VN - Ren'Py - Cyberstray 101 [Season 1] [NoiseKitty]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Although the models are not top-tier the animations here are literally top-tier. The main problem is that the plot and the dialogues are mediocre at best and the good amount of sex content for a first episode can't save this

    Even if the dialogues can be improved by someone who has the time to help the Dev, the plot must be somehow reviewed to make a story that makes some kind of sense.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Terrible writing

    Names change multiple times during conversations. i.e. John, father, love. The mother is called by her first name most of the time. Since the game is primarily setup for incest, she should be called Mom/Mother.

    Dialogue is confusing at best.
    The Breakin News spelling is annoying.
    Odd writing such as
    "Why did my private area suddenly swell up? I feel...really thirsty...Did he flip my switch." (all one conversation.)

    Nice enough graphics though pretty grainy.
    White text on white background (sometimes) doesn't help.
    The 'mother' looks semi-close to the same age as the mc which is silly.

    Story is hard to keep track of.
    Oh well....Better luck next time.