Still very barebone, but I already like it. HTML game without bloated size due to abusive usage of real porn images instead of plot is rare, and it's refreshing to see.
- Speaking of barebone, the gameplay gets repetitive quite fast even without tweaking the system to your favor and cheating your way. There's still no real consequence of your choice (maybe except for removing class bully), certain event triggered by your appeal rarely happened I actually have to edit part of the game just to experience them more often.
- Content wise still a lot left to be desired, from activities to clothing and world, and NPC interaction still lacking other than hook up and hang-out, not enough depth beside that for now.
- Story and originality? Definitely not original, you still need to get money every week just like many games (HTML or not) mechanic, story still at prelude level for now to allow current repetition flow.