Flash - Abandoned - Crimson Keep [Ch. 7 v1.6] [introspurt]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    SCP 001

    Highly recommended game: lots of great animations and art in general, well thought-out RPG/combat system and cute character models. There's not much more to be said, but if you only want the CG, you can just use the cheat codes to unlock the gallery. In short, if you don't mind the loli-leaning models, this is a great game for you
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art, great animations, great coding, and great story. Never crashed and never lagged, which is better than a lot of highly paid content creators out there, and this guy (Introspurt) is, or at least was, doing all the great things listed above by his/herself! Keep up the good work and I can't wait for Ch5!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Crimson Keep features a straight forward game play. Although simple the variety of "covenants" the mc is able to bind makes combat very dynamic. Really enjoying the story so far and the puns are oOf nioce. The artworks and animations featured in this game are of superb quality.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best 2d game so far the game had a decent gameplay exact amount of grinding u wont get bored playing this game, also the game have best artstyle and animated cgs interesting story highly recommended
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The art is excellent especially when it comes to animations however due to the episodic style of the game they are separated but it's not that of an issue.

    Surprisingly the game play is not boring and features some RPG elements however this is not the strongest aspect of the game as it's a bit grindy.
    All in all the gameplay is like an ocean with 1 inch depth, personally I would like to see some new features in the gameplay as well as some open world features too.

    Sadly this game is using Flash as it's core, which introduces issues with saves and even though the author implemented the save mechanism near perfectly, it's still not as efficient as it can be.
    Finally Adobe is retiring this tool (FLASH) and I'd like to see this game on a game engine such as Unity which not only gives the author more space for creativity but also adds compatibility (Android) as well as better optimization.

    Final score:
    Even though this game is rough around the edges it still gets 5/5!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved the third chapter. Excellent art and animations as well as narrations.

    Gameplay can be a bit grindy but nothing JPRG like. And you are rewarded with porn for pretty much every fight so well, it ain't all that bad.

    Looking forward to the next one.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Though it started as a flash game he brought this game to new heights. I was able to really enjoy this game and hope you all will too. I don't want to give any spoilers so ill be a little vague but the story has a good path to fallow and was well thought out at least for a porn game. I liked the fact that you didn't need to complete any stupid puzzles to reach the point of the game and that it had a felling that the MC made sense. Non of that This character is a sex freak but isn't willing to have sex with anyone because the author didn't put in the code for it. Though you cant have sex with every npc you come across it still made me feel like it was a world my character was in rather that a wall with a bunch of pictures many other porn games give you.

    Edit: TO be honest his utter hatred toward changing the game or (Cheating) is really frustrating. If I want to feel unreasonably powerful, then let me its a single player game that follows your story. Its supposed to be interactive so let me interact in the way I chose not punish me if its not the specific way you want. Disappointing. My glowing 5 stars has been reduced to 3. Average.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredibly well done! It's as good as it's short. Will probably be one of the best H games ever when it's complete. Though I'd like it more if it was made clearer when we actually came to the end of the content. Ended up walking around for 20 minutes in chapter 2 trying to go through a path of lava I couldn't go through yet but this won't be a problem once the chapter is complete so I guess that's irrelevant.
    Honestly can't find any other flaw lmao.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic for how short it actually is, the Art Style is really really good and blends together well with the gameplay maps/conversations. The gameplay is simple and easy to understand without being boring. Which I'm personally attributing to the design of the prologue/first chapter. Blast the mooks with demonbolt so you never got bored of seeing them. Then when you get 'Tempt' you start treating the game like Pokemon and weakening the intentionally.

    I actually kinda like the plot. It's simple, easy to understand and is actually kinda fun. It's not a gritty takes-itself-too-seriously game, It has fun with what it is. I actually totally buy the relationship between the MC and his mother. I can totally buy that kind of relationship. 'Stop blowing things up with magic, seduce women instead!' its effectively the 'Grandkidz Plz' trope altered a bit.

    Speaking of the MC, he sells this game for me. He's relate-able. He's a guy who has potentially limitless magical power and wants to do little else than throw it around and play with it. His reluctance with sex is a breath of fresh air in a website riddled with 'TehSexMastr69' Protagonists who go balls deep from hitting the play button.

    I'm actually eager to see where this game goes. I want this to succeed as a hentai game because it's actually fun! It single handled made it worth it for me to scroll through 17 pages looking for hidden gems.

    Chapter 1 - Review
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The static and animated CGs are great and so is the text accompanying them. As for the gameplay, it is fairy simple from an RPG perspective, but is enjoyable and manages to implement the "hentai attacks" in a meaningful way.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty damn good first chapter. The art looks really nice, animation is solid, the girls are nicely proportioned(no grossly oversized breasts or anything) simple enough yet rewarding game mechanics. I actually really appreciate that this is a turn based RPG NOT built in RPG maker, it really harkans back to the golden days of quality newgrounds H games. MC is also interesting and likable. My only issue is how beefy his sprite looks, I feel like it could be slimmed down a bit but it's a minor gripe.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Hits all the right notes for me. Art is a cute, 2D style that doesn't overexaggerate in many places and doesn't have weird, questionable anatomy everywhere (by hentai standards).

    The story is completely fresh to me, has a really neat concept behind it and actually had me excited for an update for the first time, ever.

    Try this
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is simple and rewarding. Even when you become to powerful you just switch to melee. Its a far longer experience then the previous demo that was shown. Excellent art and fantastic new animation give it a fresh feel.
    I do wish that once you become high enough level you can just get to the good part, but hay its like pokemon you weaken them enough too "catch them" -wink wink-
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 172714

    Great game tho I would love if you gave the girls different color internals and nips to give more variety and to match there skin tone and color just a suggestion I love your work ether way the combat is great simple and fun. Hey is there plans to add M/S incest impregnation and pregnancy or other fetish because that would sweet!!!
  15. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 887397

    I really enjoyed the development of the story and dialogs (y) and I think the developer might be working on the next chapter, or developing enemy defeating animations to each enemy with random dialogs or same of boss defeat scene.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game especially the animations! Obviously a work in progress so keep up the good work. The only complaint is that the inferno imp might be just slightly too strong for your character. Either that or make a better way to heal towards the beginning. I've encountered a few times where the off chance of encountering an inferno imp on low health means death and reset for the game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Just play it for fifteen minutes and gauge the art and dialogue. It may give an initial impression that it's grindy but it's not, trust me.

    It has fantastic art and animation. And the premise is somewhat unique, interesting and fun (at least for me).

    Also if you decide to play the demo to the end, you don't need to worry about being left hanging, the game will tell you when you've seen the end of the current build.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Gameplay: It's simple. But good enough to keep you entertained. WASD/Click mechanics. A bit clunky on the free roam part. A leveling system's in place. There's room for improvement and I definitely look forward to that.

    Story: Rather straight forward which I do welcome. Go slam a couple princesses (who doesn't love defiling royalty?) and whatevers between you and them. I like the fantasy setup. Leaves the artist with a bazilllion possibilities to give is lewded versions of whatever magical creature there is. :^)

    Art: Oh my Lord. What a selling point indeed. The art is gorgeous and don't let anybody tell you otherwise. Great proportions, lewd as hell and as clean as it gets. Visually very pleasing (of course that's subjective) but it does hit the sweet spot for me.

    Conclusion: I'll rate it 5/5 not for what it is right now.. but for what it could be. The potential is massive and I hope the creator is aware. Worth the download for sure. Don't let this project die and keep the quality up (especially on the artwork) and I'm sure this game will see success.
