cracked games


Jun 2, 2022
I downloaded a few cracked games but when I checked them on VirusTotal the latest title like Marshmallow All the Way Home showed more than 10 potential threats. How would I even differentiate between it being a false positive and an actual virus. Because I don't know if the risk is even worth it.

Killian Rutt

New Member
Dec 23, 2022
if there's any suspicion, I'd just avoid it. If you really want to play the game, do it in a virtual machine


Nov 11, 2017
Report their OP if there's a question.

There are some games whose engines will almost always raise generic or mixed identifications from different engines used by Virustotal. A key point is that when most of them are generic and/or a major infection pattern does not bubble up from the results (i.e., their detected infections appear relatively distributed and/or seemingly random), then the likelihood is that the code is tuned for something expected within its functional range but is abstractly suspicious to the engines in its static state - that almost always leads to a false positive determination after further testing in a sandbox, etc.

As for Marshmallow All the Way Home, the cracked game .exe had a scattering of Generic, Heuristic and other hits - nothing that converged on an actual identification. Norton 360 (which is usually conservative) didn't mind it, nor Windows Defender (which is usually skittish) and I didn't see any unusual network or system issues when it was running.
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