RPGM - Completed - Croix X Scramble [v1.08] [ninjinpasta]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Balanced rpg gameplay is a weakpoint, its not a battlefuck game either. the game survives on its puzzles, story and its high quality art.

    The translation for this game is also pretty good even if its chatgpt, I noticed someone bothered to resize the font (ai patch translators are getting smarter in here it seems)

    The game is about superpowered agents fighting criminal superpowered people, our protagonist loses a fight and gets demoted, she wants to avenge her loss but her powers are temporarily sealed somewhat. Its a fight back to the top of the ladder as she tries to resolve her messup. The sex stuff happens slow, she sucks one dick that seems mandatory at the beginning of the game, and can't lose her virginity for a long timeplaying the game. How much of an abused slut she is - is up to the player. Theres also a girl genius deuteragonist who works at a convience store who is quirky and weird.

    This game has pregnancy but not as involved as the first two games the developer made, anyways I recommend it
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Painfully average.
    Emphasis on the painful part because I feel that with just a bit of a push, this game could have been amazing.

    It looks great: the designs, the colours, the menu, it's just overall a very aesthetically pleasing game.

    Now unfortunately, I share a lot of the same sentiments as the other reviewers where I feel the game was lacking in substance. The combat was just your run-of-the-mill JRPG game,; attack, get attacked, and so on, with no battle H.
    There is a pretty nice H Status system in game, except that there's not really a use for it. The scenes are story-locked rather than H-locked, and aren't particularly affected by the H stats, they happen regardless.

    I don't necessarily believe that this was a step down from their previous game, but it does feel lackluster and not a step up.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm giving a decent rating here for one thing I think the game deserves some recognition for, that the other reviewers (as of writing this) didn't touch upon: the presentation of the game.

    Is this going to offset the other criticisms the other reviewers talked about? No, absolutely not.

    However, as a first time player of this dev's work, I really do appreciate the presentation of the game, particularly the chapter transitions, area introductions, and even the UI itself. It really sold the illusion that this game had much more to it than it really did. The story was also pretty simple and easy to follow so no complaints there.

    The presentation stuff could have been simple RPGM scripts/functions for all I know, and the gameplay still revolved around relatively standard RPGM fashion. Despite that and the other reviewers saying a number of art was reused from old games, I really do appreciate the effort thrown at the presentation of it even if the end result was putting some really good lipstick on a pig. It's only a shame that the H-aspect of wasn't as much as the presentation let on.

    4/5 would be let down again. I hope the dev tries for something more ambitious next time around.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I played this game on release and heres my review

    Similar to any RPGM games which is encounter type battles very easy as logg as you level up even tho you just spam 1 skill on the boss and they will die easily. There's chapters and Free mode after you clear a chapter you can freely go anywhere and unlock some scenes. Some puzzles are easy as long as you can read :WeSmart:

    There's a bit improvement to the artwork compare to last time, scenes are well drawn and also the standing images.

    This is why I put 3* in my rating because of this. Most scenes are just the same and a lot of wasted scenes that you can put on the game.

    1. Her sweater is perfect for H-scenes but they just design in to sleeping and nothing else
    2. The Janitor at school, imagine having a powers like that where he can touch Chloe using a portal. Too bad he only peep at you while peeing and touch you.
    3. Aroma H-Scenes. I know that she's just a side character like on the previous game but she deserve more and not only molestation.
    4. As usual pregnancy endings.
    5. No battle fucks!

    Overall the game is nice needs more improvement, I hope they put a battle fuck on future update since its on the game files but we will see, and more scenes. They made us wait for a year btw a lot of delays per month.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Beat this yesterday on my own shitty MTL so for all I know a better translation would make this pure art somehow.
    This works okay as a regular RPG, good art and cute characters. As a H-game though the content is spread too thin, and doesn't really ramp up to the satisfying 'corrupted into a slut' outcome you expect from a game like this, especially considering the in game tracking of sexual development.
    Its all hypnosis, non-con, peeping, game over scenes and some piss content that I would've preferred not to see or hear.
    I liked the characters though, there were some cute moments outside of the porn stuff I enjoyed.
    I'd recommend it if you want to spend some time playing a game with some omnipresent eye candy, but might not if you just feel like going full coomer mode.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is sort of drawn out. The pacing felt much longer than was needed given the plot. The biggest downfall is the overuse of recycling H scenes. Some of those H-scene were incredibly weak compared to others. The developer has potential but, must polish the their H-game skills
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    A better H game than his last, though also worse in some aspects. Much of the HCG is noticeably reused, redone and repurposed from his last H game, in a slightly more obvious fashion than others circles like DIselmine, though you wouldn't know that unless you paid attention to the details all the same. Some of the graphics are also used from the last H game's unused assets that were in the game files. The combat and story go hand and hand, but does not play a factor H wise, so it's entirely skippable, except the defeat H scenes for the stage and the bosses though the bosses just lead to a what-if moment. This H game is best played with hints on as it's mostly an event finder H game, the impregnation mechanic only plays a role at the ending of the game for a standing HCG change, no content for it.

    Overall, a title sorely lacking in HCG, the combat is filler and the title is mostly just find all the events per chapter or play the entire H game first. The art is very striking and the H scenes play out nicely at least.