Ren'Py Create a hud in renpy


New Member
Jun 22, 2020
i am creating an hud however I am unable to create a screen seperate for hud.
however I am unable to make a standalone function fot hud.I have to write hud code on eachnscreen with below approach.

screen hud_map(n_map):
    zorder 99
    modal True
    if n_map=="CityMap":
        add "CityMap"   
    elif n_map=="mc_house":
        add "mc_house"
    imagebutton auto "./menu/hud_inventory_mask_%s.png":
        focus_mask "hud_inventory_mask_idle"
        action Notify ("hud_inventory_mask")
    imagebutton auto "./menu/hud_memo_mask_%s.png":
        focus_mask "hud_memo_mask_idle"
        action Notify ("hud_memo_mask")
    imagebutton auto "./menu/hud_phone_mask_%s.png":
        focus_mask "hud_phone_mask_idle"
#        action Notify ("hud_phone_mask")   
        action Jump("hud_phone_mask")#phone_call_test)
    if n_map!="CityMap":
        imagebutton auto "./menu/hud_map_mask_%s.png":
            focus_mask "hud_map_mask_idle"
            action Jump ("cityMap")
        imagebutton auto "./menu/hud_mcroom_%s.png":
            focus_mask "hud_mcroom_idle"
            action Notify ("hud_mcroom")

    if n_map=="CityMap":
        imagebutton auto "./menu/citymap_mc_house_%s.png":
            focus_mask "citymap_mc_house_idle"
#            action Notify ("mcHouse")
            action Jump("mcHouse")
        imagebutton auto "./menu/citymap_b1_%s.png":
            focus_mask "citymap_b1_idle"
            action Notify ("mcHouse")
        imagebutton auto "./menu/citymap_b2_%s.png":
            focus_mask "citymap_b2_idle"
            action Notify ("mcHouse")
        imagebutton auto "./menu/citymap_b3_%s.png":
            focus_mask "citymap_b3_idle"
            action Notify ("mcHouse")
        imagebutton auto "./menu/underconstruction_%s.png":
            focus_mask "underconstruction_idle"
            action Notify ("Under Construction to greedy perv. Wait !!")

    if n_map=="mc_house":
        imagebutton auto "./house/mc_house_%s.png":
            focus_mask "mc_house_idle"
            action Notify ("Under Construction to greedy perv. Wait !!")

label cityMap:
    call screen hud_map("CityMap")
Also how to call two screen one after the other
label mcHouse:
    call screen hud()
    call screen mc_hose()


Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Game Developer
Sep 27, 2018
Call screen will interrupt the code execution until it's returned, Show screen will show the screen without interrupting the code execution.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
In addition to Winterfire answer:

Modal screen will catch the events even when shown, and the screen statement is what you are looking for.

So, to design a HUD, you need to follow this process:
screen hud():

   imagebutton auto "./menu/hud_inventory_mask_%s.png":
        focus_mask "hud_inventory_mask_idle"
        action Show( "hud_inventory" )
    imagebutton auto "./menu/hud_memo_mask_%s.png":
        focus_mask "hud_memo_mask_idle"
        action Show ( "hud_memo" )
    imagebutton auto "./menu/hud_phone_mask_%s.png":
        focus_mask "hud_phone_mask_idle"
        action Show( "hud_phone")
    if n_map!="CityMap":
        imagebutton auto "./menu/hud_map_mask_%s.png":
            focus_mask "hud_map_mask_idle"
            action Jump ("cityMap")
        imagebutton auto "./menu/hud_mcroom_%s.png":
            focus_mask "hud_mcroom_idle"
            action [...]

screen map( n_map ):

    [content of the screen, without the HUD part]

    #  At the end of the screen for it to be display on top.
    use hud

screen hud_inventory():

   # For the screen to catch the events and, therefore, momentarily stop the advance of the game.
   modal True

   [Whatever is the content of the screen]

screen hud_memo():

   modal True


label start:

    show screen whatever_screen_you_have_to_show
Alternatively, you can also define the hud as overlay with .
screen hud():

   # Display the image buttons only when the HUD must be visible
   if hud_visible:
       imagebutton auto "./menu/hud_inventory_mask_%s.png":
            focus_mask "hud_inventory_mask_idle"
            action Show( "hud_inventory" )

screen map( n_map ):

    [content of the screen without the HUD part]

    #This is now useless
    #use hud

screen hud_inventory():

   [same than above]

init python:

    config.overlay_screens.append( "HUD" )

default hud_visible = True

label whatever:
    # Temporarily hide the HUD
    $ hud_visible = False
    # Show the HUD again
    $ hud_visible = True

Edit: Fixed a format error.
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