Others Create pornhub gifs


New Member
Aug 18, 2023
Hi guys, i want to create more than 1 gifs per video on pornhub, I've see that some people have create lot gifs on the same video, but I can create only 1 gif per video, so, how can I do like them? Need a premium account?

And if you have other website to find porngif per actress or per video ?

Thank you guys !


Digital Hedonist Games
Game Developer
Mar 9, 2018
  1. Download videos from the sites via your preferred method
  2. Use FFmpeg for conversion
  3. How to convert to GIF via FFmpeg
I don't know what you need GIFs for, maybe you should look at the webm format?


New Member
Aug 18, 2023
Thank you for your answer, i'm looking to add some videos from my computer in my game, but.. How can i include videos that people can see if they download my game? I have includes video but if i take my game and put in an other files, i don't have the same path for my videos and so they can't appear in my game, so how can i do to put them in a files, and just have the path from the files and not from all the computer, so people can all see the videos if they download game +vidéo ? And so i don't have to use gifs ^^' for the moment i have this "E:\Nouveau dossier\mygame\Vidéos\Bathroom\1.webm" and I want this "mygame\Vidéos\Bathroom\1.webm" but i can't just delete the first part of the path or my video can't load.... I'm lost
Hope you understand me, i'm bad in twine and in english x)


Digital Hedonist Games
Game Developer
Mar 9, 2018
Thank you for your answer, i'm looking to add some videos from my computer in my game, but.. How can i include videos that people can see if they download my game? I have includes video but if i take my game and put in an other files, i don't have the same path for my videos and so they can't appear in my game, so how can i do to put them in a files, and just have the path from the files and not from all the computer, so people can all see the videos if they download game +vidéo ? And so i don't have to use gifs ^^' for the moment i have this "E:\Nouveau dossier\mygame\Vidéos\Bathroom\1.webm" and I want this "mygame\Vidéos\Bathroom\1.webm" but i can't just delete the first part of the path or my video can't load.... I'm lost
Hope you understand me, i'm bad in twine and in english x)
Have not worked with Twine yet, so there might be some other issues regarding video files you will have to account for that I don't know of - but it seems like you are using relative HTML file paths somewhat wrong.

Assuming the root directory of your game is mygame (E:\Nouveau dossier\mygame\<GAME EXISTS HERE>) you should not include "mygame" in your filepaths.
According to your example, the path should be "Vidéos\Bathroom\1.webm".

Some resources on the topic to read up on:



New Member
Aug 18, 2023
I have found something.. I can't see video or image if i test my game, but when i launch it like a simple player, i see them.. So i was right from the beginning but it was looking false..Thank you for your help :)


Game Developer
Jul 2, 2020
A few other things to be aware of:

Not every browser supports the same features of css, but also . I would look up what the standard formats are that are used, and write a script that converts your files to all the other formats, but if you're less of a coder you may need to do this manually per release.

Judging from your file path you're on Windows. File and folder names are not case sensitive on Windows but they are on Unix (Linux and OSX). If you don't test on a Linux or mac, then there's a good chance you'll mis one and it won't load.

Since Twine uses an interpreter to compile twee into a static web page, you can probably find a lot of tips at regular web dev sources.