I don't want to be too harsh with this game. It's not horrible... it's just something we have seen again and again.
It's just the usual high school/college setting father dead, lonely nerdy loser guy story.
Nothing is particularly good, nothing is particularly bad.
The graphics, the characters, the writing, it's just all.... workable I guess. Or okay? Meh?
There's quite a bit of contentI, but skipped a lot because nothing could quite engage me, and when I read it, it was all just things I'd seen before and TBH better.
And that's pretty much the game for you. If this was like the first or maybe even the tenth VN of this type you read, you would probably like it.
But I've read dozens of these and to make me really want to continue reading, to make me like and appreciate you have to be extraordinary in some way, writing, characters, renders, sex scenes... even animations. If anything stood out, I would have liked the game more.
One thing that stood out to me, but not in a good way is the pacing of the relationship between the MC and Luna. Overall it's okay, but they both say things that you wouldn't say the first or second day you do something with a new acquaintance. Like the MC says to Luna on the first day he visits her something like "You can tell me everything, I will always be here to listen, I'll always be there for you."
Like, dude! She has met you for a second yesterday, this is the first day, you are overreaching.
And at the lake Luna says "I always wanted to touch your hair." Lady, what do you mean always? You know the guy two days now!
In both cases this could have been easily made a non-issue if you changed the dialogue to fit that they are still at the beginning of their friendship.
Now, you might say that's not so bad in the general sense and maybe not, but for me it's just another indication that this game doesn't quite get it right.
This way even three-stars are generous, because honestly, this is an average game. It should be two and a half stars
I wish the dev best of luck, I am sure this will find its fans. Maybe I will come back to this one in a year or two and check how it developed
For now I can at best say this is solid, but nothing really draws me to it or engages me enough to continue following it.