Others - Abandoned - Cuck Simulator 2 [v0.08] [Monty McBlack]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Game wasn't really update here so I used the 1.7 version and its actually pretty good. The story is slow paced giving it time to develop the characters and their relationship. Corruption aspect is also good
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Cuck Simulator 2 is a complete new standalone game, unrelated to Cuck Simulator 1 , though both made by monty mcblack and both in the same horrible engine.

    Both games are duh about cuckolding- NTR unavoidable- and even though the first one is abandoned, I prefer that one over the second one.

    Monty nowadays is fully on board (or overboard) with the whole BNWO and it kinda dumbed the writing down: Every female is dreaming about black cock from the beginnong,All are instantly mesmorized by any dark skinned man, no matter his physique.... wants to be pregnant of any or all...because bnwo.

    In CS2 Monty is experimenting with animations. A good idea, but again, monty took it to the next level. Animations where the only thing moving is the breathing in and out of a character. Which doesn't add much - apart from 60mb. Which leads to the whole game being over 5 Gig.

    Then there is the engine, which is bad and buggy- this game should just be made in renpy. He should proofread it.

    So do I hate CS2? Meh. I just disappoints. After a 4 year hiatus I was happy to hear that Monty returned to cuck simulator again. I kinda hoped he would remake CS1 (or pickup where he left it) in renpy add some animations and maybe focus more on cuckolding/hotwifeing instead of bnwo straight from the start.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    First off I have no issue with the games subject, so that is not the reason for this review. This game is bad on all fronts. The writing is terrible. like to the point of incoherence at least what I could read of it because the game is buggy as hell. Multiple tries and it keeps freezing. And the animations are nightmare inducing which could also be used to describe the interface. there really isn't one redeeming quality about this game other than there was animation so there is that. Just save the space on your hard drive for something more arousing like nude pictures of Bea Arthur.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is for the [v1.7] [Abandoned] version.
    I'm combining my Review with my Walkthru.
    - Yes this is well worth playing if your really into BBC, Cuck, NTR, and VN's. = My no.1 fav is BBC, Cuck/NTR 2nd, and tbh; I don't like VN's.. as well as Text-Based games, these are my two least favorite genres.., but, there are some gems worth giving a go.. Many times I find myself doing small games as well as [Abandoned] projects because more often than not, the Dev has put a lot of work into the first release and then realise that they have to do all that again several times over to make a [Complete] game, thus it becomes [Abandoned].
    - No, there is no need to complain about the quality of this = lighting, poses, typos, etc .. all that is easily overlooked once you submerge yourself into the "Cucked by BBC" fantasy / kink / fetish. This lil' project is a excellent piece of work in its own right - I would love to be able to make a VN of my own to truly get the scope of understanding of what the Dev went thru to get this far in development. :ClappingHands: well done! .. it's better than reading a long-winded text-based game with next-to-none pictures.
    - This will be a VN I'll remember for a long time and in future will recommend other people to try it = "You'll never never know if you never ever give it a go".
    - WT / Walkthru / Walkthrough - to get you to the end of Chapter 5.
    - (.Note: This isn't the official WT, this is my WT that got me to the end, so I'm not sure if there's a couple more scenes that could be seen or if I actually got them all, or if it could be played shorter to still get to end of Ch.5 - After 7 playthroughs, I had about enough then ).
    - I wrote some of these answers shorter than what's shown in game to keep it short.
    _1) New game.
    _2) Click on Karen to get game moving.
    _3) Choose left Karen - Sub.
    _4) Some work.
    _5) Of course not.
    _6) Not everyone.
    _7) The old one.
    _8) Umm, no.
    _9) That's exactly what I'm saying.
    10) Hottie wives 2:.
    11) Yes.
    12) Hell yes! -(left click mouse to skip sperm video)-
    13) Big black cock.
    14) It would be nice to do this more.
    15) Let mind wander.
    16) I've heard there are.
    17) Ok...Sure...We can go.
    18) Just go with what you have on.
    19) Nod in approval.
    20) Listen and jerk off.
    21) Oreo Club.
    22) What we came here for.
    23) Kiss her.
    24) Tell me what you thought.
    25) I would never fuck another woman.
    26) Oreo Club.
    27) Home.
    28) Yes.
    29) Take her hand.
    30) Jerk slower.
    31) Kiss her. -(box pops up - just click on "ok")-
    32) Nude Beach. -(from here (at nude beach sign) I've noticed you have to hit Spacebar through numerous messages to get game moving until you can return to left-clicking mouse button)-
    33) It's a myth.
    34) You bet.
    - The last message you'll see is: "To be continued y'all"
    - And your Angst / Jungle Fever score is: 1/29.
    - To start game all over again, you have to close window, then relaunch (extract).
    - Useful buttons:
    1) Left click mouse to choose options.
    2) Left click mouse / Spacebar = Shows next message speech.
    3) (press & hold) Left-Ctrl / Right-Ctrl / Window button = all skips messages fast.
    4) Backspace = Takes you right back to the beginning -(Do not use this key if you're doing well in game - use only as a last resort)-
    - Other worthy mentions:
    1) Save/Load function doesn't work.
    2) Is this fappable? .. I did twice (once on each first 2 playthroughs) :p
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Overall, I like the game, and interracial, although NTR really isn't my cup of tea. The renders are good and the story is there, but for the love of God, the engine this guy uses for his games is fucking awful; this game takes up like what, 400 MB or more and has not a lot of content? Ren'py games with the same amount of content take up WAY less space. The other issue I take with this game is that the developer releases an update every blue moon, and fucks off for half a year before updating the game. How this guy gets as much money as he does is beyond me.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 492881

    Amazing graphics and story I loved playing this game however the save/load system is broken and the HUD is very small.
    I'd rate the game:
    graphics 10/10
    story 5/10
    animation 8/10
    content 5/10

    I rated 5 stars because I see great potential I hope to see more!
  7. 1.00 star(s)

    The 1★ Dude

    An good and bad game but with tendency to bad. The story and images are just okay. There are two paths, domination and submission, but I dont see any difference between both of them. Both paths have the same scenes, so maybe the text change a little bit. Also this game seems quite broken. The game tell you on different parts to save the game but there is no option to save a game.
    EDIT: Okay, there is one, but it seems broken yet.
    That means, you misclick > game over or quit the game then you completely lost your progress.

    Conclusion: Till the save/load function is still broken better stay away from this game.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    New update has ruined this game.

    Its slow and clunky and poorly optimized. I didn't even realize games could be this bad, until I played this mess.

    You can scarcely even reach the sex scenes, because the game is so glitchy and buggy you'll never make it!

  9. 1.00 star(s)


    I didn't last long playing.

    Everyone is exaggerated, huge boobs, huge dicks. /eye roll
    Racist vibe about black men.
    Racist vibe about white women.

    Positive is that the images are pretty good.

    If you can turn your brain off you will enjoy the images at least. Saying that, if I have to turn my brain off to enjoy a game then it failed for me.
  10. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 327695

    Most of the renders have issues and they're not even good. Sometimes there is way to much light in the scene.

    The story is very simple.
    MC's girl isn't a beauty, but I like that about her. It seems more realistic.

    The worst part is, though. The game has been in development for 11 months and has hardly any content for such a long time.
    The developer is not keeping to schedules and the updates are incredibly short.

    And it takes him several months to do a 10min update with bad images.

    Can't recommend the game.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    My Rating for Cuck Simulator (v1.7) is:

    +very good Story so far
    +Renderings are Good
    +fast Pace of Story
    +Nice action Scenes in this Version
    -No Saves Possible
    -Very Buggy on Beach)
    -Updates are too short

    After almost 6 Months of waiting, this update comes out,I was happy as hell,cause I like the previous versions,even though they had some bugs in them, But the more I was Disappointed when the Only scenes where from the beach,and you could only move forward with the enter key.
    As much as I love the Devs work,I cant hide the feeling that he doesn't put enough feelings into the Game and just threw it out.....
    I would normally say,take your time and bring out a Game with less errors and more content,but after waiting 6 Months for this version I would say it would be fruitless.
    Damn Shame.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    it might be unfinished yet but i find it really interisting game providing a new games category, which satisfy a certain kind of fetish with a really huge supporters.
    so i'm really waiting for much more updates.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game with huge potential. The engine is the only weak point (it would be better in Renpy) but the story and characterization is great. I hope this one gets really really nasty! The point system is good and prevents you from moving events along too fast, though it was a bit irritating that the points notification on screen would disappear occasionally.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    funny that when I saw the images of the game I did not think it was good ,but when I started to play, I was surprised with the story with the events gradually changing the woman's head making her think making him wish another man black man and also in getting him pregnant fucking very exciting thiswould be wonderful that she and puts more perverted words too...

    Many thanks for creating this wonderful game. I remain here anxiously awaiting the conntinuation ; )
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    story: it kinda make sense.

    cg (draws): they are really good

    scenes (erotics): freaking hot

    gamplay: click adventure with binary options... meh

    conclusion: this game doesnt feel NTR at all is actually cute.
    let me explain the husband want to spice up the things he wants to his wife to be happy, and she wants to be happy with him too. there is concense all the time. and the story is about that. is a really good game and i surprised for the cuantity of cg.

    this game got though, effort and LOTS sex this is a trully honest porn game.

    this game deserve your time and money
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I do not like japanise game (hentai). And finally found a game with DAZ renderings and NTR genre.
    Texts, renders, models - everything is fine.
    You can choose clothes that will be worn by the wife ;-) Аnd the wife in it so sweet <3
    It's marvelous game of NTR I've ever seen.
    I look forward to the next updates.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game on cuckold and interracial theme. Author is doing great job by reading constructive critique and making corrections. Scenario is becoming more more interesting and graphic is pretty good. Look forward to next update
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    if this is something you like, then i think this game has quite a lot of potential, yes it's early days and only time will tell if that potential is achieved. having played the game it does have a few flaws, but hopefully the dev can get to grips with them and make this a really entertaining game for people that like this genre. i for one certainly hope he sticks with it.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    So far it's incomplete and the game engine takes up too much disk space compared to game engines like Ren'Py. Some fetishes in the game are not exactly my cup of tea, but the game has a decent plot line and pretty good pictures.