HTML - Course of Temptation [v0.5.4f] [Anthaum]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, it's rare to find games with this much freedom and I really like the exhibitionism content I have seen so far. Granted I do feel from time to time there is some thing missing but that's just me being greedy lol
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    A very in-depth simulator, I enjoy this to get ideas how life could go before going out and actually doing this stuff haha. I think it gives me courage actually. Only lacking pregnancy content or I would select 5 stars.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great text based game, you can tell a lot of heart and soul went into this game. Some recommendations, feel free to ignore, but more in depth conversations with individuals would be neat to see, especially some after care dialog would be cool instead of just saying "bye" afterwards, as well as pregnancies being a thing and the implications of that. 5/5 stars though, can wait to see what comes next.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    The game lacks any sense of consequence or pressure that isnt entirely player driven. Everything has an escape hatch to completely negate any sense of choice you might have made if you feel bad or get the squick despite already having a back button. Its toothless, banal, overly cautious, and flavourless. They've made terrible choices for making their lifesim compelling.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    [ver. 0.5.3]

    I haven't seen so many customization options since TiTS. And this one comes without slurs! :whistle:

    The writing is solid, the interface has room for improvement but I'm confident that will be addressed during the stage of giving the UI the finishing touches.

    The game has a strong foundation in its current state, which is a good sign for things to come.

    To-do list:
    - Finishing the scripted storylines, of course. Looking forward to it.

    - Doing something, anything, with the current non-scripted sex events (boring and grindy as hell, a real shame.)

    - Streamlining/skipping repeatable events that don't add that much to the story (like classes, studying, working or eating). The random events during these chains can appear in one single screen instead of having to manually click several times (4 for a single hour of class, way, way too much.)
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    fun game, can be a little annoying getting events to trigger. wish there were more prewritten sex scenes/scenarios because the sex minigame thing is a little underwhelming. There is a lot of content in the current build
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    A bit grindy and the lack of visuals but otherwise great game.

    The generated characters' attributes and looks are fairly realistically distributed, though some more extremes could be displayed as well IMO as despite the setting being grounded in reality, it is still a dating/sex game.

    Some places could use a drop-down menu instead of listing all the options in-line with the text (I'm thinking of hair colour in character creation mostly).
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with heaps of customisation and playability. The ability to generate a world how you wish, the varied and diverse characters, and the sheer amount of playability puts this game ahead of many others
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    chuck norris 69

    I almost never play text only games anymore but id figure id give this one a try on a whim and boy am i glad i did, this game is so much better than i was expecting. Almost every other game out there could learn a thing or two from how this game is coded. Pretty much every system in this game from character interactions to clothing to menuing is done better than 99% of games on this site.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is an example of how to code a great text-based game. It gives you so much freedom and allows you to play your own style. I really hope they keep up their great work and add some more story content, because at the moment there is a lot to discover but little story.

    And I am really looking forward to the day when a game like this can be played with an AI based picture generator that gives us some art to the actions described in the game. That would be perfect.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game with many options, funny dialogue, lots to do. Very hot descriptions, with many different options of clothing and kinks. Very nice exhibitionist options. Titillating without being obtuse. Very promising, will be keeping track of how it progresses.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Good stuff but it’s in desperate need of more content.

    It’s a text based sandbox rpg which attempts to simulate college life (but also porn) in the magical land of the US and does a pretty good job at that… mostly. The tl:dr is it has a good skeleton but really needs more flesh, which looks to be coming in future updates. But to go into more detail:

    -ART / MUSIC-

    There isn’t any. Well there’s a couple of maps but no visuals or audio to speak of. This is a purely text based game, which is… cool, but also a big ask for most people to even consider trying it out. Adding some form of art to the game is probably its most requested feature and I’m inclined to agree it would be a huge boost. Grabbing an artist (paid in exposure) certainly couldn’t hurt. Even adding AI art might not be the worst idea here as characters are all randomly generated. Point is, some visuals to accompany the text would really improve the experience here but I get that it is fundamentally a text based game (and again that’s cool).


    I would like to compare this to other lewd games of varying… degrees. But that’s sort of, maybe, against the rules here so I’ll refrain. On its own merits the sandbox elements are solid. It’s cool how you can create your own stories with npc’s and there’s different relationships you can trigger with each of them, like becoming friends, rivals, fuckbuddies, boyfriend/girlfriend etc. But the best relationship is unquestionably hatefuck, which can be a little hard to trigger but really fun when it does. Imagine like the nemesis system where a rival appears to slap you in the cock and get nasty.

    Unfortunately these relationships are also lacking a ton of depth atm. Most events can only really be triggered by having them happen to you and the game can be really stingy with that. It can also be really annoying to raise some npc's friendship & lust to get these relationships to even happen. And then there’s some really bizarre situations you can end up in because the game doesn’t really account for prior events and sexual encounters. You can have had sex multiple times with someone but try to flirt with them even once and they will say they just aren’t interested in you. Do this at the River Rat bar and then wait around afterwards until they proposition you anyway for maximum hilarity. I’d like to petition the developer of the game to add dementia and tsundere as traits to the game so this can be an intended feature. There’s some other stuff like having relationships with professors, helping someone cheat on their partner (the no.1 cause for most relationship jank in this game) or cheating around in general which just feel painfully underdeveloped at the moment. Relationships in this game have a solid foundation but they ultimately feel very flat, which is a shame because it’s such a core part of the game.

    The game is also very grindy, it can be really slow trying to raise some skills especially assertiveness and compliance (aka dominance & submission). There’s also a bit of a disconnect there as certain things have no impact on these skills, where I would argue they should. Side bets at the arcade for example don’t raise your dominance or submission. You can literally go down on nine people in a row as a punishment for losing and it has zero impact on your submission skill. Similarly as mentioned before relationships are also really grindy, raising an npc’s bars can be an absolute slog of repetitive events. Don’t even get me started on trying to raise an npc’s dominance or compliance. Having sex with an npc seemingly doesn’t seem to change friendship or lust. Being submissive or dominant during sex doesn’t seem to affect dominance or compliance (or it’s barely noticeable) and it’s all kinda disconnected.
    The grind will probably become less of a big deal as more content is added along with more ways to increase these skills and relationships. But for now. If you dislike the grind. I honestly recommend going into the options and changing the skill and relationship multiplier to 2x or even 3x. I’m gonna be real with you, I don’t think there’s enough content in the game currently to justify playing out a full college year, in which this level of grind might be more tolerable.


    If all that sounds harsh and that I must hate the game, I don’t. Truthfully I played this game solid for a couple of days and found it pretty addictive. The events in the game are good, the relationship system is a great foundation, the customisation options are cool. The special npc’s are really cool (love the D&D storyline in particular) though suffer from the same grind and rng issues the rest of the game has. I do think the direction the game is going in looks promising and I genuinely want it to keep going. Honestly my biggest problem with the game is; I want more of it. And that’s a good problem to have.

    It's good shit so far but needs more time to cook.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Not a Person

    Quite the perfect blend of everything. The game has nailed a lot of the slice of life elements and allows you to explore it's quite large world if you wish, or remain mostly within University.

    The developer has a pretty extensive road map for what they're wanting to do.

    I do have a few criticisms though, which I believe are easily fixed, these only drop it to a 4.5/5, and since they're nothing too embedded in the game I still gave it 5 stars since there is no actual 4.5 option. On to the problems I have:
    • The urination system. Wish there was an opt-out decision for this one, it makes a lot of stuff quite tedious. I get it's going for the Sims vibe, but this one just adds unnecessary clicks (making it option allows that fetish to stay for those who want it though).

    • Sex. It's quite short? Your partner gets off and then it just ends. Of course you can cum multiple times but I believe making it last longer, have multiple orgasms will make the lustful side all the funner.

    • Building Exhibitionism sucks. That skill is a chore and a half to build. I wish there were easier moments to simply gain that opportunity.

    Outside those 3 major gripes, a lot of it is just teething pains and adding more content as the game is of course only halfway there. However for what is currently there, oh boy is it an incredible game. My rating of course is on the game as it stands at v5.2 not the potential.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great future ahead.
    This is a sandbox game, like Degrees of Lewdity, with tons of customization and a brilliant future ahead. I'm surprised by the amount of content it already have and this is the type of game that you can play in different ways.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great sandbox rpg with decent character creation, things to do, and a solid turn based sex sim. One thing I wish was implemented was an image system where I could add a jpg for the pc and npcs. Great framework so far, loving making different characters so far
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    For context, I'm a few in-game weeks in my first playthrough as a nerdy streamer dude in v0.5.2c.
    • Really good replayability, custom protagonist, world generation, interactive sex and freedom of choice for most things, including what type of content you will see.
    • Writing's alright, nothing extraordinary so far, but it works and the porn's good.
    • The game loop can be a bit grindy, but I expect the feeling will be lessened as more content is added to the game and/or more settings are made available (There's already a slider to reduce grind on skills, needs and relationships, maybe they should add one to increase random event frequency?).

    This will be a game I watch closely, already a cult classic, five stars.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    The concept is decent and things get interesting when events actually trigger, but the general daily game loop is just incredibly boring. You get up, you eat, you go to classes, you talk to some generic NPCs, and if no events trigger that's it. Repeat until something worthwhile happens. It's still an early version so I can't be too harsh, and unlike most Patreon games cheats are available in-game without any bullshit.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    by far the best and most expansive text based experience I've ever had on any erotic game, there's so much to do already in this version, with much more to come, you can clearly see how passionate the dev team is about this game, every month on the 7th without fault the game gets updated, generally being a really big update, all of that without counting the bug fixes that come on the following week, not to mention it's all free and you can give direct feedback and get real answers in the discord server, i think this is one of the top games on this website.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Great Game. It has tons of things to do to not be bored if one cares about story. As an RPG fan this game hits everything even my fetishes.

    Version 0.5.1f

    Grind- which for the most part it is a CON for the non RPG fans. They can get bogged down with it, BUT there are cheats and options that change just that which can turn this into a PRO. The options are good if one wants to limit cheating, but there are cheats for that instant satisfaction.

    Story- This is tricky. The story that can be found is good. There are a few story arcs, but over all it is what ever you do becomes your story. For a person like me who enjoys sandboxes this is golden. If one plays far enough they just skip some breaks and repeats the year over like ground hog day.
    As of now there is not much of any main story line. There are a bunch of side story arcs that are done for the most part with avenues to continue for the future.

    1. Replay Value- You can try all types of pathways for the MC even gender.
    2. Gender- You can mix up the NPCs to anything. Though I have to admit it does let in undesirables in the extreme settings, but that is life in general. It works for a realism look.
    3. Game play- UI works and everything is explained if one chooses to listen.
    4. Fetishes- They are mix of things that are earned through your actions. Plus you don't even have to accept them if you stumbled upon one or two you don't like.
    5. Clothing- There is a lot of it, but that is normal in these types of games, but the thing that sets this game apart is how we can change how we wear them. For instance a zipper hoody. We can change how far to zip up from total coverage, cleavage, or totally unzipped. We have the choice of having the hood up or down, and we don't even have to go into the closet to change such things. We can even wear the scarfs over our faces if we wanted to.
    Love it
    6. NPCs- They have their own things to do. They are all unique wither it be gender or inclinations.

    1. Graphics- There isn't much of any besides the city scape and menu. Given that it is story based the amount of graphics is normal, but it doesn't stop a guy for wanting some sort of dress up in the closet at the least.
    2. There are more, but this is a work in progress. I can't fault something that isn't here yet or might be addressed.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm gonna have a bit of a controversial take in <modern year> but heyo here we go.

    This game has a lot of the cis/gender/pronoun/non-binary/everythingelse stuff. And you can't turn it off. Even if you set all of the sliders to 0 and m/f to max there will still be randomly generated nonbinary, trans, etc. characters. I even made sure, several times, that I had the sliders for those as far down as they could possibly go.

    I, personally, don't care for that stuff and when a game has it I really appreciate being able to fully turn it off.

    Content wise it shows promise but a lot of stuff is half-baked with loose ends. I do like that it doesn't really have the dark side that DoL and other such sandboxy HTML games of this style tend to have. There's not really any combat & molestation/rape can be easily evaded or turned off.

    As others have said I do wish there was more for male characters. Especially in the clothing department. I do like that you can be a male cheerleader and there's specific event lines that acknowledge that.

    I hope they expand upon the available teams. Archery/rifle, basketball, hell even bowling.

    I seriously considered joining the patreon because I want to see this game go places but the above mentioned, and a few I haven't mentioned, hold me off from that.