Cyan Brain Demo 6.14 Review
I want to give this 2.5 stars but that’s not possible. I can’t justify bringing it up to 3 because of a couple issues, some of which needs to be addressed
Edit: This will be a long one. Forgot TLDR: Art good, Difficulty too punishing, Too much emphasis on gore, lack of hentai and it's mostly futa, guns suck. Still a good game, has potential, just don't expect to fap
The Good
Visuals/Art Style - It’s incredibly good. The player character looks cute and the enemies look just as amazing as well.
UI - It also looks very good with the vital sensors but i feel like it needs to be more detailed. It certainly has room for improvement
The Bad
Difficulty - This game is punishing and i'd argue that it’s unreasonably so. Enemies can easily 1-2 shot you minus the facehugger (it takes 4). Meanwhile you can easily use 12-20+ bullets to kill someone depending on if you headshot (i actually counted). There is also no way to replenish your bullets other than the 1-2 ammo refill centers.
Hitboxes - The hitboxes can be…weird and frustrating to say the least. You’ll encounter a couple of death traps and there will be moments where you can clearly see you are going to make it only to be killed. It also applies in reverse, you see that you are clearly touching these things yet nothing happens. Same goes for some of the enemies as well, there are moments where your attacks or their attacks should’ve connected but they don’t or attacks should not have hit yet they do.
Saves - You can only save at certain locations but that isn’t the issue. The issue is the LACK of savepoints. You will encounter moments where if you want to save to prevent loss of progress, you have to backtrack a ton. Fortunately, there are checkpoints that you can respawn at if you do die, Unfortunately, enemies will respawn whenever you respawn or load a save, the same enemies that takes a ton of bullets to kill, bullets that are very hard to come by and are in extremely limited supplies
Map - There is no map, i’m sure the devs will add one eventually but currently, without a map, it can be extremely confusing as you traverse these dark and constantly twisting lab halls.
Lack of hentai - Yes i know this is a demo but there are only 3 scenes and they are all game overs. Furthermore the MC’s clothing can get ripped but that does nothing at all. There is no enemies pushing you down and a struggle ensues, they just keep stabbing and tearing.
Lack of Gun Variety - Once again i know, it’s a demo but when i say lack of gun variety, i don’t mean types of guns, i mean their stats. All 3 guns do the same amount of damage per bullet just at different firing rates and with differing mag sizes. When i first upgraded from the handgun to the rifle, i was expecting more damage only to be met with disappointment that it did the same damage as the pistol, only it was automatic and shoots faster. The machine gun is no different: same damage, faster rate of fire (so fast it burned more ammo than the previous 2 guns)
Gore - Yup there’s gore and unfortunately it appears to be the main focus of the game. Most of the time you just get cut in half or crushed to a pulp with blood, intestines, and bone on full display. The game does offer you an option to “skip” the scene when it plays but it’s less skipping and more “slow fade to black as the scene and audio continues to play” then you still see the end result of the scene you “skipped”. Personally i prefer the devs add a no-gore feature since most of us probably want to see the cute MC get fucked rather than ripped apart and a spike going through her throat.
Futa - Yea just like gore, there is an emphasis on futa. Of the 3 hentai scenes we get, 2 are futa. I don’t need to say that just like gore, futa isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and some would definitely want an option to turn it off for good old fashion yuri.
Unfortunately, i don't think the devs are even looking at this forum so i doubt any of this review will make it to them. I am looking forward to future updates.
I want to give this 2.5 stars but that’s not possible. I can’t justify bringing it up to 3 because of a couple issues, some of which needs to be addressed
Edit: This will be a long one. Forgot TLDR: Art good, Difficulty too punishing, Too much emphasis on gore, lack of hentai and it's mostly futa, guns suck. Still a good game, has potential, just don't expect to fap
The Good
Visuals/Art Style - It’s incredibly good. The player character looks cute and the enemies look just as amazing as well.
UI - It also looks very good with the vital sensors but i feel like it needs to be more detailed. It certainly has room for improvement
The Bad
Difficulty - This game is punishing and i'd argue that it’s unreasonably so. Enemies can easily 1-2 shot you minus the facehugger (it takes 4). Meanwhile you can easily use 12-20+ bullets to kill someone depending on if you headshot (i actually counted). There is also no way to replenish your bullets other than the 1-2 ammo refill centers.
Hitboxes - The hitboxes can be…weird and frustrating to say the least. You’ll encounter a couple of death traps and there will be moments where you can clearly see you are going to make it only to be killed. It also applies in reverse, you see that you are clearly touching these things yet nothing happens. Same goes for some of the enemies as well, there are moments where your attacks or their attacks should’ve connected but they don’t or attacks should not have hit yet they do.
Saves - You can only save at certain locations but that isn’t the issue. The issue is the LACK of savepoints. You will encounter moments where if you want to save to prevent loss of progress, you have to backtrack a ton. Fortunately, there are checkpoints that you can respawn at if you do die, Unfortunately, enemies will respawn whenever you respawn or load a save, the same enemies that takes a ton of bullets to kill, bullets that are very hard to come by and are in extremely limited supplies
Map - There is no map, i’m sure the devs will add one eventually but currently, without a map, it can be extremely confusing as you traverse these dark and constantly twisting lab halls.
Lack of hentai - Yes i know this is a demo but there are only 3 scenes and they are all game overs. Furthermore the MC’s clothing can get ripped but that does nothing at all. There is no enemies pushing you down and a struggle ensues, they just keep stabbing and tearing.
Lack of Gun Variety - Once again i know, it’s a demo but when i say lack of gun variety, i don’t mean types of guns, i mean their stats. All 3 guns do the same amount of damage per bullet just at different firing rates and with differing mag sizes. When i first upgraded from the handgun to the rifle, i was expecting more damage only to be met with disappointment that it did the same damage as the pistol, only it was automatic and shoots faster. The machine gun is no different: same damage, faster rate of fire (so fast it burned more ammo than the previous 2 guns)
Gore - Yup there’s gore and unfortunately it appears to be the main focus of the game. Most of the time you just get cut in half or crushed to a pulp with blood, intestines, and bone on full display. The game does offer you an option to “skip” the scene when it plays but it’s less skipping and more “slow fade to black as the scene and audio continues to play” then you still see the end result of the scene you “skipped”. Personally i prefer the devs add a no-gore feature since most of us probably want to see the cute MC get fucked rather than ripped apart and a spike going through her throat.
Futa - Yea just like gore, there is an emphasis on futa. Of the 3 hentai scenes we get, 2 are futa. I don’t need to say that just like gore, futa isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and some would definitely want an option to turn it off for good old fashion yuri.
Unfortunately, i don't think the devs are even looking at this forum so i doubt any of this review will make it to them. I am looking forward to future updates.