VN - Ren'Py - Cross Realms [v0.2] [DuskDuck]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Clearly a game that deserves more love.

    - Excellent renders with a great and original setting for this kind of VNs.

    - The universe is captivating and wants to know more about it.

    -Characters are good but lack a bit of depths for now to be really interesting, wich is understandable since the game is still only at chapter 2, we'll have to see how they develop in the future.

    -The plot is good and enjoyable to read, but feels a bit rushed at times, there is little to no downtime between events to develop relationship between characters.

    -Unfortunately the sex scenes are a bit lacking, they lack build up and eroticism. they are also too short, with too few lines of very tame dialogue.

    I will still give it 5 stars because the upsides clearly overshadow the below average stuffand because it's an original and welcome setting for the genre.

    Keep it up Dev, you're doing good work and I'm sure your VN will be a very enjoyable one.
    Likes: tmu500
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't understand why the game didn't get more reviews. The game is excellent, it focuses first on the story (that's a positive point), if what you're looking for is a lot of sex scenes you can skip it.

    - The renders are very good and use a universe we don't often see.
    - The characters are nice too (although I think they lack a bit of character).
    - The game doesn't have much choice, but that's not a problem for this game, I think.
    - The story is very good, I often skip moments in other games, here it was not the case.
    - The ui is good too.

    I'm only giving it 4 stars because the VN isn't finished yet.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    An outstanding VN and a criminally under utilized genre. It was good since the the first release, but that second update really cemented both the quality of the VN and the dev's chops.

    The world of Cross Realms is expansive. It features both our mundane world and the magical realms where the story takes place. It starts in an Isekai fashion and it quickly becomes apparent that MC's circumstances are extraordinary since not even the powerful realm guardians know how to help him.

    For cultivation fans, the system should be straightforward. For anyone else, the power system in this world is based on the individual's ability to cultivate the mystical energy known as Qi. The more Qi you absorb and the better you become at wielding it, you reach milestones known as levels. The higher your level, the stronger your body is and you can use/develop more abilities. Each individual has a set potential that determines how quickly he can cultivate Qi.

    MC is a young adult, easygoing but with a difficult past. He is a good guy, ready to stand up for his friends and support them through thick and thin, with a penchant for self sacrifice and always willing to move forward no matter the circumstances.

    So far things have been hectic for MC, so he never really had a chance to take it slow and show us a different side. He puts in the work to become the best version of himself and is reasonably observant and quick witted. He seems to be capable of putting together the pieces of his past and figure out his circumstances, but for all intends and purposes he is an anomaly and those in the know don't seem very comfortable to give him all the information he needs.

    A relatable and comfortable MC for a harem power fantasy novel, with a healthy appetite for horniness. Someone could say that the characters tend to fall for him a bit too fast, but he does have a winning personality and his self-sacrifice goes a long way to keep things consistent.

    For the kind of story the writer wants to tell, the characterization is excellent. The majority of the characters feel like they belong and are driven by their values and emotions. Certainly there is an obvious imbalance of female to male ratio which is to be expected, but I think the story could make use of more worthwhile male rivals on MC's level. Chapter 2 features a mostly fair fight with another disciple but he feels like a stepping stone/caricature.

    The backgrounds and female models look excellent. Male character models are mostly hit or miss but even with HS2, this is to be expected. The overall image quality is good but it could use some better lighting. Still the game looks better than how a lot of other highly acclaimed HS2 games started out so I expect to see a natural progression towards higher quality renders. Honestly though this is more of a nitpick because after all the images look beautiful and immersive.

    The dev has a unique style when depicting combat that looks grant, but also a bit confusing at first. The reason is that there is no obvious correlation between the "size" of the visual and the intensity of the effect. Most attacks look like they would leave a human as a smudge in the dirt and even relatively weak characters can create such visual effects. Also there's the concept of physical and mental attacks which make things a bit more confusing. I'm sure that the more we learn about the lore and the more fights we watch, we will get a better sense of the scale.

    When I rate the audio I focus on how memorable the music and sound effects of a scene are. For the most part it's pop/slash/blam sound effects and soft chinese background music. If there is combat battle, I just can't remember it. I'm sure there is but I don't want to go back and check because it's besides the point.

    This is certainly something that could be improved upon. Combat music's rhythm gives a sense of progression which can also be used as a design principle, not just elevate the viewing experience.

    Again, the game is early in development. These are nitpicks that I'm certain the dev will eventually improve upon naturally, even without my input. I mention them mostly to bring awareness.

    So far the scenes are on the mild side. There's a lot of "figuring myself out" going around, especially among the females but you can also find some deviancy too. Additionally some sexual encounters seem to be setting specific (unless the character in question was lying out of embarrassment). So far, while the game mostly focuses on foreplay so far (and it's early), it thankfully doesn't seem to follow the usual "handjob -> titjob -> blowjob -> vaginal" formula. The progression depends on the character's demeanor. Some are innocent, others are more sensual, a few of them rationalize because they feel too old to bother with this stuff.

    Technical things:
    Congratulations are in order for both the quality and quantity of chapter 2. I was surprised to see so much good content. This speaks to the dev's talent and enthousiasm. He started out with Unreal because he was more familiar with the programming languages associated with it, listened to community's feedback and switched to Ren'py, learning it from scratch and remaking them game in record time.

    A lot of times you think that something sounds a bit too good to be true. This is not one of these cases. This update was big and featured so many scenes, ever increasing in quality and complexity.

    So bottom line, this is a great project. Cute girls, a great power fantasy story in an interesting and underutilized setting, a hardworking and talented dev who churns out content like nobody's business with uniform or increasing quality.

    Best of luck going forward.
    Likes: tmu500
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is very interesting game.
    As fan of power fantasy games, this game take me over for hours with it's immense journey, designs, sounds and graphics.
    True 5/5 - star game, Just like Eternum,City Devil Restart, Realm Invader and Stray Incubus.
    I'm so happy that this genre got a lot attention.
    Likes: tmu500
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent - love the story so far - can't wait to see how this develops - if you like fantasy, you will like this - a Harem game with an actual story behind it. Personally, I think its now within my top 20 games
    Likes: tmu500
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Bro In The Game

    the story is really great, feels like i am cultivating in asian novels, the hierarchy is very good, hope i will reach the peak of power with the attractive harem hehe

    The plot is also great, the images are clear and eye-catching
    Likes: tmu500
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    the graphics, this is basically a wallpaper wonderland if you enjoy cultivation themed settings, i've personally been reading isekai and cultivation/martial arts manga for like the past 2 months and i'm in love with this game, i can't wait for more content.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Giggling Raven

    I really like the idea of a wuxia AVN since I've read dozens of novels and this AVN does a really good job at portraying the genre. I've read that it was done in Unreal before but I'm really glad it's been ported to Ren'py.

    The story seems to be pretty good so far with very classic wuxia themes, although some very overpowered and flashy techniques have been shown from the start by low level disciples. The renders are also pretty good and the girls look great. Most typos have been fixed so it's a lot better and it reads pretty well now.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Saint McDaniels

    Finally a cultivation AVN! There are some typos, but nothing major. The renders are definitely good, and the story has a good pacing. Definitely looking forward to the next updates! A must read especially if you like the genre!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Glad dev ported this one to renpy. Now it will get more attention. Loved the visuals. Cultivation story it's kinda rare here. I'm a fan cultivation manhua and manhwas. So I loved the plot. Loved the fight scenes wished there was more sound effects. Dev did a good job creating cultivation/wuxia setting. It's pleasant to the eyes. Fight scenes are chef kiss. MC is weak at start. Every great story start with a weaker MC then you what happens. Yeah it's cliche but I love this type of cliches. There are few typos other than writing is good. Sex scenes are forced though

    Dev Liana is much better without the glasses her crimson eyes are alluring. When she level ups her cultivation rank don't make her cuter by making her young. She perfect like this. There is fair amount of content. Overall I enjoyed the game.

    If you cultivation stories you will love this. Keep up the good work dev looking forward to next updates.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It's rare to see wuxia/cultivation setting in visual novel, so it's good to see something new. I am also a big wuxia fan so it's a plus. Here are my opinion about the aspects of the game:
    Render: 9/10, very good, could use some animation for fight scene but I know it's hard to do.
    Story: 8/10, nothing breaking here, but the world building and story are good enough for me to stay engage and not skip the dialogue.
    Character: 8/10, MC is likeable enough, the LIs are diverse with their own interesting character.
    Overall I rate it 8/10, while there is still things to improve, I think the begining of the novel is good enough for me to vote 5 star
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the premise of this story and the use of mythology in structuring what is essentially an isekai, but the translation issues are strikingly bad, with problematic use of tenses and agreement of verb and noun number, just to point out the most glaring challenges. I like the characters and their interactions, and the models are cute. This game shows a lot of promise, but it really needs a better translation or at least a good rewrite of the translation it has. If it did, I'd be giving it 5 stars.

    The text keeps improving in this game, and I'm eagerly awaiting the next update.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Story 4/5 : very promising.
    Renders 5/5: simply great looking.
    MC 1/5: he is a pathetic and creepy pussy.
    Characters 2/5: mostly boring and unoriginal, but there is one somewhat likable one.
    Choices 1/5 : severe lack of choices.

    For the final score I have prioritized after what I personally find to be of the highest importance, which is: The MC and choices being of he highest importance. Followed them by other characters and story and lastly renders.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    It looks like you still have a long way to go, and I am looking forward to your work.
    Character models and story I think are very good, you just lack development experience.
    In terms of scene background music details, as well as gameplay.
    The sense of experience is the way to 'take it to the next level', after all, games are meant to be played, and fun games are good games. ;)
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Actually a pretty decent VN, the story is really good so far but the English translation needs some work that's for sure. So far I am enjoying the characters but feels like we need to get a better feel for the MC as right now he just seems to be following what everyone else is doing.
    The only other con beyond the transactions I see is the jittery scenes (mainly the action scenes like tornado or fight scenes), its really tough to tell when a scene needs a manual click to advance or its a scene that auto advances a few renders. If that can be smoothed out it would really improve the feel.
    I am enjoying the dynamic between the MC and Lis so far and the couple scenes with them so far were decent but could deff be improved.
    For the first update it had a decent amount of content, I am deff looking forward to the next update hopefully they do not take too long.
  16. 4.00 star(s)

    Revolving Mania

    TL;DR: Fantastic art and interesting plot, but filled with clichés and common character archetypes, plus little control over the story and all the sex scenes are forced.


    I'd say the renders are in the top tier of AVNs. Not only do they look good, the assets used are pretty unique. The whole game felt fresh to me, I don't think I recognise much from it, which is honestly great. Plus, the fighting scene from the prologue was pretty damn good, one of the best I've seen.

    The English is a bit rough. A few misused words here and there. One very common one is "scene" which is used as a verb replacement for "show," which is wrong.

    Aside from that there are a few more annoyances. The typical annoying tropes such as walking in on someone who's naked. I'm so tired of seeing that same scene already. We already know how it goes, avoid that shit cliché.

    Another con is that it seems sex scenes will not be optional. The only two sexual encounters are blowjobs which you cannot turn down.

    The potential is there. The art direction is some of the best I've seen and I don't think there are many cultivation AVNs so I really want this one to get better, but as it stands, it's filled with clichés and unavoidable scenes. Cut down on the clichés and give the player more control over the story and you'll get a great AVN. Unfortunately, the number of LIs seems to be huge, so I doubt we'll get much control, but we'll see, I guess.