Unity - Completed - Cummy Friends [v1.0] [CummyStudio]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Good story, awesome art style, erotic. If like the cartoon porn parodies games you will really enjoy this one. More important that anything is a game and not just a simple visual novel with no more interaction than make click. Here you have at least play with some strategy to make the 100% in less time.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I have seen the criticism for this game, and I understand much of it, but now having played the final version - I have to say much of it is (imo) unwarranted.

    Although it is not quite on par with other games I'd rate 5 stars I want to give it 5 for balance purposes, as well as for the reason, that I, personally, quite enjoyed it.

    It is a play worthy game with its flaws and strengths.

    Above all I find the notion, that this game is grindy unwarranted.
    Yes, you do have to regularly play the game and not just read and select dialog options, but you don't need to do any obscure repetition to progress.
    It is no gameplay masterpiece, but there is a proper management aspect to it.
    The clicker game for the outfits sure is lame, but it is also done in seconds.

    The story is rather unique with mainly elements of a comedic trainer, but it also feels a lot like a "female protagonist game".
    A diverse cast of characters is present, but there is little depth to them outside of the very main actors.

    The art is always a subjective matter, but it is well done with interesting scenes - I liked it.

    Overall I recommend it to those wo want a funny and unique trainer and are not put off by having to play a management game with a female protagonist vibe.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is a poor grind fest simulator.

    The art you see on the main page is one of the few animated scenes. Everything else is not animated and is repeatedly used so many times. If you want to spend at least an hour seeing the same scenes, reactions, and CGI, you are free to try it.

    Quality is fine, but better to just look into Gallery and stop on that.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    It's good. Everyday you pick what actions Frankie takes and in turn that grants you different stats. Recruiting new friends, unlocking new rooms and getting new scenes all require different stats. The art is good, and while not everything is animated the things that are are pretty good. Might be a little grindy if you're playing from the start, it has a gallery mode so if you just wanna check the scenes you could get a 100% save.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Unexpectedly good.
    Gameplay is good, a bit repetative(friends energy should be removed as mechanic) and maybe ability to upgrade outfits with regular currency instead of clicking game.
    Characters and talks in most cases completely skipable, but scenes talks is actually hilariously good,
    Scenes themselves also pretty hot and diverse
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    STORY 3.5/5:
    The story is serviceable and sometimes great. Having the house be an imaginary friend is great way to explain how much control we have and reminds me a lot of the old game Ghost Masters in a very cool way. The second arc with the introduction with the imaginary Frankie is also a great plot point that introduces more in universe characters that have a reason to be dolled up. Notice how I say reason, because what they did to Coco is one of the worst things I laid my eyes on. But between the arcs we are stuck talking to Bloo the majority of the game with some on character dialogue that goes way too long.

    Other than their horniness, the residents of Foster's Home act how they would in the show for the most part. Bloo stays true for how annoying he is, Eduardo is a crybaby, however Will is not as apologetic towards the later arcs and I guess Coco is just there. The arc of Frankie being corrupted into accepting sex is great as the game introduces some real stakes for once. That allows the player to encourages her slutty behavior, or not, your choice.

    ART 2/5:
    Most characters are close to true to their original designs. Eduardo and Coco go to through changes and I am not a fan of either. I am glad there is on one scene with Coco because her new design is not sexy at all. And I would of preferred that Eduardo kept to his original design, if he's still going to be a crybaby and want to be coddled his fat teddy bear stature would've been better. The imaginary Frankies are hot, in particular the original and the goth, the rest being alright for me. The original Frankie fails to be attractive for me which sucks when you're stuck with her and her default outfit for majority of the game.

    SCENES 1/5:
    Boring, short, and not sexy. Scenes where there are only a couple of frames drawn per event. Most events don't even acknowledge the character that is in the room with her which would've been a easy way to add variety to the dialogue at least. There are a few gems as new tiers of encounters begin to open up, some scenes have simple animation towards the end of the game that shine above the rest but were comparing it to low dominator of sex scenes. Oh and I almost forgot, there are no sounds in these scenes, I remember there being a couple of scenes towards the start of the game, but I guess they forgot 80% of the scenes. Without the background music you'll be sitting there in awkward silence.

    GAMEPLAY .5/5:
    Absolutely terrible. The game requires so much needless grind with the rewards being sex scenes that are not worth viewing. This game operates primarily as a visual novel, but the devs didn't think to add basic VN features such as auto-reading, fastfowarding, and rollback.

    There is also no reason why characters have to rest between days when a scene is played that requires high energy. Because there is no punishment to waiting a couple of days for all your characters to be refreshed. It makes it pointless and annoying. Speaking of wish, Bloo is almost always in need of rest because of how many scenes require Bloo even if Bloo is not in the scene at all! Frankie can unlock outfits which unlock side stories with Frankie, the way to unlock these scenes are through a boring clicking game similar to clicking the circle in games like OSU. They really couldn't think of anything sexy to do instead?

    The only redeeming part appears in the very last arc with Frankie facing off the Imaginary Frankies, cool in concept but there is nothing in stake. You can play each imaginary Frankie scene at least once and just replay their scenes in the gallery so there is no consequence same goes for the real Frankie. An of a oversight in making this scenario.

    I don't understand why this game is rated so high. The game is slow as you can't fast forward or auto read. There are timers placed on the imaginary friends so you can't use the most rewarding sex scenes when you want them. The game requires you to collect these rewards in order to progress making it an even slower grind. And most of the sex scenes are not sexy enough to deal with all this waiting. The only highlight is the very last arc, but with how much time you need to put into its not worth it. Use the gallery code.

    Edit: I was too soft giving this game a 2/5, had to change it as I really as I began to see how unredeemable this game is.

    OVERALL 1/5
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a 1 hour game that is stretched out to 4 hours.

    -Really good art, but you can see that
    -Really nice scenarios to "trick" franky into doing different things. Plus, the creator keeps adding plotlines to make it fresh, while also giving excuses to add more things without breaking the "setting" of the game too much
    -"Low stakes, medium reward". There's no deadlines or anything, so play as you want

    -The music. It's genuinely catchy...then it loops after a short while. Then you realize that there's essentially only 1 soundtrack, and you're gonna be listening to it for hours.
    -It's really simple gameplay, but super tedious. For example, lets say the mission (which, if you don't complete, ensures you don't progress the game's story) tells you to pull of "5 prank moves", but 3 of your 7 friends are on cooldown? Well, spam "skip day" until theyre all off cooldown.
    -It's a low stakes game...but that also shoots itself in the knee by making the game repetitive. Because there's no incentive to be efficient, you can mindlessly click through the game.
    -The corruption isn't believable. It's hot...but Franky flat out flashes her boobs super early with little to no embarressment. Next thing you know, she's riding her friends.

    Overall, really nice and worth playing for about 30 minutes...but after that, just get the unlock code and manually view the gallery.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    i really enjoyed this game but this dev really has trouble with endings (at least this one is finished). the ending feels dull and rushed.

    i kinda lost what the main plot was at a point and just enjoyed the sex scenes. That does bring me to my most disappointing issue with this game, it kinda lacks creativity. what I mean is this is a story with unlimited creative potential, its literally about what you can fantasies, but its feels kinda tame.

    heres an example, sorry about spoilers.
    there is an ATWT and that is fantastic (seriously thanks for that so few games use that fetish) but that scene happens pretty early and beyond that the most you get are gangbang scenes (yes gangbang in general is intense but for a porn game and porn in general its fairly common) so the game needs to focus on the corruption story which is pretty basic.

    One last minor issue i was kinda annoyed at, blue, the character who is shaped like a giant dildo, is not used as a giant dildo.

    Looking back at the Korra game that game did all kinds of fetishes. I hope the dev leans into the weird
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    I have no idea why this thing rates so high. I always use the "No visual novel" filter for a reason. This is not a 2D game, this is just yet another grindy and annoying visual novel where you skip through text to see the same hentai scenes several times. Also, the plot quickly becomes absurd and disgusting: I stopped playing this when the heroine drank a cup of cum so that another character stops crying.

    Please add the VN tag so that this properly gets filtered out.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Artwork is absolutely top tier. Got some decent kink coverage with an all-the-way through scene with a slime and a double anal scene - on that note this should be in your crosshairs if you're a fan of anal as there's lots of top quality scenes for that.

    The outfits are a nice touch and the scenes for them are where the real good stuff starts.

    Cummy Friends is pretty grindy though - perhaps a little more than I would have liked but the H-Content here makes it worthwhile working through it.

    You can replay full scenes with text from the outfit menu (once that's unlocked) or just check out the CG in the gallery from the main menu after they are unlocked.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Lol, damn Cummy Friends

    This project is like a joke that got out of control. It's a very amusing game with decent gameplay implementation and interesting art. The dialogues are in their own style.

    It's all very simple, friendly, and there's even a small leveling system. Download it, you won't regret it. Well, if you do regret it, maybe I'll even be happy about it.)
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Genuinely, not too bad. Good art, sound gameplay loop that if it were slightly different after major progression would be cool. if it were not a super grindfest (I mean, please save yourself the time and use Cheat engine set to valuetype all otherwise you will be there forever at the current patch) it would be a five star. its not the best game on earth but it is a good game where you can see interesting scenes.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I love Frankie, she is one of my favorite crushes from childhood, so I was excited when I saw this game, but unfortunately turned out that it's nothing special. I mean the art style is pretty cool, but it contains about 3 frames per scene and that's all. Writting is really bad too, even for a porn game. But the worst of all is repetition. My fucking god, do I really need to do the same fucking thing like 10 times before unlocking new 3-framed scenes? It's just boring
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Virgin Girl

    Cummy Friends [v0.3.04]

    wow game is much better then real anime. art is really amazing. i love how corruption system works. and the dev gives update every month this dev is not like other lazy dev's. i cant wait to see more update's
    i love this game hope the game don't get abandoned like other games
    game system 5/5
    art 5/5
    story 3/5
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    A total drag of a game to get no real scenes (at least at the moment)

    Essentially the gameplay is looking at the same basic scenes over and over again to grind out xp and some currency to unlock more scenes, but I really must emphasize how many of these scenes are just nothing scenes (an upskirt scene or her eating a "spicy cookie" to give her an almost ahegao face for example)

    It's a character that I'd like to see more done with and the art is pretty good ig, but that's all the game has going for it...the potential to be something
  16. 4.00 star(s)



    Incredible progress so far. There's already enough content for a (smaller) full game.
    • The static image of Frankie needs to become dynamic- whether it's a noticeable change in expressions, event afflictions or even customization (bunny outfit is already plot integrated)
    • Friend assistance cool-downs should get shortened by something, like using their type of action, favorite room, activity or intimacy level. Currently it's really tedious to wait for them, especially for more demanding quests.
    • Yet to be balances- some rooms giving a tiny specific type of EXP boost compared to multiplying values or allowing more actions are entirely incomparable.
    Great game, great art, kind of fitting story, headache math mechanics for and waiting for the stars to align for more complicated missions.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great first release! This game has pretty much everything you would want. It has great art, good engaging gameplay, cool music, good dialogue and most important of all - it's fun to play. If you don't mind your childhood crush getting fucked that is.

    Art 4.5/5
    Story 4.5/5
    Gameplay 4.5/5
    Fapability 5/5
    Originality 5/5
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Long time ghost first time post;

    This is surprisingly high quality

    Good art, decent story and strong promise. Hell it even has music; it seems clear that this is made for expansion and designed to take new events, characters and more.

    The senate will watch your career closely.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has great art and I am looking forward for more updates. The game play is very basic but I do not expect much from hentai games. I always thought Frankie was really hot but my only complaint is that her tummy looks a little fat here.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1769437

    v0.1 review: Really good first release. There's about an hour of playtime right now. It's not perfect English but it's quite good, the gameplay is fun and engaging although a little grindy/repetitive, and the graphics are cute. There's no penetration or nudity in this version, but some sex acts including handjobs and blowjobs.

    Definitely one to try out or keep an eye on.

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