RPGM - Cozy Fantasy: Corruption [v0.2] [DingoDonger1]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game, it not only has a very good history and a nice looking characters it also has a very funny situations and punch lines.

    Its a very fresh and promising project. it also has many dialogues whit all the npcs, good grammar.
    The secondary missions are also very good , all is going in a very fine direction.
    ++Good renders, good animations.
    Many easter eggs

    I really hope to see more and when that happen i gonna rate this again
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This review is based off the 0.2 version, and it is surprisingly good.

    I'm happy the dev didn't abandon CFC for some other game. Even though the development cycle is quite long (0.1 in April to 0.2 September) ... I still think the update was worth the wait.

    The only concern for me is the lack of a status screen for Dolores. Despite the main character being a virgin, it makes no difference as the world doesn't react to her being one, nor does she acknowledge it herself. There's also no way to check if she's a virgin or not.

    There is finally an amazing vaginal sex sequence in 0.2, as she has her first time, but there are zero mentions towards it. It takes away the immersion and impact from a defloration. There's no blood depicted either.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Promising, but currently broken even after the alpha patch/re-release. It's entirely too easy to get stuck in a loop or find yourself unable to progress. For example: despite finishing the day and starting a new one, the onsen changing box never reappears and the tavern owner keeps thinking you've worked that day.

    This genre is one of my favorites (innocent girl slowly corrupted) and the models are quite well done. The humor is rather good as well -- the potion seller gag and the conversations with animals had me chuckling.

    Looking forward to future releases with the hope that @DingoDonger1 continues to improve their RPGM coding skills.