Identify Cyberpunk dystopian hentai game on with super depressed protagonist that wants to shoot himself but instead gets a sexbot


New Member
Oct 4, 2023
This was a 3D game on it was pretty popular when I last saw it. The story was weird the main character was super depressed and he was just working. He met this scientist dude who wears a cardboard box on his head and got him a sexbot and the rest is history. He like learns to have emotions and forms a connection to the android and stuff and becomes less sucidal. The gameplay was kind of bad tho super grindy where ur at ur job and eventually the dude figures out his passion of making wood carvings at some point. The story resonanted with me and I still remember it pretty well to this day just cause of how unique it was. Oh yea the main character has the same hairstyle as the dude from chainsawman AKI i think. The sex scenes are pretty well made if simple but it takes a while to get to them. I remember there was this cute blonde cashier girl you can do stuff with and they were adding more things with her. So I was looking for it but its like the dude deleted it or something cause its impossible to find Or im just dumb but this was pretty popular like a couple months or a year back i think.