Unity - Completed - DancingReaper [v1.04] [WOD]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    So I played DancingReaper. I will keep this very short, as the other commentators has made some very decent reviews.

    There really isn't much to say about this game. It's a pretty standard side-scroller game. You run, beat some enemies, and.. well, that's about it. It was pretty fun that you dripped cum if you were defeated. I was only defeated when I allowed myself to, but that too is a pretty standard feature of many adult game - especially side-scrollers.

    Anyways, there's about 15 minutes worth of fun in this game. At least to me.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    • A lack of proper resolution settings stretches the sprites, making the decent art look blocky and ugly. The only exception to this is the Gallery, which allows you to zoom in and see the H animations at their native size.
    • Speaking of H animations, the sprite animations are 2-3 frames long and many re-use the same generic poses between monsters.
    • Defeat H CG animations have decent sound frequently interrupted by a wet slap that sounds like a balloon full of ground beef popping.
    • Speaking of CG, large art is often ruined by strange tween animations. The Pregnant art in the Pause menu has a particularly bad case of Wandering Nipple, which frequently ends up in her armpit.
    • Extremely clunky movement makes the handful of platforming sections way more frustrating than they should be.
    • Clunky combat and janky hitboxes.
    • Rudimentary crafting system that's both slow (you have to manually throw items into a pot and then press "use" and then wait for the ingredients to brew) and frustrating (there are no crafting recipes to be found and a large number of ingredients will explode, killing you instantly if you're nearby).
    • Leveling stats is almost completely useless for the majority of the game - your damage goes up, but it still takes the same amount of hits to kill most enemies.
    • Leveling skills is also almost completely useless - most of the new attacks you get are flashy, but only serve to get you into more trouble due to high Energy costs and end lag putting you within monster slapping range.
    I paid nothing for this game and I still feel like I want my money back.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    [v.1.02] Really fun game! Great atmosphere, stunning bgms and beautiful to look at. Grindy and rewarding a bit like LoZ (you kill a boss, get a reward and move on to the next stage). The only real downfall would be the h-scenes (that's why i took one star out). If you're here for the sex content, go play something else. They are not that exciting and are pretty repetitive (animations and voices). But as a side scrolling game, this is a solid one. This is a kind of game where grind will reward you. You can easily grind in mountain trail with herbs at the start. It took me about 6hours to get 10000G (lol i know). However, I could strengthen my weapon almost to the max right at the start of the game lol. The bgms are absolutely well chosen especially the mountain trail and the desert ruins. One nasty bug i've encountered is when you cast a spell and fall off a ledge at the same time. Lilith won't move and will stay on her casting animation forever (happened to me twice and i was forced to close the game). Speaking of casting, i would strongly recommend getting the lightning spell, it is extremely useful and make the game more enjoyable. The levels and bosses are fairly acceptable in term of difficulty however if you want to do a 'no mating run', good fucking luck lol ( I couldn't do it on the second volcano boss). The only thing i wish this game had is more exploration and items to find like: Permanent HP boost, ATK up or even EP up. Lilith gets knockout so easily it is frustrating sometimes. Still, i would recommend this for the side scrolling and grinding system.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The pixel animations are nice, the ending CGs you get when you fail are not. Just a bunch of basic pictures and certain parts of the character are moved slightly via tweening, it's pretty basic. Fortunately, you don't lose the game when you fail, you're just taken to the town's inn.

    The gameplay itself is kind of a pain. The movement of the character feels sluggish and momentum-based, kind of slippery, as if you're playing an ice level if you know what I mean. I never liked this kind of movement and it's the reason I hate ice levels in platformer games. The fact the entire game is like this is really irritating.

    The basic attack combo is not too bad, but there doesn't seem to be a way to cancel the animation, and the character screams "Yaa" EVERY.SINGLE.TIME you attack. It's real fun hearing your character go "Yaa" a hundred times as you're chipping away at a Boss' healthbar.

    There's also the fact that stunlocking seems to be inconsistent and even the last attack of the combo doesn't seem to interrupt the enemy's attack animation. That means that half of the time you can't do even a basic combo on the first enemy, a slime, because you might take damage and you can't interrupt their animation.
    I don't know if this is a bug or it's simply RNG whether your attack will stagger an enemy or not.

    A lot of the times the enemies won't drop anything anyway and progression seems to be done via quests so there's no point to killing every single enemy you see, feel free to just run past them.

    Oh and the way items are dropped is a real doozy, too. You have to go the item menu, select an item and then select "Throw". Not too bad. right? Except she literally throws the item and it seems to be the only way to drop an item, so if you need to put an item in say, a chest for a quest or a pot for crafting you have to position yourself in a way that will ensure the item will fall right where you need it to.
    The distance seems to consistent...for the most part, as sometimes the item will go slightly farther than the last time you threw it.

    The jumping is inconsistent, sometimes you jump higher, sometimes lower. I figured that jumping when running is slightly lower than jumping when stationary, but no, it seems to be random. There was one time where I was stuck in a hole and I thought I had to reset until suddenly my character suddenly jump slightly higher than the first 10 times and I could get out.

    Oh, and you can't rebind controls. I don't like jumping with Z and attacking with X, it's usually the other way around for me but that's just a minor gripe of mine.

    Overall, eh. Too much of a pain in the ass. Don't bother, there's better platformer games out there, plenty of them on this very site.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Pixel animated hentai sidescroller, but it actually has gameplay. Still a work in progress as most games on here are. Worth watching though :)

    Loses 1 star for a lack of customizability, if I can't put lewd clothes on my character, I get sad.