Unity - Completed - Custum Tamago [Final] [witCHuus]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    What you see is what you get.

    Story 1/10

    Story? What story? There are tamagos. You hatch them, raise them, and fuck them.

    Gameplay 4/10

    The main game is a playpen where tamagos just roam around and you have to decide what they do including when they sleep and when they wake up.

    Each tamago has 4 main stats: Strength, Intelligence, Sex, and Friendship. You can grind these stats up to max and set them to work to earn money with those stats.

    Essentially you get money and buy more tamagos. Or impregnant your existing tamagos who eventually give birth to a fertilized egg.

    When you hatch a tamago, there's a lot of customization. From waist size to leg length.

    Is the gameplay fun? It's grindy. Not that great.

    Art 5/10

    Honestly pixel art is not my style. The customization is what drew me in but the options are too plentiful to make a lot of disproportionally ugly tamagos.

    There's a couple of sex scenes but it's pretty rough around the edges and very short.

    Overall 4/10

    Very small game. I played about 1-2 hours and I've experienced all that the game has to offer.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot going for it.
    It's sort of an idle, trainer, Tamagatchi(I think the name is referencing this) type game.
    The pixel animations are very well done and surprisingly detailed for how customizable your characters are. And there's a good amount of them. Also, good bonus, the controls are all one-handed. Weird how many porn games fuck this up.
    Only complaint is that when setting item amounts, there's no buttons for doing it to the max, for when I wanna sell vendor trash or buy as much of something as I can.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a decent game. As others have mentioned, kinda grindy early on. Best strat is to just get her strength up and have her just work on labor tasks constantly, buying coffee to keep her going. Once you have enough cash flow, you can buy boiled eggs and mineral water and set them to auto-feed. Once you have even more, you basically just buy items to increase stats, no more training - actually JK, best strat is to just gamble lol, it's easy to make money that way and buy what you need. .

    The custom models are quite good, repeatable, speed controllable sex scenes. You can impregnate the girls and they get a slightly bigger belly for a day and then hand you a fertilized egg. Only reason it doesn't get 5 stars from me is because there's no significance to any of the characters. No stories, no personalities, not even any dialog, just some pretty things with tits, an ass, and some orifices to use. It's good, but shallow.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    It's part-Tamagotchi, part-management sim, part-gatcha. As grindy as the gameplay is, it's really enjoyable, though not that deep. The customization options are numerous and definitely my favorite part of the game, with more options being able for purchase when you get your money machines going. Recommended.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I wish I could give 4.5 STAR
    It is simple character generation game stuff with little of sex. I hope I dont neeed to explain where most concept are base off.

    The bottom dude mention it is grindy
    It not much grind but Ya gotto do gamble. It give u boost money and u can do it again and again.
    It better than train your Tamago cuz u can then buy food and drink that increase stats u grinding.
    I suggest rush gamble then you dont have to worry bout money part then only focus the thing you here for.

    The only thing I have complain is it is Unity game which can not run or emulate by handhold phone
    It would be a little perfect simple fun phone game eh?
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    4/5 simple, somewhat customizable (gacha + management),
    still grindy and without creativity hitting "random" gets tedious after a while.

    But for a simple "Tamagotchi " game, it accomplishes what it sets out to do wonderfully.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    The only reason I wouldn't give this 5 stars is because it's super tedious to play, and the sex scenes are a button mash mini-game

    Other than that, the art is great and the customization is pretty good. The sex scenes are really good, especially considering it's all 2D art with fully customized characters
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Quite grindy but is a pretty fun game just with the starting Tamago you get, so you don't actually need to grind very much.

    Was pretty satisfied with the first hour or so of gameplay. I don't think it is a game you can keep coming back to, but it is a fun concept with good execution, animations and art.

    Would recommend.