Flash - Abandoned - Crimson Keep [Ch. 7 v1.6] [introspurt]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I LOVE Introspurt's art style and have ever since I first discovered it, and Crimson Keep is filled to the brim with art content and sexy H-scenes.

    Do note that Introspurt is very vanilla with his scenes. The most taboo you get in Crimson Keep is some lewder girl-on-girl action. I'm fine with it, but some people want more vulgar stuff and these games don't have it, they bank on characters and art for mostly normal consensual sex scenes (no rape, hypnosis, transformation, common f95 debauchery, etc. etc.)

    The H-content is great. But Crimson Keep is a game. As a game this is about 2/5 with the great H-content heightening it for me to a 3/5.

    The gameplay in these games is just not fun. IIRC, Introspurt went away from using RPGmaker and instead designed this on its own (sort of) engine which works great for animations, but it's basically a jankier RPG with sloppy fighting and sloppier moving mechanics.

    The battles themselves aren't so bad, but moving from point A to B and fighting certain enemies or random enemy spawns can get really tedious and time-wasting. Additionally, you can get semi-softlocked if you're not careful. The short H-scenes at the end of "normal enemy" combats are nice and keep you excited but don't save the grind and high random encounter chance.

    Certain quests and areas of maps can be confusing and end up wasting some more player time. It's not awful, but if you save, quit, and come back after a while you'll have a really hard time rediscovering what you're supposed to be doing or sometimes where to even go.

    My short recommendation -- play these games for the H-content, use cheat engine (or a guide) to rapidly break through fights. The H-content is worth it, but the gameplay is super tedious.

    Introspurt put Crimson Keep on hold to experiment with Eld, and hopefully corrects the negatives of the Crimson Keep games to create even better titles.

    If you appreciate this review, see my profile; I list all of my reviews in a comments thread. Thanks ☑
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Kinda Goated.

    Very good scenes and art in general. Nice designs of monster girls and I like that they go beyond like basic generic ones like cat-girls. Alright turn based RPG that can be challenging at times. (Unless you power level) Shame it got abandoned. (apparently it didn't, just took a break lol)
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game, but... Just not for me.

    - The writing is so hot that it can raise your sword on its own, even if there were no pictures and animations.
    But because English is not native to me - there were a lot of unfamiliar words.
    It's a good opportunity to expand vocabulary, but when the game turns into a dictionary - it becomes less exciting to play(

    - The porn component is not very intense, which allows you to play for hours without cumming if you want to. However, there are a couple of unexpected “events” that make you cum against your will. I won't go into the details in order not to spoil, but it was pretty sneaky)

    - The game isn't very difficult, but it's not too easy either. I'd say it's long. Very long. At least a few dozen hours.
    For fans (which there are a lot of) - this is definitely a big plus.
    But I, in turn, would say that life is too short to spend so much time on an abandoned game. This is just my opinion, I don't want to impose it.
    Actually the idea was really good. But reducing the grind element wouldn't hurt, I think.

    - And now a very controversial, but very important: graphics. The art in the first chapters can cause a soapy feeling because of the low resolution. Never mind.
    Obviously, the author was not looking for easy ways, so he chose manual 2D animation. This is a very labor-intensive and complex method that has its own fans and foes. And I, however unfortunate, am more likely to belong to the latter. In order for me to like such animation, it requires a VERY large investment of resources. Often - it does not make sense.

    That's why I could only get through 3 full chapters.
    A person who made a 259 page encyclopedia is not a human being. He's on another level. Closer to a demigod.
    Again, it's a great game and if I met its author - I would shake his hand. But it's just a little different than what I'm looking for.
    That's about it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    My first impressions of this game were rather average. One skill at the beginning and trivial gameplay did not make a good impression, although they made up for it with very nice graphics.
    Before long, I started discovering more and more of what the game had to offer. And as it turned out, there's plenty of it. The more I discovered in the game, the more characters I met, and the more new skills I gained, the game became better and better, until it finally reached such a high level that I can undoubtedly consider it the best hentai game I have ever played, even dethroning Aurelia, which was previously my top 1.

    Among the many advantages I can mention:
    - beautiful graphics
    - detailed animations
    - an engaging and surprisingly rich story
    - gameplay that becomes more and more challenging as the game progresses
    - unique characters
    - fantastic script
    - great discord community ready to help

    I wrote this review after finishing chapter 7 and I already feel a sense of emptiness similar to that felt when finishing a great series.

    10/10. I am waiting for more
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1666680

    Absolute trash, one of the worst "games" I have ever played. The game starts off with a bridge where you have to defeat 14 enemies in a row, but you can't, because you will die before you reach the end.

    You don't get to collect items, so no healing potions. You don't level up when you die (progress will be reset), and you only got two skills (basic attack, thunder strike). No matter what combination of those two you try, it's impossible to get through.

    Because you're already at 0HP when you reach 9/14 enemies.

    Save your time. Worst "game design" ever.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Instant 5/5, hands down, fantastic CONSENSUAL H-scenes, something very rare on f95zone, the story is also great, you make friends along the way, there's a lot of character development, there's so many H-scenes it's unbelievable, there are a few clutch points like farming resources or trying to beat some nasty boss, you can turn down the difficulty no shame in that, if you get stuck read a guide, let me repeat, the game has FANTASTIC CONSENSUAL H-SCENES!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished my playthrough all the available Episodes (1-7) 100% (thx for the guide :p) and before i write anything else i can tell this is one of the best H-Games i ever played and was ever since episode 3 already one of my favorites. Even just as a game it is a lot of fun!

    Gameplay: 9/10 (Awesome just as a roundbased RPG gets better with each Episode)
    Music: 7/10 (Nothing extraordinary but also not bad)
    Story: 8/10 (Its good and keeps you interested and very attached to the girls)
    Art: 10/10 (Hitting my favorite art style 100%)
    H-Scenes: 10/10 (gets better with each Epsiode both Pictures and Animations are amazing)

    Overall: 9/10 - An instant favorit for me personally hitting most of my kinks, great gameplay, good story and lore, its just good play it!

    Final Words: It was a blast playing through anything availabe so far, dont get confused by the "abbandoned" Tag it will get more Episodes and Content once its creator is done with a "sideproject" go on the Discord to find out more. Cant wait for more Games and Episodes from this creator and the team helping in creating it. Bless them its rare to have such high quality in H-games especially doing this in Flash (It will get a Unity Version probably once everythings done.)

    Seriously if you like HGames and/or RPG's play it you dont want to miss it!
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 320347

    Amazing, best game i've ever played, best artist i've ever seen. Can't say enough about the gameplay, music, art style, UX, all phenomenal. Can't wait for the next one especially considering intro is continuing to try to make his work better and work with new systems.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    [CK7 v1.6]
    Introspurt and his team does a fantastic work with each release and they do it as a hobby!, been following the game and discord community for about 2 years. The storytelling, the art, the combat and other relevant mechanics, everything phenomenal. Looking forward to further releases intended to be done through Unity. If you like games with challenges and Turn based RPG mechanics with good storyline and art, you should play CK.
    Also, if you enjoy the game, consider putting in your appreciation in his discord server. That's the remuneration for this man to go forward
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    the animations on this game are fantastic. some of the hottest I have seen and very very well done. I highly recommend it. 6/5

    combat is simple enough although it does get a bit grindy and the busted save system makes it lose another star. total 5/5
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I bet you downloaded this game because of the art. Not gonna lie, the art is top-notch.
    But this author has ambition, he wants to make an RPG with porn elements, not a porn game with RPG elements. And this is where he failed.
    The balancing of this game is crap.

    First 2 chapters are easy. Then all of a sudden Chapter 3 has ridiculous boss fights and requires tonnes of grind. I'm ok with that if Chapter 4 is improved... Wait what? Chapter 4 is even crazier!
    Let alone the crazy boss fights, now all normal goons are allies that are under big bad's control, so players cannot kill them but rescue them. So now every opponent has two meters, one for HP and one for brainwash, brainwash meter won't appear until HP is 0 and can only be reduced with seducing type of spells, other spells won't do the work, but players still take damage. So in some sense, you're even weaker because seducing type spells are much weaker.
    Futhermore, during Chapter 3 to Chapter 4, the author nerfed a core system on player's side, and nerfed again during Chapter 4 to Chapter 5.

    The final nail on the coffin is a mid-boss in Chapter 5. I will always attack weakness on opponents because, apparently, it's faster. But this boss has a unique system, rage meter, if she is attacked on weaknesses she fills rage much faster and when it's full, boom you're dead. Guaranteed one hit death.
    This one totally kills any motivation left in me, I feel I'm being played not playing.

    Apparently the author is considering combining all chapters into a full game. I'll step back and wait until then.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    From the golden age of porn and game, when flash still roamed the earth and coom was not even a meme on the horizon. Good art, smooth animation, comedic writing, and enjoyable gameplay as well. Even a bit of grind and some secrets if you can be bothered to look.
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1134959

    Very good artstyle and cg´s.
    It still is a very hard game in my opinion.
    And i would wish that the game doesn´t constantly spam you full of enemies while you walk like in pokemon.

    Other Stuff:
    - Solid playtime
    - Well made characters
    - Cool looking places to discover
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent game with very good CGs and animations. I have followed the game from the first chapter and fell in love with it at first sight, The mechanics are getting better and better with each release and the girls keep getting hotter and hotter.
    My only issue (if it is even an issue) is the time between the release of new chapters.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I have had the pleasure to play.
    Extremely good art and scenes for the sexual content.
    Mixed with a balanced, but sometimes difficult, combat system allowing for a more invested time.
    It can be a bit grindy, but can easily be toughned out.

    The games also just get better and better chapter by chapter

    The characters are really great and for once this also includes the protagonist Soriel, really find it great to play as such a dominant yet kind and idealistic male character.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    irrigated farmland

    I like the combat system for the most part. It isn't really like the normal games of this genre which can be a plus or a minus depending on who you ask. Personally I like the RPG aspects and theorycrafting what moves you can use since it feels quite flexible to me.

    One thing I've seen though is that getting your turn first on more battles might be an idea so people who walk in blind don't get screwed over by having the wrong things equipped.

    The story is nice, though I'm not great at rating that.

    If I had one issue though it would probably be that the difficulty slider does not work on regular mobs and minibosses since people who use that slider probably don't want to figure out the strategies required to beat those.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Eleum Loyce

    A really nice game (or set of games divided into chapters) that is slightly plagued by inconvenient design choices. The first one I noticed is the control scheme. Mouse to interact and WSAD/keyboard to move isn't very conducive to an h-game, but maybe there were coding limitations that made it impossible to make movement controllable by mouse. It's not super important but still a minor annoyance.

    While the story, animation, and overall direction feels good, the combat ultimately does not. The rate on encounters is a little too frequent for the size of the areas. There are plot and gameplay justifications for this, and fans of JRPGs won't be bothered by the relatively light grind, but it's just not that enjoyable to have an encounter every few steps. Escaping fights isn't 100% guaranteed and every opponent seems to have a good chance to block you from leaving. No option for auto-combat.

    Luckily the h-scenes at the end of (most) encounters are varied, usually 2 to 3 still images per opponent defeat and then one animation. The game is also linear enough that you won't be wandering around areas too much. The combat is far from the worst out there, but I think even the most polished turn-based gameplay can be extremely tedious.

    Chapter 1 and 2 are similar in scope and grind and are pretty enjoyable. The third chapter opens up a bit and introduces some quests that I felt really detracted from what the game had established so far -- the equivalent of throwing in some "Collect 20 Boar Skins" quests in an otherwise interesting story. The animations and amount of h-scenes increased but I think compared to the first two chapters the quality of gameplay just isn't there. The scale for chapters 4 and 5 seems to have been reduced a bit, which was probably the right direction to go in as I think chapter 3 was the weakest out of them all.

    Overall an enjoyable experience divided into chapters that are a fairly different from one another, with absolutely excellent artwork & animation. Not the best gameplay unless you're a big fan of turn-based combat, grinding, and farming.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is so good. Perfect arts, not standard gameplay with interesting mechanics. Also we have here a good story line and of corse tons of H-scences.
    But we have one minus - sometimes you must fight to much. When you just want to go through the location or just little look around, enemies continue to attack you and there is no way to avoid it. You can get out of the fight, but you still waste time and this process has to be repeated and repeated.

    But the rest of the game is great! Great job
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best adult games I have ever played, and it gets better and better with each chapter that releases.

    The animation is smooth, the art style is great, characters are attractive, the dialogue is well written and is even funny at times. But honestly what surprised me the most was how awesome the GAMEPLAY is. It feels like you're playing an actual RPG, just with a lot of sexy stuff thrown in! It's rewarding and isn't too difficult or too easy. The story is excellent too. It blew me away how immersed I was into this game's story, and honestly I can't wait to see what happens next in Chapter 6.

    Please support Introspurt in any way that you can, this guy and his/her team have deserved it 1000%. Good fucking shit.
  20. G
    5.00 star(s)

    Gur Wing

    Excellent GAME! I've played all 5 chapters of this game and Today I'm restarting this game because I loved the gameplay and the rock, paper, scissors concept of it.

    The scenes are animated and well put together.

    The gameplay is at par with ACTUAL GAMES.

    Please give it a try!