Damn! That was a good one! If dev keeps it up, then it shall be a banger!
First of all, renders. They are good. I didn't see anything out of order, except that in one of the animated scences background was a lil laggy, but i didn't find it in the replay, so I'll chalk it up to my schizophrenia (don't have one, as to my knowledge).
Story and Lore. It's interesting to see story with eastern motives. Of course it's not something unsual, there were projects before with the same vibes, but still this one looks... "natural" i guess? Like, i can't explain it, but some of the games i am checking out feels like i am eating plastic apples or 3d printed meat (whatever). It feels like i see game not only for the sake of making money, but for the sake of creating something interesting with good quality.
There is some lore, we have some grades of power which determines social status of the characters. So dev thought about the world. Like how should it work if we took MC out of the picture. If it was thougth through at least a lil bit that is already good, in my opinioun. Story itself is interesting. I am waiting to find out what is coming next.
Spelling. Of course i read it in english. It's not my native language, buuut i was glad that english version wasn't poorly translated. (I assume that dev isn't english native speaker too)
Some of the games on the Forum have quite a funny "english". Especially when girls at some points refered as "him" and at the same sentences there are some explanations that MC(he) faced (bla-bla-bla) to save him(actually her, but "dev's eng iz nod zo goot" so yep here we gonna play a game where a player needs too understand what the dev WANTED to actually tell us).
I am glad that there is no such mistakes.(maybe there were, but i really didn't see any, while i was reading it. AND i would see something like that, cuz after some time on this forum poorly translated projects just trigger me, god damit! This Forum turned me in grammar nazi, for f**k sake! Why de hell ppl can't use google translate at least? WHY?!?!)
Explicit content. Well, we came here for the BOOBA and we got it guys. We have some scenes with BOOBA, but for now there is not much to see. Still, they are present
Personally i come here more for the story, then for the BOOBA, but if there is no BOOBA at all, then story is not so interesting for me, cuz i can go and read some books with the same success and moreover, i wouldn't even need to wait, cuz surpriiiise there are plenty of them, right?) So, for this kind of projects there must be some balance with the story and BOOBA and i think dev achieved it.
BOOBA - presnt.
English, motther f***, do u speak it?!?!? - present.
Good quality renders - presnet.
"Alive" story - present.
My own opinion? Combination of all above are presnet? Then +1.
So here goes solid 5 from me!
Good luck dev!