a girl could be pretty or uglier, and these things could also determine their worth. By this, I also mean there should be a bit more kind of girl models too in the game then the current, which I feel pretty little.
Now... let's see the house.. It's already big, but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t be larger. I thinking about a few more rooms, maybe for more employee girls, or a guestroom for some special guest(s). There could be an option to offer one of your slave(s) or employee(s) to them for "entertaining".
Here I already smell some NTR stuff, which is pretty divisive between the ppl... but if this part would choosable, it wouldn't hurt any1.
But if I already talking about the guests, the device tester, who testing toys on the slaves, maybe sometimes shouldn't just test. I would enjoy watching as he try his luck when you are not nearby. Hehe
These were only some fast ideas from me what I figured out just now, and I'm sure many ppl already have some better.. I just wanted to emphasize that in this game still plenty of possibility to add.
For me, it was one of my favourite game at least in the adult category, and I guess I'm not exaggerating if I say it's a masterpiece. The dev earned my all respect, and I give 5 stars for the game ...it's not a question.